My first love returns…

This is Tony Vincent back when I fell in love with him. Ever had your past come zipping back into your life? It happened to me just recently. True story: I once fell in love with a guy named Tony Vincent. He was a singer, pretty well-known in the Christian contemporary music scene. I was pretty sure he was the …

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    The furniture store approach.

    But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. ~1 Peter 3:15 Yesterday I sat in at least a dozen chairs and a good twenty or so couches. It was a …

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      Leap Day!

      Okay, it’s Wednesday and usually that means a special Welcome Mat Wednesday guest. But I’m breaking tradition (sorry, Tevye) and there’s a good reason.  But you’ll have to watch the vlog to learn why. (There’s also a perfectly good explanation for the hat, I promise.) Thanks for watching!  How has God reminded you of his love this month? p.s. As noted …

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        Only with writers.

        Photo Credit Congrats to Keli Gwyn, winner of the drawing for Lisa Jordan‘s debut novel, Lakeside Reunion! Keli’s own debut novel, A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California, releases in July. Check out Keli’s great blog here!Saturday I hung out with three other local writers. We brainstormed. We plotted. We wrote.  Okay, I stared out the window. They wrote. …

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          Flower Power…er…

          So, about halfway through this week, I hit an energy slump. Okay, who am I kidding? I started my week with my feet dragging. I’m surprised I haven’t left a trail of scuff marks from Monday to today.  Which is why it was so fitting when I found the flowers at my work desk looking like this: Funny or what? …

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            Welcome Mat Wednesday: Evangeline Denmark

            You know what’s so not easy? Answer: writing kissing scenes. For real, people. If you’re a writer, you know this. But you know what’s even more difficult? Listening to said scene being read aloud…in a group setting…with your mom present. Okay, I’ve not been through this, but today’s guest poster—the lovely and hilarious Evangeline Denmark—has! Evangeline is the co-author of …

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              Happy President’s Day…day off or not.

              President’s Day is a horribly under observed holiday.  By which I mean I should totally have today off work. But even though I’m still required to be at my job, far be it from me to let the day go uncelebrated. So I thought I’d share a few presidential fun facts. Thank you, Mr. Internet, for your help.  James Monroe, …

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                He hears.

                Hey friends, I’m blogging over at the MBT Ponderers today about, well, Auntie Ann’s pretzels, malls, friends, tunnel vision, community. I promise it’s not as schizophrenic as that description makes it out to be. I hope you’ll hop on over and check it out. In the meantime, I’m going to keep things short and sweet and thankful around here. I …

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                  Welcome Mat Wednesday: Lisa Jordan

                  So, I used to get a little bummed out by Wednesdays…you know, that whole mid-week slump thing. But now, I love ’em…thanks to wonderful guest posters here at Tag(g)lines! Guests like the lovely Lisa Jordan. Lisa is such a skilled writer! I first got to know Lisa through My Book Therapy and now consider her a wonderful friend. I remember at …

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                    The candy I can’t stop talking about.

                    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love candy conversation hearts. It’s not that they taste all that good. I mean, come one, chew on a piece of chalk and swallow a spoonful of sugar and you’ll get the same effect. It’s the novelty. Good treats can’t help but make good conversational pieces. Brachs hearts? Yeah, they …

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