It’s been one of those Lord, help me weeks. Nothing horrible. Just a to-do list that got longer faster than celebrities change hair colors. With each item added to the list, I mentally paper-bagged it. Staved off the hyperventilation. And got to work. Today, I’m tired. But hope slides in at the thought of tomorrow. Can I get a whoop-whoop for …
Be My Guest
Every Wednesday is “Welcome Mat Wednesday” here at Tag(g)lines, which means readers get to hear from someone other than me! Are you a writer (un-pubbed or pubbed, we love both around here) with a word of wisdom to share? Or a blogger with insight on anything faith or fiction focused? Or maybe you’ve simply got a moving or amusing message …
Welcome Mat Wednesday: Pat Trainum
So, I’m really loving Wednesdays! And I’m so happy my lovely writing friend Pat Trainum is joining us today! Pat writes romantic suspense and has been an MBT Frasier Contest finalist as well as winner of the Maggie Award. She’s joining us today to talk about the upcoming MBT Deep Thinkers Retreat. (And yes, it is possible that I’ve spent a …
They could’ve said it…
Things have been a little quiet in Iowa lately. Ever since the presidential candidates bid us adieu after the Iowa Caucus, I’ve felt a little let down politically. We had our day and now it’s on to greener pastures for that scrappy group of White House wannabes. I hear the group’s thinning a bit today, though. So long, Jon Huntsman. …
Happily Dissatisfied.
But there’s far more to life for us. We’re citizens of high heaven! We’re waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ…He’ll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be, under and around him. ~Philippians 3:20-21 (The Message) I’ve spent approximately three days in Paris. I should …
Welcome Mat Wednesday: Casey Herringshaw
Happy Welcome Mat Wednesday! Today’s guest post is someone I’ve only met once…but who I feel like I totally know: Casey Herringshaw! Casey is not only a truly gifted writer (MBT Frasier Contest finalist!), but also a talented blogger…which is why I asked to her to write a guest post on New Year’s resolutions for bloggers. I highly recommend taking …
Excuses excuses.
We’ve read the posts about making New Year’s Resolutions. About keeping them. About breaking them. We’ve read the posts about picking one word for 2012. But today? Today I’d like to do mankind a favor. See, we’re over a week into the New Year now and frankly, I’m thinking resolutions are probably being broken all over the place. Many are …
Ready, Set…Goal!
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 3:14 Show of hands: who is already re-thinking their New Year’s Resolutions? 🙂 Okay, so mostly this year I went with the “one word for the year” effort. My friend Beth Vogt first encouraged me to think of one word …
Welcome Mat Wednesday: Susan May Warren
Happy New Year, ya’ll! I am several gazillion miles past excited to welcome Susan May Warren as 2012’s first Welcome Mat Wednesday guest! Susie is an award-winning author as well as founder and lead coach at My Book Therapy. Susie has made a huge impact in my life, helping me grow not only as a writer, but as a follower …
Caucus time…with a Muppet flair.
Iowa caucuses are this week. You know, just in case you’re living under the proverbial rock…like those guys in the Geico commercial. Last time the caucuses rolled around, I was still reporting…which meant I got a front seat to all things town hall-ish. Fun stuff. I could’ve also won an award for political schizophrenia with all the candidate paraphernalia I …