I’m taking a blogging break! I’m happily dizzy from a merry-go-round called ACFW Conference prep (can’t wait!), so I’ll be taking the next couple weeks off from blogging. I’ll check back in on Friday, September 30. In the meantime, don’t worry…entertainment abounds! Coldplay has a new single out. [insert squeals of excitement] And oooh, it lives up to its title… …
Guest Post: Living By Grace…Together
Today I’m sugar-high happy to welcome Jessica Patch to Tag(g)lines! Jesse and I are online friends destined, I’m sure, to one day meet in person and probably discover we’re kindred spirits. (I say this because on her website, she notes she likes the smell of gasoline and is terrified of cats. See? We’re practically twins!) Speaking of her blog, be …
Happy Labor Day! :)
I feel it’s very important to be a good influence on my cousins…passing on the Diet Coke with Lime love. No regular blog post today. Have a Happy Labor Day! I’ll be celebrating with family and a can of Diet Coke with Lime. How about you? Be Sociable, Share! Tweet
Memories and Identities.
I remembered something this week. And I’m not talking about the dangers of tangling with less-than-competent toasters. Though, yes, the smoke did get that reminder across, too. Nope, the memory I’m savoring now floated in earlier in the week when I played Edward Scissorhands with the opening scenes of my book. Thanks to advice from one of my favorite authors …
The Monday News
New Movie Love How to Steal a Million. If it wasn’t, um, illegal, I’d be pulling off an art museum heist right now. I’m sorry, Audrey Hepburn and Peter O’Toole just make it look so easy. And romantic. And fun. New (okay, week-old) National Headline Maker…right here in Pleasant Hill! This story about a school bus fire in my town …
I think I’m in love…
…with my new iPhone. I might even start singing Coldplay’s “Yellow” to it soon. (I’m in love with Coldplay, too, but that’s another story and one I’ve probably told about as many times as Enrique Iglesias has sung “I can be your hero, baby.” Wow. It’s wacky out here in left field.) But much as I’m digging the sleek …
State Fair Part Deux
Like the good Iowan I am, I did the State Fair thing! And…I watched a guy eat deep fat fried butter-on-a-stick, this year’s “eww gross” food-on-a-stick addition. Quite the contrast from a couple years ago when the latest fair creation was salad-on-a-stick. I wish I’d had a camera along to capture the moment. But I was probably too busy trying …
Our State Fair is a Great State Fair…
In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. ~Isaiah 30:15 The Iowa State Fair is almost over for 2011. No more funnel cakes and blue ribbons and concerts. No more people stuck on rides or butter on a stick. Not joking, they’re really serving butter on a …
MBT Pitch & Promotion Scrimmage!
There is a right way to pitch a book to an agent or editor. And then there’s this: There are so many things wrong in that video, I don’t even know where to start. How about with the fact that I used the phrase “really great” about 57 times? But seriously, pitching a book can feel about as wonderful as …
Texting Awesomeness Top Five Style.
My cell phone is on the brink of death—head under the guillotine-style and it’s only a matter of time til the blade drops. Sadness. Only not really. ‘Cause I want an iPhone. So, I take my current phone’s chronic illness as a sign of affirmation. I’m meant to have an iPhone. (And yes, it’s very nice here in the Land …