Because Mondays just wouldn’t be right without a slice of random – also, because I’ve probably had too many cups of coffee this morning – it’s time for a Top Five Flash. Sounds like a game show, yeah? (Don’t worry, I won’t say anything at the end about controlling the pet population.) Top Five… …Reasons you should probably go to …
Maybe it’s not always about balance.
Pretty sure the first time I saw this video, the tears of laughter streaming down my face did awesome things to my makeup…* The second time I watched it, my laughter was accompanied by mental record-keeping of all the reasons why this video has to be a fake. Which, frankly, doesn’t make it any less funny to me. Evidence: I …
Ollie’s probably going home!
Two reasons I’m late and somewhat cheating on today’s blog post. 1) I blogged over at the MBT Ponderers today. So I hope you’ll hop on over there for some laughs and, yes, even a serious thought or two. 2) This book…Heiress by Susan May Warren. Could. Not. Stop. Reading. Now, I’m a slightly (definitely totally) over-the-top fan of Susan …
Notebooks & Follow-through: A Loveletter.
So here’s what I think: The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart’s been in the right place all along. You’ve got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you …
Mind freeze and good reads.
Woke up this morning convinced it’s Saturday. Two cups of coffee later, I’ve got my days right, but the writing-a-coherent-sentence thing isn’t in full swing just yet. Proof: in that last sentence the first time I typed “right” it came out “write.” Which is why today’s post is a compilation of the past week’s best reads, complete with zany categories. …
Answered Prayer…another Ollie post!
I will thank you always that you went into action. And I’ll stay right here, your good name my hope. ~Psalm 52:9 (The Message) Ollie before surgery with Chip and Amy.I think my sister Nicole took this photo… Funny thing about these “Devo Day” posts. Back in June when I committed—gasp—I thought it might be hard to come up with …
Special Guest: Author Edie Melson
So, I’m not stone-hearted, but I don’t always break into tears all that easily. Except during Old Yeller. Can you say tearjerker? But last week, when everybody and their brother blogged about Google+, I just may have had to wipe my eyes. Because… Another social media platform to keep up with? Nooo…. Dramatics aside, I happen to love Facebook, finally …
Risk (Part 2)
(Talking about risk again. Read Part 1 here. And don’t miss the awesome Francis Chan balance beam video!) I wanted to disagree, but couldn’t. A couple week’s ago, I sat in a chapel on the grounds of a Bible camp tucked into the green hills of far NE Iowa. A pastor read the parable of the talents and talked to …
Politics Take Two: Candidate Wish List
We’re talking presidential politics again. Probably 50% of the people who would’ve read this post just clicked away at that first line. For those of you still reading, know I love you. And so does Uncle Sam. Since last week’s initial foray into campaign season, both Tim Pawlenty and Ron Paul have frequented my mailbox. Well, in paper form. If …
Risk (Part 2)
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