Risk (Part 1)

The master was furious. “That’s a terrible way to live! It’s criminal to live cautiously like that! If you knew I was after the best, why did you do less than the least?…Take the thousand and give it to the one who risked the most. And get rid of this ‘play-it-safe’ who won’t go out on a limb.”  ~Matthew 25:26-29 …

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    Presidential Politics Top Ten-style.

    I know.  I know the 2012 presidential election is more than a year away. But I caught my first campaign commercial the other day and suddenly I’ve got politics on the mind.  Besides, I’m from Iowa— where, in addition to our great love for corn, pigs and the state fair, we enjoy the spotlight from our first-in-the-nation caucuses once every …

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      Be still…and Internet-free.

      “Be still and know that I am God.” ~Psalm 46:10 So, possibly this past week I made the best $10 purchase of my life. And no, I’m not talking about the bag of cherries I bought at the grocery store – though that comes in a close, cheaper second. Mmm. Breakfast. Nope, talking about this: I purchased and downloaded a …

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        So, possibly this past week I made the best $10 purchase of my life.> And no, I’m not talking about the bag of cherries I bought at the grocery store – though that comes in a close, cheaper second. Mmm. Breakfast. Nope, talking about this: I purchased and downloaded a nifty little piece of software called Freedom. Basically the software …

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          So, possibly this past week I made the best $10 purchase of my life. And no, I’m not talking about the bag of cherries I bought at the grocery store. Mmm. Breakfast. Nope, talking about this: I purchased and downloaded a nifty little piece of software called Freedom. Basically the software will disable your Internet for however long the user …

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            Short, sweet and slightly scary.

            I had a great post planned for today. Full of wit and wisdom (i.e. quirk and nonsense). And then I remembered: today’s a holiday. And we should all be celebrating with parades and waterfights and fireworks. Oh, and sparklers…’cause it just ain’t Fourth of July without pyrotechnics in the hands of children. So instead of today’s regularly scheduled post, I’m …

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              Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. ~1 Peter 5:7 This is a photo of moi and my sister Amy. Amy is…how shall I say it?…   Incredible.   And one of my favorite people in the world. After all, she’s the only person I’ve ever had a frosting fight with. She’s also the …

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                Good morning, morning.

                Three things I thought when my alarm yanked me from dreamland at 5 a.m. this morning: 1) Why, oh why…?! 2) Can your brain get whiplash from rude awakenings? 3) Thank you, Jesus, for programmable coffeemakers. About two seconds later, a friend and former coworker texted me this message: Write! 🙂 While, yes, I may have groaned like Pavarotti at …

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                  The next right thing…

                  Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” ~Isaiah 30:21 Sometimes I love the band Needtobreathe so much that I seriously wonder…Do I love them more than Coldplay? I’m not kidding, I have actually spent time analyzing this question. Haven’t quite made it …

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                    Things I wish I’d taken a picture of…

                    …in this past week or so, but couldn’t because a) I didn’t have my camera, b) I was laughing too hard and/or c) I was driving. (Not good to try taking photos while driving. They’ll turn out blurry. You’ll turn out in the ditch.) -Driving north on I-35 I see a car with a personalized license plate: GODSGRL. I think, …

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