Ten signs you’re addicted to Gilmore Girls ~ guest post + giveaway from Jill Lynn

fa91bde0-5785-4feb-87ee-263487a0ba9dI’m super pumped to welcome the awesome Jill Lynn to the blog today. Jill’s first book, Falling for Texas, just released and I’m so excited to read it. AND if you want a chance to read it, too, you can enter the giveaway below for a chance to win it.

(Although, everyone’s a winner if you just go out and buy it. And you can’t go wrong for $3.79!)

Today Jill is writing about a topic near and dear to my heart: GILMORE GIRLS. If you’ve been around this blog for any length of time, you know I and several of my regular readers likely have a serious addiction. Wondering if you do too? Here’s how to find out!

10 signs you have a Gilmore Girls addiction (Netflix, what have you done to us?)

Jill Lynn Headshot1. You wonder why Lorelai sometimes drinks coffee with cream and sometimes black. You find yourself thinking about this when you are helping your children with homework. Why did she use cream in the pilot and then just stop? Who does that??
2. You start wondering if there are places in your life you can be snarkier. Have you missed opportunities? After all, if Lorelai can do it, so can you.
3. Letting your child parent while you stop being the mature one seems like a viable option.
4. Getting takeout for every meal also seems like a viable option.
5. You Google map search for Stars Hollow.


6. Lorelai’s parenting skills make you feel better about your own even though she’s on a made up show.
7. You start imagining where pieces in the antique/junk store owned by the Kim’s could fit in your house.
8. You want Rory to start training your children on how to be sweet and mature beyond their years.
9. (Spoiler) By season 6, you’re snatching your children away from Rory and giving them back to Lorelai. Who knew she had all that mama mojo?
10. When friends text you things like #8episodesinonenight, you need no further decoding to know what they are referring to.

I’ll leave you all with a few of my favorite quotes from the show.


LORELAI: Mom, Rory is going to the dance.
EMILY: Oh, that’s wonderful. I’m thrilled.
LORELAI: I’m making her dress right now.
EMILY: You’re making her dress?
EMILY: But why?
LORELAI: Well, so she’ll look really ugly and people will point and throw rocks.
EMILY: Why don’t you let me buy her a dress?
LORELAI: Mom, you were thrilled five seconds ago, remember?
EMILY: You’re not using the curtains are you?

LORELAI: Rory, there are only two things that I trust in this entire world. The fact that I will never be able to understand what Charo is saying no matter how long she lives in this country, and you.
RORY: Hopefully not in that order.

LORELAI: I have to know where you are at all times, especially when you have my shoes on.

RORY: Why did you never take me camping?
LORELAI: Camping? Are you kidding? I couldn’t get you to step on wet grass until you were three.

LORELAI: Kirk sit down.
KIRK: Can’t, these aren’t my pants.

TAYLOR: Luke, don’t be headstrong. Once I sprained my pecs lifting a bird bath and they were no good to me ever again.


Jill Lynn writes contemporary inspirational romance for Harlequin Love Inspired, with her first book, Falling for Texas, available now. She lives near the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her husband and two children and writes the kind of stories she likes to read—ones filled with humor, grace, and happily ever after. Jill does far more dancing in the kitchen with her family than she does cooking, and she has a thing for coffee, books, boots, and thrift stores. Connect with her at Jill-Lynn.com.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JillLynnAuthor
Instagram: http://instagram.com/jilllynnauthor/
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/JillLynnAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JillLynnAuthor

Giveaway Time!

Enter for a chance to win a copy of Jill’s new book, FALLING FOR TEXAS. You’ve got a week to enter!

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    Comments 34

    1. And now I just want to watch Gilmore Girls all day when I have 982 things to do. So hilarious! I need your number so I can text you how many episodes I watched today, Jill. Otherwise, I’ll just text Tagg. LOL I also sing. Don’t I, Melissa? hee hee

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      1. We have not discussed this yet! I’m still in the last season and completely torn. I have a soft spot for Jess but Logan is growing on me. Which are you?

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          Oh my goodness, the epic argument is back.

          Jill, for the record, I am 100% a Jess girl. I do appreciate Logan at times, but mostly, I find him smarmy. Laurie knows this, though, and I’m pretty darn sure she disagrees. But we’re still friends, I think. 🙂

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        The greatest of all Gilmore Girls mysteries!! Whatever happened to Mr. Kim??

        Also I so agree about Rory. Honestly, by the late seasons, I really don’t even care about her story arc anymore because they turn her into such an idiot and never provide solid enough justification for her actions. Could I believe Rory would drop out of Yale? Maybe…if something drastic happened like a loved one died. But just because one guy tells her she won’t make it as a reporter? Early seasons Rory never would’ve caved from that alone. And that was still ASP writing at that point, so for all people like to zing the S7 writers, I don’t always think ASP made the best choices either. (Also, see: April)

        Still, I adore the show! And obviously I love to talk about it.

    2. Guys, please don’t throw rocks at me, but I still haven’t watched Gilmore Girls!! (Who wants to stage a kidnapping and we can watch the entire series for a week? No one? Anyone?) Loved this list, Jill!! And Melissa, thanks for this lovely diversion!

      1. Jill, I just started a few months ago, but I’ve blown through the seasons. It really is addicting! I need to pause though and read a few books, including yours! So excited to read it!! 🙂

        1. Post
    3. My daughter and I ARE the Gilmore Girls! She is my best friend! We started watching when she was probably 13 or so. She’s 20 now. We’ve got every season on DVD. There is NO way I could pick just one quote. The one I use the most though is coffee, coffee, coffee!

      1. Post
    4. Oh My! I cannot choose a favorite quote. The dialog IS the reason I love the show! On another note, I recently got my co-worker addicted to Gilmore Girls. (score for me!) Loved your blog-made me smile!

      1. Thank you! I agree that the dialog is amazing. I heard they had way more script pages than a normal show because they speak so fast and have so many lines!

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    5. My sister got me hooked on Gilmore Girls a few months ago and I love it so much that I got my cousin hooked on it too! I think when you find a show as good as Gilmore Girls, it’s important to pass on the addiction.

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    6. My daughters and I love Gilmore Girls! Superbowl Sunday we had a marathon! 🙂 There are just too many good quotes for a favorite.

    7. Brilliantly fun post, Jill! I’m right there with you and Melissa, and in fact am “blaming” Melissa for my obsession with Gilmore Girls. Man, this show is awesome! 🙂

      1. It is so fun to watch! Melissa should probably do something for us because she started this addiction. Maybe send us chocolate to eat while we are watching? It’s the least she can do…

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    8. Guess I’m the only one who hasn’t watched Gilmore Girls? But I am an avid Love Inspired reader, does that make up for it? I have read the back cover of “Falling for Texas” & I definitely would love to add this to my collection. Thanks for the chance 🙂

    9. Hi Melissa, just loved your list!
      I’m definetly a Gilmore Girl Addicted (not according to your lst, but according to the times i’ve watched the whole show lol) and I love the quotes at the end!
      Great job =D

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