Christmas gift wrapping for the tape impaired

Yeah, yeah, so some people are good at wrapping gifts. Whatever. I’m not jealous. Photo credit: stock.xchng

It’s officially December, which means Christmas-time is in full swing. And while I’m excited to have my Christmas shopping done, there’s one thing left that scares me every year…

…wrapping presents.

Okay, this is where I get all vulnerable and confess: I am the worst gift wrapper in the entire world. 

I’m serious. I’m probably the person who inspired stores like Hallmark to start offering gift wrapping. That guy who invented gift bags? He’s my hero. (In fact, at the moment I’m imagining him singing that one Enrique Iglesias song…

Problem is, more often than not when I sit down to do the wrapping thing, I realize I’m out of saved gift bags. So I’m stuck with the paper option. Which gets all sorts of tricky when I realize I’m out of scotch tape, too.

I’ve had to get creative through the years. Just in case anyone else has ever faced the “no tape” dilemma, here are my top five trusted (if not pretty) solutions:

Duct Tape
Why I always seem to have a supply of duct tape and not scotch tape, who knows. But it works well and now there’s all kinds of cool duct tape designs. Hot pink, zebra print…

Masking Tape
Again, why I have an endless supply of mask tape, who knows. Now, this will look tacky, I’m telling you right now. But it gets the job done. And if you’re out of gift labels/stickers, you can write the recipient’s name on the masking tape. So, it’s practical if not pretty.

Glue sticks work great for light wrapping jobs, but for bigger jobs, consider a glue gun. Just don’t get super glue in your hair. And don’t start gluing things just for the fun of using the glue gun. Not that I’ve ever done either.

Tissue Paper Twist
Sounds like the name of a dance or something, right? For smaller items, consider rolling the gift up in tissue paper, twisting the ends like a tootsie roll and tying with ribbons. It’s cute and no one will have to know you were improvising.

Bubble Gum
Okay, okay, I’ve never actually used gum to make my paper folds stick. But…I did once pull the gum out of my mouth in consideration. Didn’t actually go through with it. Mostly because the gum still had flavor left. But I bet it’d work.

Okay, those are my top five tape-less wrapping solutions. Anything I left off the list? Are you good at wrapping gifts? (And if you are, hmm, isn’t it about time you came for a visit?)

*And to anyone else who now has Enrique singing “I can be your hero, baby…” in your head, my apologies.

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    Comments 47

      1. Haha, oh in that case I feel for your husband. Black hockey tape…that reminds me, last night I found black electrical tape in one of my closets. And I thought, hey, should’ve added that to the gift wrapping list. And again, I have to ask myself, why do always have every other kind of tape but scotch?

    1. My daughter did a twist on the twist last year that I thought was ingenious. Instead of tissue she used the waffled packing paper that some delivery had come padded with and tied the ends with some leftover gold cord from a sewing project. 🙂

    2. I am a sad gift wrapper. I felt horrible we were leaving w/in hours and all I had left in the way of paper was two different kinds. I slapped a gift together between penguins and snowmen and called it good.
      ~ Wendy

    3. I have actually used the duct tape idea only I didn’t use any paper. I made a lopsided box out of cardboard and then wrapped it in duct tape (This is a good idea if you want to watch someone try to open their present.). It took my brother an hour to open it. 🙂


    4. Love it, Melissa! I used to be an artsy wrapper. I once hand-painted tags for Christmas gifts. Then after having three kids, well let’s just say I’m not above wrapping birthday presents in Christmas paper or drawing a picture on a paper grocery bag and stapling it shut (and pray Martha Stewart will never see!). Yes, my standards have changed 🙂 Very thankful that the kids think it’s fun.

      1. Haha, I think we’ve established lately that this blog is a meeting place for those in hiding from Martha Stewart. 🙂 Hand-painted tags, that’s sweet. The tag might even be more special for the recipient, in that case, than the gift! I have a feeling kids change all kinds of standards for people. 🙂

    5. Thanks a lot…”I can kiss away the pain…I will stand by you forever…”

      And yeah, pretty sure my husband is worse that you. He’s been known to wrap presents in his bath robe. His. Bath. Robe.


      He asks for it back afterward, of course. 😉

    6. Oh, I think I fall into your category. I used to work at a card shop and had to wrap gifts at Christmas–I’d warn the people, but they’d still hand me their presents. I don’t think they fully believed me until I handed the “wrapped” gifts back to them. It was SO not pretty, especially the looks on the people’s faces. I still can’t wrap today, but my kids love me anyway, duct tape and all;)

      1. Oh my goodness, I would feel so pressured if I had that job! At the ministry where I work, we have resident shopping days where our recovery residents get to pick out gifts for their kids. And one year I got stuck helping wrap the gifts. I felt horrible handing my finished products over.

    7. I wouldn’t waste a perfectly good flavored piece of gum, either! 🙂 You forgot string or ribbon – that’s how they used to wrap paper pages in by gone eras. Thanks for another good laugh. 🙂

    8. Enrique, get out of my head! I like your wrapping solutions 🙂 I HATE wrapping presents, I am a terrible wrapper, and I always put it off. I don’t procrastinate on actually getting presents, just wrapping them. Ugh!!

      1. Enrique is persistent. I actually wrote this post last Friday and I’ve still got him whining in my head. Hehehe…

        So glad I’m not the only wrapping-challenged person in these parts!

      1. Hey, in addition to being the coolest agent ever, what if you could also become my personal gift wrapper? I would totally give you a percentage of the thank yous I receive from my gift recipients! 🙂

        Also, that wrist tape thing is amazing. Maybe that’s my problem. Maybe if I buy that, all my wrapping problems will vanish!

      2. AND much like publishing, you’d need to give me like a 6-month cushion during which I’d wrap the gifts. Because though I’m good at wrapping, I’m also painfully slow.

    9. Oh my goodness, Melissa! You should definitely come for a visit. I. Love. Wrapping! I have two mondo-size gift closets downstairs in my craft room. In them, I have color-coordinating wrapping paper, bows, custom-made gift tags, and loads of Scotch tape!!

      I hit my fave hobby store and buy supplies while they are half-off or deeply discounted. I like to match paper to personalities.

      Don’t hate me. 🙂

      1. Okay, just the fact that you have a craft room makes you eons ahead of me crafting and wrapping talent-wise! Okay, I know I joke a lot about being craft-challenged and all that, but I think it’s awesome that you’re good at gift wrapping and even go so far as to match paper to people. I think that’s a love language…and I admire it!

        And I definitely don’t hate you. 🙂

    10. We love wrapping! We are all about the beautiful, handmade bows and pretty packages! Sometimes we clip holly, evergreen, or grab some pine cones from outside to “spruce” up a package.

      1. Oh my, that is too cool. Even though I have no wrapping skills myself, I admire people who do…and I admire presents that look pretty under the tree…as opposed to mine…which generally look like someone has already tried to open them before anyone has, in fact, tried to open them.

    11. I used to run a little gift wrapping business, cleverly (hee) named “The Big Wrapper.” My only customers were my mom, dad and grandma.

      But that was back when I had TIME on my hands (junior high). Now, I just stick stuff in a (usually re-gifted) gift bag, throw in some (possibly also recycled) tissue paper, and I’m good to go!

      I have no time for craftiness! So I get you, girl!

      1. We must be kindred spirits when it comes to gift wrapping–I am ALL about reusing gift bags and tissue paper. Even if the tissue paper looks like it was used as a dog toy for awhile.

    12. Medical tape works well in a pinch. Also stickers. I used to have plenty of gift bags to reuse but what we have discovered is that since our kids have grown up, we don’t get all the bags from all their presents from relatives anymore. Plus, now, sometimes they have come home with a gift or 2 or 3 or 4 and said, “hey mom you don’t by any chance have any gift bags or wrapping paper I can use do you?” We won’t mention any names. We have used blankets and garbage bags before for large items. (something to think about)
      Also, just an added FYI bonus. If you have to take a grab bag gift to a party this time of year, a hot item is gift wrapping supplies. We’ve done that a couple times for those gift stealing grab bag games and that usually goes over big.
      So that about wraps up my comments!

    13. Haha, um, your kids coming home asking if you have gift bags we can use? I have no idea what you’re talking about. No idea at all… 🙂

      Hey, that IS a sweet gift idea. I’m going to use it.

      Wraps up your comments…ha!

    14. Bring your presents when you come! I inherited my Grandma’s wrapping paper along with about 7 other people’s things. I still have yet to park in my own garage. Anyway, back to wrapping paper- I have about enough for several small countries!

      1. Okay, I’ll bring them! So, I honestly can’t even remember what I’ve got for Christmas lights. But, my mom and sister called over the weekend to say they’re coming down to D.M. today and want to help decorate my place for Christmas. Is that sweet or what? So, I will know after tonight if I need any… 🙂

    15. I’m TERRIBLE at wrapping! (Surprise, surprise, right?) But the one thing I’ve done in the past few years is that I buy literally tons of those tape strips. Seems stupid, but somehow it helps not having to fight to get the tape to cut and not tangle on itself before actually attaching it to the paper! I even confess to changing what I intend to buy as a gift so that it will fit in a bag and not have to be wrapped. 🙂

      1. Okay, I think I need to jump on board with the tape strips. 🙂 And, I’ll join your confession–I’ve had to weigh the difficulty of wrapping a gift before buying it many a time. Haha!

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