Welcome Mat Wednesday: Gina Conroy

Hey everybody! First of all, an apology for the lack of video intro today. I’m prepping this post on Tuesday while home sick. Boo. But trust me, nobody should have to see a video of me looking as I do today. Nobody. (Unless he’s a handsome doctor with magical meds.)

Today’s guest is author Gina Conroy! Gina and I are both clients of MacGregor Literary and her first novel, Digging Up Death, just released in ebook format. The hard cover version comes out in February–at which point we’ll welcome Gina back to Tag(g)lines for a guest post.

For today, we’ve got a fun Q&A with Gina–covering everything from her book to dancing plus a giveaway! Leave a comment below for a chance to win a copy of Gina’s novel. You’ve got until next Tuesday to enter, which is pretty fitting considering that’s Christmas Day. 🙂

Speaking of giveaways, congrats to Erica Vetsch–winner of last week’s giveaway for Jim Rubart’s awesome Soul’s Gate! Now, on to the interview with Gina…

1) Can you tell us a little about this book? What sparked your idea?

Several years back when I was trying to find my niche/genre, I pitched an idea for Barbour’s cozy mystery line. At the time I was homeschooling my children and we were stuck in Egypt (not literally.) I became fascinated with the Pharaoh Hapshepsut. So I thought, “How could I weave ancient Egypt into a contemporary mystery set in Texas?” And Viola, out came Digging Up Death.

In the first draft my protagonist was married and I wanted to show her struggle as a mom and wife balancing family with her own career ambitions, and the pull from an old love interest. My agent, Chip MacGregor who signed me with the book, advised me to make it a romance. I didn’t and it didn’t sell, so I listened to his wise advice, revamped my heroine into a divorced single mom, and ratcheted up the tension with the old love interest. It still didn’t sell until six years later, but I’m happy with the changes and think the story is better for it.

2) Is there anything you hope readers gain from your book?

There are many underlying themes in the book about hidden transgressions, pretending to be someone you’re not to please others, forgiveness, fear of death and dealing with our own mortality and the mark we leave on this earth. But the main thing I want people to realize is that no matter what happens in life, all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.

My main character Mari Duggins gets hit from every side and though she doesn’t start out as a believer, she starts to see the truth in the above scripture. God brought me on my own journey of surrendering my writing career to Him through this book, and it’s so rewarding to see Him use this book to launch my career. All things do work together for good!
3) Do you have other writing projects in the works?

Yes, several though I’d prefer to have one almost completed novel! Before Digging Up Death was contracted I was working on a World War II Women’s Fiction dear to my heart, but it’s currently on hold since readers are asking for Mari’s next mystery adventure. I thought I could get a Christmas mystery novella out before Christmas, but it doesn’t look like that will happen. I wonder how readers would feel about a Christmas mystery in January? LOL!

And a few just-for-fun questions:
4) Just from a little online lurking, I happen to know you’re into swing dancing. How’d you get started and why do you love it?

How much time do you have? I can talk about this ALL day! To make a long story short. I grew up loving to watch those old musicals where the dancers glided across the floor or went to sock hops, but I never knew I could learn to do it. Then on my three week Mid Life Road Trip across the West Coast, I stopped in Denver for the MacGregor Masters Seminar where Susan May Warren was teaching. The night before the seminar Susie wanted to go dancing and the two other girls with us all knew how. I was the only one who didn’t, but I was excited to try. It was intimidating at first because I didn’t know the steps, and I had worn sandals with no back. So between trying to keep my sandals on and stumbling through the steps, I told might self the next time I went swing dancing I would know what I’m doing. If you have time, there’s more to the story here on why I probably fell in love with swing dancing.

When I got back home, I found a ballroom dance place, took east coast swing (and other ballroom lessons.) And the rest is history. I still haven’t danced with Susie yet, but I did get to dance with my agent Chip MacGregor this past September at ACFW conference! We had such a fun time I want to make it an annual event.

As to the why? There’s something magical and freeing about dancing and doing it well. When I step on the dance floor I forget about everything else. The only thing I have to worry about is having fun and connecting with my partner. And it’s instantly gratifying when you connect with your partner, unlike writing! Allowing the music to get inside your soul and being confident to move and express yourself and then be able to share that with someone else, even a stranger, is amazing.

But it’s not all fun and games. If I want to be the best I can be (and I do) it takes time and practice. Not only is it a physical workout, but it’s a mental challenge connecting with your dance partner, trying to read his cues and lead, and waiting…waiting until he leads before I move. THAT is the biggest challenge for me! And I’m not only learning swing, but all the ballroom dances. That’s a lot of stuff to sort and keep straight in my brain and then expect my body to do it right! But I’m determined!

Dancing is a passion not easily understood unless you catch the bug. It wasn’t easy going to the dances at first. In fact, I’d go alone since my husband doesn’t dance and has no interest. It was painful and intimidating sitting alone at a table, knowing I probably wouldn’t be asked much to dance because I didn’t know anyone and it was obvious I wasn’t the best dancer. But my desire to be better was stronger than my discomfort. I made myself go (inviting friends who never went with me.) Eventually I made knew friends and became part of their group. Now I hardly sit out a dance, and when I do, there’s always someone extending a hand in an invitation to dance. In fact, now I extend a hand to new dancers and try to encourage them like others encouraged me.

I’m so passionate about what dancing has done for me physically, emotionally, and even spiritually, that I want everyone to give it a try!

5) What’s the worst gift to get a writer for Christmas? Best?

Worst gift? Is there a worst gift? Best gift…honestly is the gift of TIME!!! Once or twice a year I hide away in a hotel room to just write. I usually get most of my writing done in one weekend since it’s hard to write while tending to my day job which includes a lot of carpooling kids around and social media marketing and blogging for dance lessons!. And now that I’ve added dancing into my schedule, writing time is hard to find. So a weekend away would be the perfect gift!

6) Why would “Digging Up Death” make a good Christmas gift? 🙂

I’m sure you know I’m a little biased, but here it goes in succinct bullet points since my dance questions was so wordy!

Besides the obvious:

  • Affordable: $2.99 on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and iTunes
  • Fast and easy delivery with no extra charge! Think last minute gift! 😉
  • Quick read: People have said they’ve read it in 1 or 2 sitting because they couldn’t put it down

The real value, for me, is the story and characters who go on a fun, frenzied journey of self discovery, freedom, and redemption. But of course, the author would think it’d make a great Christmas gift. Here’s what others are saying that will have more weight than my biased opinion.

“It’s got all the dirt you want–a tangled mystery, a quirky heroine, hints of romance, and page-turning action. Conroy keeps the story real and delves into the clean and the not so clean parts of life. Highly recommended.” -Christy Barritt, author of the Squeaky Clean Mysteries series

“I’m not a fan of romantic novels, but I found it to be a real page turner, or in my case a real screen tapper. There were a couple of pleasant surprises and it has enough convolutions in plot to keep me reading continuously without putting it down. Good book! Even though, as I said above, I am not a fan of romantic mysteries, I will continue to follow the further adventures of Mari Duggins. Move over Janet Evanovich!” -Dennis P (BTW, he’s old enough to be my dad and not in my target audience!)

“Mystery, romance, and archaeology–really, what more could one ask for? The way Gina Conroy weaves in clues and keeps the pace and tension ratcheted up really amazed me. Definitely a fresh voice in Christian fiction and a must-read for mystery fans!”
Okay, so is that enough self promotion? 🙂 But seriously, go over to amazon and read the first few chapters for free. If you’re not hooked, no biggie, right? But if you want to read more, you can for $2.99! That’s less than a gallon of gas and a cup of coffee and I’m sure the book will last longer than both! 🙂


Growing up on Long Island, Gina Conroy used to think she knew where her life was headed; now she’s learning to embrace life’s detours. Some of her exciting diversions have included homeschooling her four children, where she discovered a love of archaeology and ancient Egypt, and her most recent obsession…ballroom and swing dancing. Gina founded Writer…Interrupted  to encourage busy writers and she loves to connect with readers on Facebook and Twitter.
All right readers, any other dancers out there? What’s your idea of a best or worst Christmas gift? Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Gina Conroy’s debut novel!
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    Comments 19

    1. Great to meet you, Gina! And I love the encouragement that it took you six years to sell this book AFTER you made the changes:) Hearing other writer’s stories always helps, so thanks for sharing! Your book sounds great, it’s $2.99, Christmas break is nearly here for this homeschooling mom…so off I go to purchase! Have a very Merry Christmas!

    2. Enjoyed the interview and reading about your love of dancing, Gina. I’m a fellow dancing-lover as you may recall, though I don’t get out very often these days. Have a lovely Christmas!

    3. Mike and I took a ballroom dancing class when we were dating. It was so fun! But we don’t go dancing much anymore.

      Um…best Christmas gift? Anything that someone has put a lot of thought into, something that I can tell is meant specifically for me.

      Worst…uh, underwear? I dunno. 😛

    4. Hi Melissa, Gina,

      Good to meet you, Gina! I’ll check out your book.

      I, too, enjoy hearing about authors’ journeys and your frankness about your own is refreshing and valuable. Thank you.

      Best or worst Christmas gift? I was going to wax philosophical but decided not to – it’s 5 days until Christmas and I’m worn out already! Gina – you pegged the best with time. That would be lovely. The worst gift? Clothes from someone who bought them 2 sizes too large. Or too small. 🙂

      Hope your Christmas season is passing beautifully for both of you ladies.


      1. I’m with you, Becky, and Gina, too…TIME! Actually, one year a friend did give me “the gift of time.” She made these coupon certificate things I could redeem for her to clean my place and do some other things so I could have more writing time. Is that sweet or what?

      2. Thank you, Becky! I just figured out that I seem to spend more time dancing nowadays than writing, but since it’s not a career path OR paying gig, I guess I need to write more!

    5. How fun to get to know Gina a bit better … and I’m intrigued by her book. And, yeah, I’d love to take some dancing lessons too. But for now I have fun dancing in the kitchen with my husband!

      Hope you’re feeling better, Melissa!

    6. Gina, I love dancing! I’m really impressed you kept believing in your book, but I’m even more impressed you have the patience to wait for your dance partner to lead! I would be terrible at that! 🙂

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