Fun with team names

People don’t believe me when I say there’s a school up in Northwest Iowa whose team name is The Midgets. It’s so true. Their girls’ teams? The Midgettes. I promise you.

Click here if you’re skeptical.

Last week, I decided I’m a huge OKC Thunder fan. This has been brewing for some time. Okay, well, three weeks or so. Ever since I realized the Thunder are, in fact, an NBA team. Is that a cool name or what? Then my coworker sent me the photo below of their team mascot—Rumble the Bison—and I couldn’t stop giggling.

Apparently it doesn’t take much to earn my fan-ship. A good mascot. A player with a cool nickname. (I loved the Utah Jazz growing up all because of Karl Malone’s nickname—The Mailman.) Or, in the case of the Jets, a backup quarterback who makes me want to love football as much as I love, well, him.

Back to team names and mascots. Ever since jumping on the Thunder bandwagon, I’ve been thinking about the potential un-used team names out there. I’ve come up with a list of my faves. You’ll make my day if you can add to it with your own. Here goes:

The Wheaties

If Wheaties are the breakfast of champions and a team names themselves Wheaties then does it follow that they are champions?

The Candles

They’re on fire when they play. And they smell good too.

The Tractors

Actually, I have a really hard time believing some small town somewhere in the Midwest hasn’t already latched onto this team name.

The Warty Oreos

Supposedly this fish is one of the longest livinganimals, so you’d think that would bode well for a team. But I just want to know what that mascot would look like.

The Elves

Extra points if the team uniform includes tights and pointy-toed shoes…and if Santa is their mascot.

The Tsars

Except people would always be confused: Tsar or Czar?

The Muscles

Just make sure your players actually have some. (Also, not to be mistaken with The Mussels, which simply wouldn’t have the same effect.)

The Erasers

As in, we erase the competition!

The Lice

Just the word makes me shiver. Opponents wouldn’t even touch them.

The Banana Slugs

Except, oh wait! This team name and mascot already exists. To which I say, What?! And, Why?! And, But I kinda like it. Check it outUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Cruz. 

Okay, I had way too much fun with this. There are about 43 others that didn’t make the final cut, but I figured I’d better stop somewhere. What ridiculously awesome team name or mascot would you like to see adopted by a team somewhere? 

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    Comments 30

      1. Sherrinda,
        Delta State’s official mascot is the Statesmen. The “Fighting Okra” grew out of humor among students about the improbability that anyone would find a “Statesman” particularly frightening. Someone suggested an okra pod wearing boxing gloves and brandishing a fierce expression, and it caught on. ;~)

      2. The Fighting Okra?! That’s hilarious! Pat…I love that you know the backstory. So a vegetable is supposed to be scarier than a statesman? What’s a statesman anyway?

    1. Okay, I laughed so hard reading these! Too funny! I am so bad with sports. I don’t watch any of it.

      But in Memphis shouldn’t some team be called Hot and Spicy with a bottle of BBQ sauce as the mascot? I think so.

      1. Yes, yes, yes! That’s the best idea ever. If a team had BBQ sauce as a mascot, it would instantly move to my favorite team ever…because, as you know, I have a solid love for BBQ.

    2. Oh my goodness, that was hilarious!! You are so creative.

      When I was in grade school, our mascot was the gecko, which is a tiny, tiny lizard. Nothing much intimidating about that, you know?

      As for an NBA team? I got nothing. But I’m only half awake, so that’s a pretty good excuse.

      1. Haha, creative…OR seriously random.

        The gecko?! That is too cool. I’m serious. Did your mascot have a British accent like the gecko on the Geico commercials?

        And yes, only being halfway awake is plenty-good excuse. 🙂

      1. Oh cool! I bet the OKC area is pumped about the Thunder’s sweet playoff run. Personally, I think it’s totally cool that its the Thunder vs. the Heat in the championship…how…summery! 🙂

    3. I’ve always been so proud of our Minnesota team names – they really are unique and creative. One thing that always bothers me is the L.A. Lakers – they actually started out in Minnesota. Lakers is perfect in the Land of 10,000 Lakes – but in California?!?! (Don’t get me started…) 🙂

      My town’s team is the Flyers – because Charles Lindbergh grew up here and graduated from the high school. Before 1927 they were called the Pow Wows – I haven’t quite figured out what a Pow Wow mascot would look like.

      I love all your team suggestions – especially the Wheaties – you’d think that one would have been taken by now…

    4. In Corinth we have a festival every year called the Slugburger Fest.
      No, it’s not burgers made from snails. What it is, is almost as bad though. Back in the Depression when beef was scarce, a local butcher started making meat out of soy meal with a little pork and beef thrown in. He made the “meat” into patties and deepfried them and sold them for a nicklel–called a slug back then. Hence Slugburgers. And they are delicious, but you eat them at your own peril, making sure you have Maalox handy. lol

      1. The Llamas! Yes! You could have a ton of fun with a llama mascot too. 🙂 I love it!

        And yes, I think the Lice would be a gross name, too. Fans would all suffer from “the phantom itch” during games! 🙂

    5. A couple of years ago (okay, so it was FIVE, but who is counting?) my daughter played Upward Soccer. They had the cutest team names – the Geckos, the Gerbils, it was adorable. I just wished they’d have put some of the kids in tiny mascot costumes!

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