Is this the most “classic” movie ever?

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So, every five episodes or so, Classic Movie Gush goes extra classic. Episode 5 was It Happened One Night—often called the very first rom-com. Episode 10 was Citizen Kane—widely considered the best movie ever by critics. I’m already super excited for Episode 20.

For episode 15 our choice was obvious: Casablanca.

If ever there was a film that rivaled Citizen Kane on “best ever” lists, it’s Casablanca. It’s got romance and drama by the boatload and was also perhaps the most surprising breakout hit in film history. When they were making it, no one had any idea it’d end up with the kind of legacy it does today.

Today’s Gush is kind of a two-for-one-special, too, as you’re in for a world history lesson from Clay. Check it out…

Have you seen Casablanca? Would you consider it one of the greatest movies ever? Want to take a guess at which movie we’re doing for Episode 20?

p.s. As always, feel free to throw out suggestions for future flick picks. Miss a past Gush? Just take a little jaunt on over to our YouTube channel

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    Comments 9

      1. Post

        Haha, this is true. I can think of at least a couple times I’ve been in writing workshops where it’s been used as an example. I always get frustrated when instructors use movie clips though because I always want to finish watching the movie… 🙂

    1. I was wondering when you’d get to this one:) I’ve actually never seen it! I’ve probably seen enough clips to make-up the whole movie, but not all in one sit down!

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    2. I still haven’t seen this one (ducks head in shame) but I’ve been meaning to! My best friend’s sister loves it so it’s been on my radar awhile! After this I’m definitely moving it up the list!

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    3. I love Casablanca. =) It was one of the first classic movies I ever watched, and I think it definitely deserves all of the hype. It’s bizarre to think that the ending was undetermined at one point, because I can’t imagine it ending any other way!

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