Because it’s just not right not to see this Christmas movie.

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I am sure there are movies it would make Clay Morgan cringe to know I haven’t seen. But when he told me he’d never seen Miracle on 34th Street, I didn’t just cringe…I demanded it be one of the movies we watch in December.

It’s not that I think this is the greatest movie ever made…or even the best Christmas movie ever. (We’re covering that one next week!) But come on…it’s Miracle on 34th Street! One of the most loved Christmas movies ever.

And it makes for fun conversation. In this vlog, we discuss vitally important (or at least entertaining) things like:

  • How the inaccuracies drive the history and political science professor in Clay crazy.
  • How the romantic thread drives the writer in Melissa crazy.
  • How the little Dutch girl scene is sooo the best.
  • Is Kris Kringle really Santa?


Your turn: What would you say are your top three favorite Christmas movies?

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    Comments 9

    1. Love Miracle on 34th Street! I agree, the scene with the little Dutch girl is priceless! (I remember seeing this movie as a little girl and that scene reaffirming the “mystery” of Santa Claus. And the end of the movie?? The best!!

      My top three picks are: It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and Scrooge. (All original versions, please.) There are some that vy for my third choice: Christmas in Connecticut, and of course, Miracle on 34th Street… and The Walton’s Homecoming (made as a TV movie in the early 70’s).

      1. Post

        Cynthia, I’m not even sure what the original version of Scrooge is…there are so many. I need to figure out which is the original and see it, though. My favorite version (currently) is the 1980s version with George C. Scott…which is also my second favorite Christmas movie, I think. I can’t watch it alone though…Jacob Marley and the third ghost freak me out too much. 🙂

    2. WHAT? He’d never seen it? Crazy! It’s one of my favorites too, though I confess I originally saw the remake of it then went back and watched the original. I love them both, which is not usually the case with remakes. As for my top three? I have to keep it to top three? Umm….Elf, Christmas Vacation, Christmas Story, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th, Wonderful Life, Arthur Christmas…and don’t even get me started on the cheesy Hallmark movies! Nope. Can’t keep it to just three;)

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        I don’t know which of the remakes I’ve seen…I do think I saw the 1950s one, but I don’t think I ever watched the 90s one.

        I like Elf, too. My favorite thing about that movie is that it never once takes itself too seriously. Like Nacho Libre…it’s just zany all the way through. 🙂

    3. Top 3 Christmas movies: It’s a Wonderful LIfe; A Christmas Carol (w/ Alistair Sim) and Miracle on 34th Street.
      My 7yr old daughter would say: Elf (easily!), Christmas with the Kranks, and probably some Barbie Christmas movie.(:^D

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    4. I’ve never seen this movie all the way through! Add it to my list…

      My favorite three are A Christmas Story, Elf, and the Muppet Christmas Carol!

      (Also: Christopher Walken was on the boat the day Natalie Wood died, and rumor has it she was having an affair with him!)

      1. Post

        Christopher Walken! That’s who! I knew there was some other celebrity there…sad. 🙁

        I have to confess I am not a Christmas Story fan…but I know lots of people love it. BUT I do love the Muppet Christmas Carol…especially the songs in it.

    5. I really like Miracle on 34th Street. It’s sweet and makes me feel nostalgic, but it’s not one of my absolute favorites by any means. =)

      My top three would be: Christmas in Connecticut, Elf, and It’s a Wonderful Life.

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