Movie gushing is back in session and hello, creepy Jimmy Stewart…

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We’re baaaaack!

And by “we” I mean friend/writer/speaker/teacher/podcaster/I’m-probably-leaving-something-out Clay Morgan and I. And by “back” I mean we never really went anywhere but our vlog did. We took a little hiatus, but season two of Classic Movie Gush is now in full swing.

If you’re new around these parts, the Gush is a vlog in which we talk about old movies we love (or sometimes don’t love, as in the case of Clay and Sound of Music) and give you all kinds of useful and fun information that you can use to impress your friends. Unless your friends aren’t impressed by movie knowledge. In which case, well, sorry…

For our return, we chose to do a movie that many people consider to be Alfred Hitchcock’s greatest—Vertigo starring Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak.

Our timing is funny because just last week I saw a friend on Facebook mention that she was watching Vertigo for the first time in many years and remembering why she didn’t like it. So…it’s not everybody’s favorite. But it’s certainly one of Hitchcock’s most-lauded.

And look, it is not the movie to watch if you want to feel all warm and cozy about life.* But it really is a cool movie in many respects—the music, the San Francisco scenery, the camera work, the eerie and interesting creep factor—all of which we talk about. You’re also in for these fun treats:

  • Clay’s singing debut on the Gush
  • An extra-long commentary on Kim Novak’s eyebrows
  • Possibly my worst-ever attempt at movie synopsis-izing


Have you seen Vertigo? What’s your favorite Hitchcock movie?


*It’s also not a good idea to watch Vertigo if you’re super tired. You might fall asleep during the very drawn-out part of the movie where Jimmy Stewart follows Kim Novak around for 20 minutes. Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything.

p.s. Be sure to come back next week because we’re talking about one of my favorite movies in the whooooole world.

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    Comments 12

    1. I’ve really missed Classic Movie Gush! =)

      I’ve only seen Vertigo once, several years ago. I love Hitchcock and I love Jimmy Stewart, but I hate this movie. It’s probably my least favorite Hitchcock film that I’ve seen so far. It was too bizarre and like you mentioned, I might dislike it even more because Stewart’s character is so unlikable in it. And I’m used to him playing such sweet, likable characters. =) I would probably be willing to give it another chance sometime…but I’m not really in a hurry to watch it again.

      My favorite Hitchcock movie is probably Strangers on a Train. I love that film so much! It doesn’t seem to be one of his more famous films, but I think it’s amazing. The carousel scene at the end is one of the most stunning scenes in a black and white movie that I’ve ever seen. Other close favorites of mine are Spellbound (the first of his films that I watched), North by Northwest, Rear Window, and Rebecca.

      1. Post

        I haven’t seen Strangers on a Train in SO long. I need to rewatch it because I barely remember it. I like all the other ones you mentioned too. North by Northwest is so fun…I think of it every time I see a crop duster, which is often in Iowa in the summer. 🙂

    2. Ah, kind of expected you to be talking about the Oscars today. LOL. I guess you didn’t want to stay up that late to create a VLOG, huh? 😀

      Loved Robert DeNiro’s line “The mind of a writer is a scary thing”

      I like The Man Who Knew too Much with Doris Day.

      1. Post

        I didn’t even watch the Oscars! I was on the road…I hear the show itself was long and slow, but that there were some good moments. Matthew McConaughey’s (sp?) acceptance speech especially. I watched that one online and loved it.

        I like The Man Who Knew Too Much too…and especially the Que Sera Sera scene.

    3. Haven’t seen this one…but I really like any of Hitchcock’s movies with Cary Grant, like North by Northwest and To Catch a Thief. 🙂

      I’m curious to hear what you’re doing next week!

      1. Post

        To Catch a Thief…yay!

        When I first read “I’m curious to hear what you’re doing next week,” I was immediately like, um, I’m coming to see you!! Then I realized you meant what movie… 🙂

    4. I actually haven’t seen this one, but my son has. He liked it. But he’s really into movies right now, and the more suspenseful the better. Not to mention he likes Hitchcock and Stewart, so I’m sure the pairing was right up his alley!

      1. Post
    5. Great movie gush–even if you don’t intend to gush. 🙂 I have not seen Vertigo, simply because Alfred Hitchcock freaks the heck out of me and I don’t want to see Jimmy in this role!! Thanks for the 38 second synopsis and revealing the twist, because now I don’t need to see it! 🙂 I also enjoyed Clay’s singing at the end. Great vlog. 🙂

      1. Post

        Gabe, if you want to experience a Hitchcock movie but not be freaked out, you could start with his one and only romcom–Mr and Mrs Smith. It has Carole Lombard in it, who is awesome. In fact, if I remember right, the only reason Hitchcock even made it was as a favor to Lombard. It’s good!

        1. I’ve actually seen The Birds, parts of Psycho, and I recently watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith again (I saw it for the first time years ago). I’m sure I’ve seen others by him, but I try to avoid them! 🙂 There’s no question Hitchcock was a genius.

          1. Post

            The Birds! I think that one’s more funny than it is scary. I agree, Hitchcock was a genius. I don’t know that he was always the nicest guy to his actors, but a genius, definitely.

            Also, this conversation is making me realize that last year, we knew what movie we were going to watch during our summer retreat like six months before the retreat. And we don’t have a movie planned yet this time! And July is only four months away!

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