
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. ~1 Peter 5:7
This is a photo of moi and my sister Amy. Amy is…how shall I say it?…
And one of my favorite people in the world. After all, she’s the only person I’ve ever had a frosting fight with. She’s also the person who gave me one of the best homemade gifts ever. Sophomore year of college. A cardboard stand-up doll. Of the man I was sure I should marry at that point in my life. You just can’t top that.
And you can’t top her.
With only 15 months between us, we’ve experienced so much of life together. Shared so much, too – bedroom, group of friends, car. Even college dorm room one year. (Speaking of which, I should probably apologize to her for all those times I gathered up piles of her abandoned clothes and dumped them in her closet or on her bed.)

We’ve also shared the stage…in church…for countless special music numbers. Oh the fun! Once we burst out giggling in the middle of our song (darn you, boys in the back of the church!). Another time, as soon as we finished our song, Amy left the sanctuary and threw up. And then there was the time I sat down at the piano and completely forgot how to play our number.

As much as we’ve experienced together, though, as we’ve grown, life has propelled us our separate directions. I went to London – Amy got married. I’m doing the feverish writing thing – Amy is experiencing motherhood.

And we didn’t always sing together, either. There’s one solo I’ll never forget Amy (who, by the way, is the real singer of the two of us) singing…that song “Cast all Your Cares.” She had the high-pitched Charity Churchmouse thing going on back then, this tiny kid singing about laying her burdens at Jesus’ feet. I remember once, years later, watching home movies and giggling as I watched my sister sing that song, thinking, What burdens did we think we had back then?

Well, Amy has burdens today. Her son was life-flighted to Children’s Mercy in Kansas City on Monday. On Tuesday, when she and Chip walked into Ollie’s PICU room, the whole team of doctors and nurses was huddled over Ollie’s bed…his stats were dropping, his heart rate and blood pressure spiking, fluids leaking into his lungs and stomach.

He has stabilized since then, but the fact remains: he needs heart surgery and he needs it soon.

This week, as I’ve thought about my sister (and brother-in-law, too) and what they’re experiencing, what they must be feeling, I can’t get that picture out of my head – the one of little Amy standing up on stage in front of the whole church, singing about casting her cares, laying her burdens at Jesus’ feet. And I think – I know – God knew. He knew about the cares and concerns and anxieties she’d face. And maybe, even back then as she squeaked out words to a song which seemed too old for her, He was preparing her.

He does that. Prepares us for the bends and bumps in the road. And when we face those craggy cliffs in life, He’s right there…waiting for us to give Him our worries and cares, lay them at his feet.

Just like Amy sang about all those years ago.

If you don’t know Ollie’s story, Amy and Chip write updates here

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    Comments 8

    1. ~Wiping tears~

      I have a similar experience with my sister, minus the special music. My sister and I are 3 years apart. I’m so thankful for her talents, her friendship, and her strong friendship in my life.

      I’m praying for Ollie, Amy and Chip, and the rest of your family. Ollie is a fighter. I’m praying for God’s strength to be his strength. I’m praying for the Great Surgeon for healing.

      I’m so thankful for your tender heart, Melissa. You are the real thing. And how did I not know you sang or played the piano??

    2. I love when you share your auntie wisdom with me, Lisa…YOU are the real thing! And thank you so much for praying for Ollie and A&C! The thought of a surgeon cutting into Ollie’s chest again makes me want to cry…and yet, God has proven His faithfulness over and over and over with Ollie…and I know He will again.

      As for playing the piano, I started taking lessons when I was four, I think…from a professional cake-baker. Which is probably why I love piano now…because in the back of my mind, I associate it with cake!

    3. Amy, like Lisa, I’m wiping tears and thinking about your precious family. I didn’t know their story, but thank you for linking their updates and I’ll be sure to add them to my prayers.

      A beautiful post. Truly.

    4. Thanks for praying, Jessica! Ollie is the sweetest baby in the whole world…full of smiles and he puts up with so much. I can’t wait for the day his big surgery is behind him!

    5. Melissa, I love when you write because in the words, I can hear your heart.
      Praying for precious Ollie and Chip and Amy.
      So thankful that we don’t have to think “What can I do?”
      We can always pray, knowing God’s ears are open to our prayers.
      Love you, friend.

    6. Beautiful post. And what a lovely snapshot of your childhood, M-Tagg! Praying for Ollie and Amy and Chip…the whole family.

      God is so good. In Isaiah, He tells us to fear not for He has redeemed us. He has called us by name–we are His. He’ll be with us through the water and the fire will not scorch us.

      Blessings to you all as you face Ollie’s surgery.

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