I read this quote the other day on a friend’s facebook wall. I had two thoughts:
1) In my day to day life, that’s so incredibly true. I do tend to organize my days around what I need to–and think I can–do. On my own, that is. And like Tozer says, that’s a pity. I want to work on that.
2) BUT in my life in general, I really feel I’ve been conditioned to dream…and dream big. And hope…and hope big. Dream and hope for things that would never be possible on my own.
Maybe that’s the influence of a hundred or so viewings of Anne of Green Gables. Or perhaps it’s a part of my natural personality.
But more, I think it’s the result of so many amazing, encouraging people around me. People who have dreamed and hoped with me and taught me to believe for the impossible. Not saying I’ve never had doubts about this or that dream…or stupidly tried to do things on my own…or kicked myself for getting my hopes up too high.
But then I think, after reading Tozer’s quote, is there even a place called “too high” when God is involved? I don’t think so. However crazy and out-of-this-world my dreams might sometimes feel, however impossible, they can never be bigger or crazier-in-an-awesome-way than God’s dreams for my life.
I’m so incredibly grateful for the people–especially my parents and grandparents, friends and fellow writers, high school youth leaders–who have fed and continue to feed that assurance in my heart that the impossible is always, always possible with God.
And I’m realizing more and more, I want to be that for other people. So here’s an attempt: Be encouraged today, friends! God wants to do the impossible in and through us. Let’s be ready for it. Let’s plan for it. Let’s look for the ways He’s already at work making the impossible possible. Let’s be the people He’s looking for.
And now, let’s chat! Are there people in your life who have encouraged you to dream big? Do you find it hard to hope for the “impossible?” How do you think we can continually condition ourselves to stop planning for, as Tozer says, only the things we can do on our own?
p.s. I had the fun of being interviewed by the ladies of Writing 4 Two for their Feature Friday. I’d love it if you’d stop by. Thanks for having me, Shannon and Gina!
Comments 22
I love those in my life who encourage me to dream big–I pour a lot into those folks!
~ Wendy
Yep, I don’t know what I’d do without the people who encourage my dreams. So thankful!
Hey Melissa!
My hubs! He dreams/is planning to bike across the country sometime in the next few years and get 1000 kids sponsored for World Vision as he PedalsAgainstPoverty! That’s such a huge dream, I think he’s nuts! But I love him for dreaming and then giving wind to his dream, one biked mile at a time! I’ll be RV-ing alongside, tossing him gatorade chewies, in case he gets a flat!! 🙂 -Raj
Ohh, that is such a cool dream! And World Vision is an incredibly worthy cause. I love that you’re planning to go along with him. 🙂
My Hubby and BFF are amazing encouragers, as are my parents. I’m the one who typically discouraged myself! But I gotta say, last year God used a comment my son made, and my internal response to that comment to speak to me, and it was “Stop telling Me what I cannot do in your life!” Followed by “I can do more than you ask OR imagine!” And I’m pretty sure a “So STOP it” was attached at the end:) God is so amazingly wonderful and He wants to do so much through us, if we’d only let Him! I love today’s quote–it’s a great reminder and encouragement, so thanks Melissa:)
You’re welcome, Susan! How cool that God got a message through to you through your son. 🙂 Love it!
I love Tozer to begin with so this poster is awesome! It’s nice to have people who speak life into me and I have a good circle of those people!
I consider you in my circle of encouragers, Jess. Hugs!
I’ve had so many pie-in-the-sky dreams that have come to fruition, that I believe ANYTHING can happen! And I’m so happy about your dreams coming true, Melissa.
And I’m happy for you. Fun to get to walk this road together, Pat. 2010 Frasier Finalists Unite! 🙂
I’m super blessed to have so many encouragers in my life too–you being one of the biggest! 🙂 Like I’ve told you, I think I tend to get focused too often on what I have to do to make something happen. And I get too focused on what I want to happen. God can do the impossible through me, but if my dream for me isn’t the same as His dream for me…well, I’ll just end up pedaling against the wind. But if I can pray continually that He’ll show me the right path, then I know He’s got this and yeah, I have to work hard, but in the end, He’s going to do more than I could have ever dreamed.
Thanks for always reminding me to hope!
And you are one of my biggest encouragers, too, Linz. Ahhh, so thankful for you!
He IS going to do more than you’ve ever dreamed. Here’s the thing: I have those worries sometimes that what I dream for and what He dreams for are two different things. And yeah, sometimes the specifics of our dreams and His may not mesh, right? That’s life…but when we’re following Him, dedicating to seeking Him, when that’s our biggest dream, we won’t be disappointed. And those specifics–the publishing dream, being wives and moms, travel, whatever it is–we’ll more and more be able to entrust those to Him. And that’s cool. Plus, I don’t think He puts BIG dreams on our hearts for no reason, either. 🙂
Melissa, I have so many encouragers in my life…my husband, my family, friends.
I’m a big believer of the impossible. Since God’s worked so many miracles in my own life, I believe beyond the scope of the tangible.
And guess what?! In our Sunday School class, we’re currently studying Tozer’s Pursuit of God. That man’s mindset was incredible!
Oh cool! I haven’t read that, but now I want to!
What a thought-provoking post! I’ll be honest, it’s sometimes hard for me to “dream big.” I guess I’m too much of a pragmatist! But your post has me thinking it might be time to step out a little. Thanks for sharing!
If you need help learning to dream big, just watch Anne of Green Gables a few times. Haha! She’s such a dreamer…
You know, I think we all have different personalities…some are more prone to let our minds wander into whimsical territory. Others are more, like you said, pragmatic. But hope and belief are for all of us, maybe just expressed in our own ways, right? And God can continually breath hope into us…Romans 15:13!
Great post, Melissa!
My husband and family support my dreams.
And one of the things I love about My Book Therapy is how the writing community is all about encouraging writers to dream big — to pursue their passion — and equipping writers so their dreams come true.
This past fall I went to a retreat in Monterey sponsored by Books & Such Literary Agency (my agency). The theme? Dream Big! How fun to spend three days focused on daring to dream big.
Now that’s an awesome theme!
I should’ve mentioned MBT…that has been one of the most amazing support systems for my dream, both through encouragement and friendship, but also through practically helping me move toward that dream. It’s simply one of the BEST things that ever happened to my writing life…well, and in my life in general!
Like you, I don’t think anyone ever had to tell me how to dream, I always have been a dreamer. This has proved difficult on occasion since my husband is very realistic. I just tell him to trust God, He will work out the details and He always does.
Thanks for sharing that great quote!
Haha, I can see how a dreamer of a wife and a realistic husband could have troubles finding common ground now and then. 🙂 But then, in a way, God’s dreams for us are also his reality for us when we’ve surrendered to him. And that’s cool!
Great post! I’m totally the same way in my every day life – doing things my way, accomplishing what I want. I’m better at trusting the Lord when it comes to big life stuff, but I want to be better about relying on Him in the small moments too.
Yeah, me too! Sometimes it seems easy to hand over the big things, but then in those every day decisions, I forget to turn to him.