is bookmarked on my mac.
And I’m pretty sure if anyone ever trusted me with a saw, I might actually do an okay job.
No, I’m not on a quest to become the next Ty Pennington. Though, if I was, I’ve got at least one additional point in my favor: My hair generally sticks out every which way, too.
Instead, this is all evidence of my ongoing research for From the Ground Up, my second novel. The main character is the host of her own TV homebuilding show – a fact which has required me to get acquainted with all things Home Depot.
In addition to my technical research, I’ve also been hunting for a Bible verse on building. During the search I found a couple verses that really spoke to me. By which, I mean they did a sort of Speakers-Corner-in-Hyde-Park dance and yell…
“Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a
house as the sanctuary. Be strong and do the work.” ~1 Chronicles 28:10
Same chapter, just a few verses later:
“David also said to Solomon his son, ‘Be strong and courageous
and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the
Lord God, my God is with you.’” ~I Chronicles 28:20
(Emphases mine. And yes, that’s the first time I’ve ever used the word ‘emphases.’)
“Do the work.”
Probably not an inspirational message that’ll make its way onto a poster with a pretty landscape anytime soon. But as I read the verses which contained the phrase – then paused to read the full chapter – it struck me that these show a characteristic of God I don’t often think about. They remind me God values hard work, diligence, follow-through.
In this chapter, King David (the one of giant-conquering acclaim) tells of his original plan to build a temple for the Lord and God’s subsequent instructions that it actually be David’s son, Solomon, who should do the building. So David goes on to instruct his son according to God’s wishes for the temple. Twice he pauses in the midst of details about lamp stands, silver, gold, alters, chariots, to encourage Solomon to “do the work.”
It might’ve been overwhelming to be Solomon at that point…charged with building the Lord’s temple, drowning in details and the expectations of not only a country but your famous father and, well, God. But David’s advice, passed down from God, was simple: do the work.
Frankly, I needed that three-word push this week. I’m on the home stretch with From the Ground Up. And, honestly, I’m pretty much behind on the rest of life at the moment. It seems a constant battle to fight the “lure of lazy.” (Just made that up, but I’m pretty sure someone should use it as a book title.)
Ever face that? When you just want to forget the responsibilities and goals piling up like litter on a beach and instead bury yourself in some sand?
“Do the work.”
I think God honors those times when he’s given us a job or a task – or maybe just the calling of living life well – and we simply do the work. Push forward with determination and a desire to obey. Regardless of the distractions tugging at us or the laziness tempting us.
And what’s awesome about God, is that he doesn’t leave us to “do the work” alone. Take a look at the end of verse 20 again: “The Lord God, my God is with you.” Earlier in the same chapter, David reminds Solomon that God searches every heart, understands every desire and every thought, and that if we seek him, we will find him.
He’s there, waiting for us to come to him with our work, big or small. He never asks us to “do the work” in a void.
That’s a truth I intend to hold close.
How about you? Do you ever find yourself needing those simple pushes to just “do the work?” What gets you moving?
Comments 4
A great truth and confirmation you’re on the right track in your novel. See you pick Ty Pennington and I think Tim the Tool Man Taylor. 🙂
I love it when God uses scripture to teach me a lesson and remind me to get off my lazy bum and “do the work” but I also love it when He smiles and proves, “Hey, I’m in this writing thing here, Jess or Melissa or (insert name) and here’s proof. Here’s your thread, your theme. You’re not crazy. You didn’t dream this up all by yourself…ahem…I’m here. But I ain’t gonna type the keyboard for ya or borrow your library card. Do the work.” Awesome, Tagg! Love it!
Haha, home improvement! I remember that show! Ohh, how we loved Jonathan Taylor Thomas back then…
I love your rendition of God’s voice. Soo good!
To answer your 2 questions:
Yes, I do sometimes find myself needing those simple pushes to just “do the work.”
And, “What gets me moving?”
Answer: “I read my daughter’s blog!” 🙂
Gotta go…off to work to complete a project!!
Oh yes, random thought, Jessica’s comment remided me of a Little House on the Prairie episode where Charles is going to skip church to plow, I believe he’s had an accident and is behind or somthing, and he says in his argument with Carloline “God isn’t gonna plow the field for me!”
I remember that episode, Mom! Hilarious…Hope you got that project completed! 🙂