Last week I mentioned that I’d been thinking about edits, editors…and the Holy Spirit.
Sort of a random hopscotch of topics, sure, but there were figurative chalk lines connecting my thoughts, I promise. Thought I’d share today…
For the past few weeks I’ve been working on rewrites for my debut novel, Made to Last. And oh my goodness, I am so incredibly thankful for the expertise of the editors at Bethany House whose feedback, questions and suggestions helped take this book to the next level. Throughout the process of implementing their thoughts, I turned all mushy with gratefulness. (My editor can attest to it. I sent her a totally gushy email on the day I began working on edits)
See, I’d worked so hard on Made to Last before it was contracted. I revised the thing over…and over…and over. I rewrote, revised, and edited until I was simply…done. I’d taken it as far as I could on my own. I was so close to the characters and the story that it was hard looking at it in any kind of distanced, big-picture way anymore.
Enter, edits.
When I received the revision letter from my editor, I realized she and the other editor who’d reviewed my story were able to see this novel through a completely different lens. They offered a big picture, reader perspective, which I so craved. And though they didn’t ask me to completely rewrite the book or cut out any characters or do anything huge, they pinpointed weak spots and showed me how to play up strengths even further. They saw what I couldn’t see…
And it was in one of my “Thank you, Lord, for editors!!” moments, when my spiritual ears sorta perked up as this thought hit me:
What editors have done for my story…that’s exactly what the Holy Spirit does for my life.
It’s true, isn’t it? In the Bible, Jesus promises us a Counselor to teach us all things. The Holy Spirit is like a life editor…seeing the big picture of our lives, the things we can’t see, all the ins and outs of the journey we’re on…and he’s there to help smooth out our life plots and deepen our characters, to take our stories in the right direction.
I love that. And I really, strongly believe that when we give the Spirit control of our lives, we do see supernatural results. We live lives that make the world take notice. And our stories, as Christ-followers, hit a whole new level of purpose and shine.
The key…the key is remembering we aren’t writing our life stories alone.
What do you think? Can you think of ways the Holy Spirit has helped “edit” your life?
p.s. I turned in Made to Last edits last week. Woohoo!
Comments 34
Oh yes. Show dont tell. Many times I will think about doing something for someone, or saying something encouraging but never do it. The Holy Spirit has been urging me to take action with those thoughts. Maybe instead of show don’t tell it is show love don’t just think about it.
Our writing is so much better when we show feelings and the same is true in our lives.
Ooh, show don’t tell. That’s good.
This is why I love you, Melissa–your humble and teachable spirit shines bright in the world. And you take it the next step by teaching others. Congratulations on turning in those edits!
Oh, thank you, Jill! You’re sweet. It’s definitely nice to have the edits done, although, now I’m a bit intimidated to get back to book two. 🙂
Wonderful post! Love the analogy. I’d never thought of the Holy Spirit in quite that way, and I like what you’ve taught me. Can’t wait to read your book. Have you noticed the girl on your cover looks a little like you?
I’ve had multiple people say that, Pat. It’s funny ’cause I totally don’t see it, but hey…I’m cool with it. Hehehe…
AMEN to the wonderful work of both editors and the Holy Spirit in our lives! I tend to be so blind to my own faults and shortcomings. It used to make me angry when other people (or the Lord!) pointed them out to me, but I’ve learned now to embrace the revelations now, for I know that they (editors and the Holy Spirit!) love me enough to want to help me be better than I am now. I am so very grateful for that!
Embrace the revelations…I love that!
Constant edits. But the coolest part is that they don’t come in the form of big red slashes as much as sidebar comments pointing me to Scripture and all Jesus accomplished for me.
I pray for my future editors. It’s exciting.
~ Wendy
Sidebar comments, yes! 🙂 You know, something I don’t think I really mentioned, but that I’ve been thinking about…the cool thing about editors is they don’t make the changes for me. They didn’t go in and rearrange my whole story. They gave me their feedback and allowed me to do what I wanted/needed to with it.
And I think that’s how the Holy Spirit is. He’s not going to come barging in forcing us to change or go a new direction, in general. But he’s there nudging us the right direction if we’ll listen!
Yay for you finishing your edits!! Woohoo!!
Loved the analogy here. The Holy Spirit has been showing me for quite awhile now that I need to implement more rest and more trust into my life. He’s nudged me to leave more time for Him and for my husband. It’s been encouraging to see how my focus has shifted. I’m still pursuing writing with all I have, but I don’t feel the intense pressure I’ve been putting on myself…the pressure I didn’t even realize I felt until it was gone. Weird how that works, isn’t it?
Rest more, oh yes. Right there with you, Linz. And it is truly cool to me that when I finally prioritize the way I’m pretty sure He wants, the things that have to get done, get done.
I love that, Tagg! He’s the editor and Jesus is the author and finisher. Perfectly said, I can’t add to it!
Thanks, Jess!
Melissa, I loved your thoughts this morning! We know we’ve grown as writers when we can accept others’ words graciously, realizing there’s always room for improvement.
Just like in our own writing when we’ve been so close to our story that we’re practically seeing stars, it’s cathartic to finally “release” it to someone else. And yes, the Holy Spirit has “edited” my own life plenty of times. I’m so thankful! 🙂
Yeah, I love those times in life when I’m in this ridiculous mode of trying to figure everything out on my own, way too close to a situation and God swoops in and reminds me, HE sees the big picture, HE has the answers I need. 🙂
I was just reading that verse this morning – He’s the author and finisher of our faith–seems like my morning theme:) Loved this addition to it:)
I love that verse!
This is soooo good! We can’t edit our own work, and we can’t edit our own lives. Just beautiful!
Thanks, Melissa!
Wonderful post, Melissa!
Thanks, Loree!
I’m right there with you on editing. Pretty sure I’ve read my manuscript enough times to know it by heart! Thank goodness for outside perspectives. I love the correlation to the HS’s involvement in the storyline of our lives. I’ve learned, too, that He’s the real editor of our written stories as well. I may be the one typing, but He’s the one inspiring/guiding the work. Tks for the reminder that we’re not in this alone.
Ooh, very cool point, Crystal. I love it when God guides our written stories…I’ve noticed that as a spiritual theme weaves its way through my story I hadn’t even planned on…and I realize I’m writing this story as much for myself as for others.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I feel the same about edits on my first book! My editor’s advice and suggestions made the story better.
Love your cover, by the way! Can’t wait to read it! 🙂
Thank goodness for editors!
Oh, and thanks for the cover comment. I love it so much. Yay for Bethany House artists!
Your post is a FANTASTIC connection of the calling and the One who issued the call. LOVE this, my Friend!
Thank you so much, Donna!
Great post, Melissa!
The Holy Spirit edits my life all of the time by which opportunities he opens and which ones fall through for what seems no reason at all. Sometimes he choreographs details in our lives in ways that we could never foresee. It’s amazing!
In ways we could never foresee…definitely. I feel like my past year is an example of that. 🙂
I have to agree with what Susie May Warren says, if we’re not being changed by God in the process of writing, then we’re missing the point of why He’s called us to be writers. Part of that change is realizing that we can only take something so far, and then we need the wisdom of those who have gone before us to help us go further. The same happened when Jesus walked the Earth. He only went so far, and then He sent the Holy Spirit to take His story and go further – to the ends of the Earth.
Yes, yes, I love what Susie says! It’s so true! I can hear her voice in my head saying, “If we’re not being changed on this journey, we’re missing the point!”
Love this!
Thanks, Jennifer. And thanks so much for stopping by!