Fried on a Friday.

Sleepy Sloth
This is one of my favorite photos I’ve ever taken, and I’m sure I’ve posted it on here before.
But it is exactly how I want to spend my weekend–completely konked out. 🙂 

It’s been…a week.

And today I’ve got…nothing.

It’s true. So many weeks it gets to Thursday and the perfect blog topic for Friday falls in my lap.* But this week, I’m mentally drained. The Energizer Bunny in me has momentarily lost her alkaline…and probably her drum too… 

But maybe that’s okay. Maybe it’s okay to simply sigh and say, “Thank you, Lord, for weekends!”


Addendum: So I wrote the top portion of this blog, but then worried it sounded a little too Debbie Downer-y…which is silly, because I’m not blue. Just tired. 🙂

So I googled “Bible verses about rest” and just loved the first one that popped up:

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” 
~Exodus 33:14

So may God’s presence go with us all into this weekend. And may we get all the rest we need.

Are you doing anything fun this weekend?

*Let’s not talk about how some people are so much more organized than I am and prepare their posts much further in advance. 🙂
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    Comments 23

    1. I’m still in bed reading this on my tablet. I’ve hit snooze twice. I know it’s Friday but I’m spent already. I have training all day on Saturday, then my birthday on Sunday where I get to do whatever I want. Happy Sloth Weekend!

    2. Fried like an egg over here too! Which is why I’m SO glad it’s the weekend!! We’re going to order pizza and hang out with the kiddos tonight, then tomorrow and Sunday I hope to crawl in my cave and get some writing done. If not, at least some reading:) Hope you reenergize this weekend!

    3. I am super impressed with everyone who is up already! I work this weekend so nothing too exciting here- but hope you have a very relaxing weekend!

    4. You didn’t sound down … you sounded tired. And that’s okay.
      Thanks for sharing the verse.
      This weekend is about friends and family and heading to Buena Vista, CO.
      Oh, yeah–and rewrites.

    5. Sorry you’re tired and a little more than stressed. How’s Ollie?
      My weekend looks like writing–in knee-deep in edits and this has been a slow writing week. Hope to make it up today and tomorrow. Hope you get rest–I slept ’til 7:45 today. Something I never do.

    6. Aw, friend, a major headache will do that for you!! Plus all the other stuff you’ve dealt with. I hope you get the rest you need.

      My weekend is all about writing and spending time with Mike. Needless to say, I’m soooo looking forward to it!

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