Be sure to read to the bottom to learn about today’s drawing for a seriously awesome book by one seriously awesome author!
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I’ve been thinking lately about how God knows me.
I mean knows knows me.
He knit me together in my Mom’s womb (Psalm 139:13).
He knows and has called me by name (Isaiah 43:1).
He has a plan for my life (Jeremiah 29:11).
He’s faithful to complete that plan (Philippians 1:6).
He knows all my secrets (Matthew 6:6)…
…and all my thoughts (Psalm 139:2).
Together, those truths are both amazing…and frankly, a little freaky.
All my thoughts? Really?
And that’s where the amazing part comes in. He knows us–every thought and every secret–and loves us still.
I read this passage in the book Jesus Calling the other day:
Come to me with your defenses down, ready to be blessed and filled with My Presence. Relax, and feel the relief of being totally open and authentic with Me. You have nothing to hide and nothing to disclose, because I know everything about you already. (p.306)
Nothing to hide, nothing to disclose, He already knows.
I love that. It takes away that feeling of coming to God with our heads down, ashamed, ready to spill what we think is a great big secret. He already knows. It rattles any sense of distance or separation. He’s been there all along. It challenges loneliness or isolation. Because we can never truly be isolated from Him.
He knows me. And you. And I don’t think I’ll ever get over the coolness of that.
How about you? Does it ever scare you to think that God knows knows you? Or is comforting?
It only seemed fitting–since we’re talking about knowing and secrets–to do a giveaway for a fabulous book whose title and topic is totally relevant! (Uh, yes, I think I did just call a book a “who.”) Just leave a comment below for a chance to win a copy of Susan May Warren‘s latest release, You Don’t Know Me. This book is so incredibly good, and I don’t care how cliche it is to say it, but I couldn’t put it down!
You’ve got until next Thursday to enter the drawing and I’ll announce the winner next Friday. Have a happy weekend!
Comments 36
MTagg, when I read your posts, I can hear your voice in your words so clearly that it’s like you’re narrating to me.
It’s comforting that God knows me, all my flaws and still loves me unconditionally.
Lisa, that was EXACTLY what I was thinking and going to write! I can totally hear Melissa’s voice when I read her blog posts! 🙂
Thanks, Lisa and Gabe. I guess I have a voice that refuses to shut up, even in writing or something. Haha!
Hey Melissa,
Well, I used to hate the fact that He knew me…because I was running. Now I love the fact that He knows me…because I’m learning to just rest in Him. I don’t have to defend myself – He already knows why. I don’t have to explain myself – He already gets it. I don’t have to figure it out – He’s already prepared a table for me. I don’t even have to justify my mess-ups – He’s already got me covered (and there are LOTS of those!)
And I’d LOVE a copy of Susie’s book! I haven’t read this one yet and I hear it’s fantastic – just like her others.
Oh yeah, I love that we don’t have to explain ourselves to God. We don’t have to make excuses or justify our actions–when we really can’t anyway. We can just go to him…knowing he knows and he’s not going to freak out on us. Love it.
And you’re in the drawing. This is such a good book. Susie is brilliant. 🙂
I love the way your heart speaks. The thought of God knowing me and loving me anyway just blows my mind. What a sweet comfort it is to know that He knows my inner most thoughts and overlooks them to see the NEW me…the one that Jesus has transformed.
Thank you for that reminder.
p.s. I haven’t read SMW’s book! Thank you for the chance to get my hands on it. 😉
You’re welcome, Sherrinda. I love what you said about God seeing the new…I’m starting to sense a future blog post… 🙂
This is an awesome SMW book–as all are!
I love that God knows me! Better than I know myself!! 🙂 And since I’m way behind on my reading, I haven’t picked up Suzie’s newest book yet, so would love to have my name tossed in.
Ooh, I love your point, too, about God knowing you better than you know yourself. And you’re in the drawing!
Such encouragement, that even with all he knows he still loves us. Marveling, reveling, and thanking. Have a blessed weekend.
Hope you have a blessed weekend, too, Tina!
To me, it’s the greatest comfort ever! To KNOW me…and to still love me! Yeah, that’s serious love. 🙂
You’re right…there’s love. And then there’s LOVE. And God’s love rocks.
Not that I’ve been up that long or read that many things- but so far everything has been about God loving us and desiring us. Good theme for the day I would say 🙂
Oh, I love those themed kind of days, Laura. One of the cool things about the Holy Spirit, I think, is when He wants to get something through, He’s persistent. 🙂
p.s. I’ve got a picture of Tim Tebow at my desk at work…which made me think about candy corn…which made me think about you… 🙂
So what should you have written instead of who for a book? It’s mostly a comfort to me that God knows me and loves me, it keeps me close to him. i would seriously love to win Susan’s novel. Thanks for the opportunity
Hmm, I think a proper English kind of person would’ve said, “a fabulous book, the title and topic of which are totally relevant.” Or, a fabulous book that’s title and topic is totally relevant.” Although, hey, I know people who treat their books like, well, people, so maybe my sentence was proper after all! 🙂
Scares and comforts. Scares in the fear way and comforts in that He loves me anyway!
~ Wendy
I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels just a tad scared about God knowing every little thing about me. 🙂
This reminds me of a Rebecca St. James song from years ago: “You know my thoughts, my fears and hurts, my weaknesses and my pride. You know what I am going through and how I feel inside. And even though you know, you will always love me, even though you know, you’ll never let me go. I don’t deserve your love, but you gave it freely. You will always love me, even though you know.” (I wrote that from memory, so I hope it’s right!) I often sing this song in my head, because it’s so true. Even though He knows – He still loves us. How awesome is that?
Okay, I was the hugest RStJ fan as a kid. I mean, like, seriously. And that’s an awesome song with awesome lyrics!
Like others are saying, it’s incredible to think that he knows me and loves me still. Despite all the sin, all the doubt, all the muck that’s there inside of me. He knows me. Not only that, but He longs to make me what I’m not. He wants to be my hero, clean that gunk out and set me next to Him, a place I definitely don’t deserve to be.
Don’t enter me in the drawing, since I have Susie’s awesome book. I’m reading it now! 🙂
“Muck.” That’s a good word for what I sometimes feel about what’s going on in my head or heart. 🙂
Okay, you’re officially disqualified from the drawing. Hehehe…isn’t it a good book?!
It’s comforting to think that no matter how horrible I think I am, God already knows all about me – and loves me anyway. As the Message puts it, “when we were no use to Him whatsoever” He died for me!
Oh wow, love that paraphrase of the verse! I think sometimes I do slip into thinking God “needs” me. And that wording puts it so well–when I was of no use to him, he died for me and loves me anyway. 🙂
I’m thinking God must be pretty excited about all that’s going on in your life lately, Melissa, and that you’re sure to put many smiles on His face as you shine His light on others. You sure bless me on a regular basis. 🙂
Oh thank you for such kind words, Keli. God is so good. And you bless me, too!!
Yes, and when He knit you over those 9 months, you were very gentle. Gentle kicks, no hick ups, none of the jumping jacks and summersaults of Amy and Nathanael. (or PIH & vaccination concerns with Nicole) Now Melissa, what a great pregnancy that was!(You were probably in there reading or making up stories about all the weird things you were seeing!)
I think it’s awesome that He knows me AND loves me. I think being a mom helped me “get it.” My kidos do not have to be perfect for me to know and love them. They are our treasures. They are gifts from God. And we are Christ’s treasures, given to Him by God. Trophies of His grace. Amazing.
Haha, I’m glad I was an easy baby. Maybe that makes up for times when I wasn’t so easy when I was older. LOL!
And I’m really glad I don’t have to be perfect for you or God to love me. 🙂
Oh, one of my favorite authors! I cannot wait to read this one!!
And beautiful post today, Melissa:) LOVE IT! Such a secure thing knowing He KNOWS me and still loves me. Now THAT’s love:)
Susie’s one of my absolute favorite authors, too. It amazes me how she can continue to pump out awesome story after awesome story.
I love Jesus Calling! A friend gave the devotional to me in October 2009, and every day I’ve made a journal entry and talked to God about what’s going on in my life. It’s so amazing to look back and see how He worked in my life. Just 4 years ago I talked to him about sending my first chapter to Susan May Warren. Wow, what a difference that made in my writing.
Great post!
Isn’t that book wonderful? I had it on my Kindle for quite awhile, but it wasn’t till my parents gave it to me in hard copy that I started reading it every day. And every day, it hits me…
And yay for a shared experience of Susie making such a difference in our lives.
And YAYAYAYAY for your book contract!!!!!
Great post. Yeah, sometimes it’s scary that He knows me so well. But then I remember that He knew all of my mistakes and failings long before I committed them, and He STILL loved me enough to die for me. Grace! And I’d LOVE a copy of Susie’s book. Can’t wait to read this one.
You’re in the drawing, Erynn–it’s such a good book. I was actually reading an ARC of it during Blue Ridge. 🙂
I’ve read a book by Susan May Warren and it was wonderful. I can’t wait for this one.
I do consider that my every move and thought is being watched. It’s scary but it can also be reassuring. Understanding and forgiveness and learning from mistakes are all things I strive to have for myself and others.