There’s something beautiful about 700 writers in one place.
And slightly scary. (Um, listening to the voices in our head, talking to our characters, discussing plot points as seriously as military strategists…yup, scary.)
But beautiful.
With some of the awesome MBT Ponderers! Photo credit: Angela Bell
I returned this week from the annual American Christian Fiction Writers Conference—the largest Christian fiction writing conference in the country. We’re talking a novelist’s paradise. (Cue Coldplay with their latest single.) I had a blast with old friends and new, learned during workshops and classes and even survived pitching my books. (Four requests for material—woohoo!)
Me with author fave Jenny B. Jones |
Oh, and I totally resisted chasing down one of my favorite authors ever and telling her I’d give up Diet Coke with Lime for the rest of my life if I could write a book as hysterical-yet-poignant as hers! I did, however, get my photo with her…
But what made ACFW “beautiful” to me was the sense of understanding hovering over the conference, comforting me like a cozy flannel blanket. These people, they got me. We understood each other—the creative drive, the love for story, the dedication to craft, the tension over the realities of the publishing biz.
In life we all have our unique cravings, don’t we—chocolate peanut butter cereal, I’m talking ‘bout you!—but some longings are universal. And I think the need for understanding must be one of those. Which is why, I’m sure, it felt so wonderful to be surrounded by 700, well, possibly crazy writers like me.
(Hey, the fabulous Brandilyn Collins implied it first. There are two kinds of people, she said: novelists and normals. 🙂 )
But you know what, I’ve felt God saying something to me since I returned from ACFW. A gentle reminder, really.
I get you, Melissa. I see you in a way know one else can, not even other writers. I understand you. I understand the creativity driving you and the fears searing your confidence. I hear your heart, I hold your desires. I get you.
In all the fast-paced fun of the conference and my slow, yes, somewhat foot-dragging return to everyday life, God’s whisper of a reminder echoes with resonance. He gets me.
And that’s even better than the awesomeness of ACFW.
How about you? Ever find yourself craving understanding? Has God ever spoken a similar reminder to you?
p.s. Thank you, thank you to everyone who prayed for me while I was at ACFW. The notes of encouragement, texts, facebook messages and just knowing you were thinking of and praying for me meant so much to me!
Comments 2
You and your flannel! 🙂 So glad you had a great time, and I love that we’re crazy and get away with it.
God has spoken many times to me in a similar way and I have to give up for His humor, because He made me like this! Awesome post! 🙂
Being at ACFW is a balm to my spirit because everyone there gets me. I come away refreshed and energized. Sometimes I leave the conference and have a few days of conference blues. Not this year.
This year, I came home with peace and excitement–excitement for the new road I’m traveling and excitement of seeing my family again. My husband gave me a valuable gift while I was at the conference–he read my novel. The novel I dedicated to him. That act of heart touched me in ways I can’t even put into words. He may not get me, but reading the words I toiled over for years showed his support in an amazing way.
I’m so thankful God gets me, no matter what voices are clamoring in my head. It’s an amazing experience to be washed in His pool of grace and know He will always understand.
Great post, Melissa!