Inventive encouragement.

Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out. -Hebrews 10:24

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Please forgive me for the brevity of today’s post, but like many writers, I’m in the throes of preparing for next week’s ACFW Conference.


On Monday, I wrote about my (silly) goals for the conference. 

But in all seriousness, I’ve got one especially solid goal this year: to love and encourage the writers around me. 

I’m realizing more and more the impact encouragement has on me. I want to be that same support to others. Which I think is why that verse above really clicked with me this week.

My goal next week is to see just how inventive I can be in spurring on those around me. 

Want to join in? How are you going to encourage those around you, whether or not you’re at ACFW next week? How can I pray for, encourage or support YOU?
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    Comments 28

    1. I love encouraging others too. A smile or a laugh, along with prayer, goes a long way so I usually try to come up with something inventive to get them grinning. Before or after I pray! Can’t wait to meet you!!!!

      1. Yay, can’t wait to meet you, too. I have a feeling I’m going to look so scatterbrained and silly this year as I dart from online friend to online friend, hugging and saying “ahhhh, I finally get to meet you in person!!” 🙂

    2. Prayer, smiles, looking for someone who’s hugging the wall and bringing them in…(speaking from one partially-reformed introvert, I KNOW how intimidating crowds are!) And you can pray with me that my flights somehow all work b/c they changed and I’m now even landing until Thursday at 2:15! Ack! Honestly, I’m much more peaceful about it than I thought I’d be(all God), but I’d really love to be there for praise & worship:)

      1. Prayer, that’s such a biggie. I’m praying right now for your flights. One good thing is I hear the hotel is right at the airport. So you won’t have a long ways to go once you land. Here’s hoping your luggage is the first off the plane and you can zip right over to the Hyatt in time for the opening session. 🙂

        Random sidenote: I have always wondered whether I’m an introvert or extravert. I love to be around people and hang out, but I also crave alone time.

      1. You bring up such a good point–it’s that listening bit that can be the most challenging, yeah? How easy it is to ask questions, but tune our attention elsewhere while the person answers. Silly! I want to copy you–go out of my way to ask questions and really listen to answers!

    3. Oh dear, I’m stuffy and tired and can think of nothing I can do to encourage others. Heh.
      Hmmm. I don’t know. Maybe you can pray that I’ll know what to do when that opportunity comes around, and that God will put the right words in my mouth. 🙂

      1. Okay, that’s what I’ll pray for. I have those days, too…where it seems like work just to think about trying to be a blessing to someone else. Heheh…sorry you’re stuffy and tired, though! I’ll pray it passes. 🙂

    4. What a wonderful goal! My serious goal is to include others. I hate seeing anyone look like a lost little lamb out there. It’s so simple to make conversation and include someone. 🙂

      Can’t wait to meet you!

    5. Melissa – I can’t wait to finally meet you in person and offer you some of the encouragement you’ve already offered to me! I’m looking at this conference as a way to keep ministering to others and I know God will bring many opportunities to do that.

      1. And I’m excited to be encouraged. 🙂

        I think you have an awesome way of looking at the conference–a way to minister to others. You’re right, there are going to be tons of opportunities to do so. 🙂 So excited to meet you!

    6. Although I’m not going to the conference, I am taking a road trip with my best friend since middle school. She has been having a rough time lately, so I hope I can offer her some uplifting words and help her see the light at the end of the tunnel.

      You girls have fun!

      1. Oh, I hope you have fun and can totally uplift your friend! How cool to have such a long-lasting friendship. I’ll be praying you’re able to encourage her just by being there with her.

    7. Melissa,

      Last year I looked for people with the First Time Attendee tag and made a point to stop, smile and talk with them. It was encouraging for everyone, especially me!

    8. Hugs. Lots of hugs. And smiles. I’m a first-time attendee and I know how nervous I am–and I’m definitely more of an extrovert than a lot of writers. I want to be friendly and show people they aren’t alone. Because they’re not. Even though TECHNICALLY all writers are in competition for few spots, I have not for an instant felt that way in this online community. Everyone wants everyone else to succeed. It’s just so awesome. I give all the credit to the Lord…He’s our common bond.

      1. Hugs and smiles for sure. 🙂

        I think it’s phenomenal how uncompetitive the online writing community is. And frankly, my experience at ACFW has been the same. I’ve never felt I was competing with the hundreds of others all pitching their books. Even in the appointment waiting area, there’s an atmosphere of encouragement–nervousness, too, haha, but definitely encouragement. 🙂

    9. Melissa, that’s exactly why I’m going to ACFW. I leave the fiction writing to much more talented peeps, so I’m headed to Dallas to encourage my writer friends and agency mates, pray with/for them when their editor/agent appointments approach, and spend time with a whole bunch of people who get how writers think. Can’t wait to see you there and hug your neck!

    10. I love how God works. This has been my goal as well. My verse for the conference (and this week leading up to it) is Ps. 37:3a: “Trust in the Lord and do good.” I’ve been praying that I’ll leave my writing journey with Him and instead focus my energy on doing good to others. I’m going to be on the lookout for overwhelmed faces, ways to love on my friends and agency-mates, and places I can step in at the last minute and serve.

      I think it’ll be a great couple of days!!

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