Anyone who has been around Tag(g)lines in the past month knows I’ve been on a Darlene Zschech kick. First I read her book, Extravagant Worship. And then this week I finished The Kiss of Heaven, which is all about the dreams God plant on our hearts.
(In this same timeframe I’ve also read a book by Joyce Meyer and Tim Tebow’s Through My Eyes. What’s up with me and all the nonfiction? This is highly abnormal! Should I be concerned?)
But anyway, I’ve been soooo blessed by both of these books. I just read this in the last chapter of Kiss of Heaven:
Fulfillment is not dependent on the size of our dream, but on understanding the size of God’s investment in us to see that dream fulfilled. Satisfaction comes when we are aware of His favor on our steps of faith, when we see His hand multiply our efforts and watch the natural become the supernatural. [p. 211]
That’s what I’m talking about!
So, I can’t keep this to myself. Which is why I’m doing a giveaway today. Two commenters will receive a Darlene Zschech book…one will win Extravagant Worship, the other, Kiss of Heaven. Here’s how it’s going to work:

Post about the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter, and I’ll enter your name twice.
I’m excited to hear about your dreams!
Comments 26
God embedded the dream of being a writer in my heart years and years ago. Yeah, I was the kid in school who didn’t mind writing assignments.
And he’s opened doors to that dream in unexpected ways — allowing me to write articles, edit a magazine, write both nonfiction and fiction books … and develop wonderful, fulfilling relationships with other writers (the best part, ever!)
Thanks for asking this question, Melissa. I’m smiling now.
And thanking God that your friendship is part of the answer to my dream.
I was the same kind of kid, Beth. I’d rather write up an essay than take a test any day. 🙂
Yep, friendships are definitely one of the best parts of the writing dream!
God has laid writing on my heart and my dream is to be published…and evidently to learn patience. One of the ways God has been working is in the rejections I receive. There are always comments on the manuscript that make it better. :~)
And I tweeted and fb’d about the contest.
Thanks for spreading the word about the contest, Pat. 🙂
And…congratulations on being a Genesis finalist!!! Yay!!
Well writing and publishing and that’s coming true every day! It’s happened in the most unique ways. Like finding my critique partner, who I’d probably die without, by googling a phrase then seeing she entered the same OFN contest I did and so I fb’d her, we started online chatting and traded our entries (both stunk–and we both admitted that)and met at the WFTS conference. I know God opened that door. I needed a crit parnter and had no clue how I was going to find one and in the most unexpected place, I did! 🙂
Ah, what a fun way to find a crit partner. I can’t wait to see your books on bookshelves!!
Writing and women’s ministry — God’s constantly working on that one in little ways, but they are all stringing together. And, most days, I love watching His work:) It’s a huge dream, but what I’ve realized is He’s the one who created that dream, placed it in my heart, and He’s got big enough hands to care for it:) OH–that just begs and AMEN!
Cool to see two dreams woven together, Susan! And…AMEN!
While writing is one dream God has placed in my heart, another which He planted and then fulfilled 12 years later, was the opportunity to work for Him in Romania during the Communist era. The dream was planted on a hill in Vienna 12 years before God fulfilled it, and then through miraculous means of opening doors that had been shut: an 8-month late entry into the Fulbright scholarship competition, a clearance by a Romanian security police worker “happening” to visit Romanian friends in the US and notification that I’d been given the grant, 30 days later, but 3 months before our government had been informed. God does work in mysterious ways. It was totally a God-thing. God engineered. God providing every step of the way.
WHOA…now that is an incredible story and, like you said, a God-thing. How cool! When God wants something to happen, it happens, yeah?!
Well, girl, you know my dream (full-time author), and you know the ways God has been working…unexpected ups and finding so many ah-mazing friends (like you, yes, you!)…and possibly a crit partner!
Happy Friday!
Yay for shared dreams and fun friends!! Woohoo!!
I have Kiss of Heaven. I loved that book. You can put me in the drawing for, Extravagant Worship.
Some of my dreams have already come true. My kids all have more education than I, or hubby, ever had. They are going out into the world, serving with careers that help people who have a hard time helping themselves. I’m so proud.
My personal dream for myself is to be a full time author, touching hearts – writing for God’s glory.
Okay, Loree, will do. 🙂
I love that so many of us here share a similar dream!
A dream in my heart is that my brothers, parents and I would all worship God together. My parents are amazing believers, but my brothers aren’t so sure about letting God into their lives yet. I believe God is at work though!
Praying right now for your bros, Maggs. Yes, God is at work!! He can open the door to even the most closed off hearts…and with an awesome sister like you, I have no doubts that one day your dream for your brothers and your fam will come true.
I started by writing zany poetry in the 3rd grade, & gathered a classroom audience. My love for writing has grown lots since moving to MN 11 years ago. It’s still my dream to have novels published, but I do see my craft improving and He has opened other doors like now being a regular contributor to Quiet Hour devotional w/ a national audience.
My family’s other long-time dream has been to have a farm–and when funds came available, after much searching, we have fun, which makes me think that what’s deep in our hearts and we faithfully pursue, will become visible reality.
And I’m going on record saying you’ll be published soon.
Yay for you being a regular devotional contributor, Dee! That’s awesome. And yay for the farm, too. I’ll bet you’ll have so much fun as a family…
And thank you for that last line, too. Your encouragement means a ton to me!
As I’m sure everyone has already shared, being an author is a dream of mine, but it wasn’t always. God gave me this unexpected dream and then showed His faithfulness by producing an explosion of ideas in my head. Isn’t it awesome when He works like that? 🙂
Yes, I love that so many of us the same dream…I think it helps us empathize with and encourage each other. 🙂 Love that God has given you an explosion of ideas, too! Hey, I hope you’re continuing to recover well from surgery.
Being a writer is the obvious, and something I see God working in – but the other dream placed in my heart is being a wife and mother of faith and courage. My ministry at home is the first and most important one of my life and I see God’s presence in it all the time. I know within myself I would fail miserably, but with Him all things truly are possible – even patience!
Love that last part…”even patience.” Made me LOL and then nod my head in “amen.” 🙂
God’s dream in my heart…to return to communicating God’s love and truth to others. Doors are opening to writing opportunities and courgage is being garnered to get further training in that field and for MBTI training/certification. I’m just believing that funding will be found to help me realize these dreams as well.
That “funding” part of dreams has to be one of the hardest parts. Hoping and believing with you that it’ll be found!
Dang it – how did I almost miss this?
From a young age, I have gotten a LOT of fulfillment out of telling others about the things God has shown me through His word. I’ve been doing that since last year through my blog, and now He has given me the opportunity to lead a women’s Bible study this summer. It’s humbling and exciting at the same time!
🙂 You’re totally still in time and in the drawing. 🙂 I love your blog posts and I think they’re evidence of God using you to spread His Word – awesome! Very cool about leading a Bible study as well!!