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Picture taken at the Omaha Zoo. Sorta wish I could spend a day relaxing like Mr. Sloth. |
First, today I’m guest blogging about the MBT Frasier Contest at my writing friend Michelle Lim’s blog. Check it out here.
Second, congrats to Susan! You won the drawing for Rachel Hauck‘s book, Love Lifted Me. Susan, if you could email me your mailing address at melissatagg[at]yahoo[dot]com, I’ll get it mailed off right away. Or, feel free to message me via Facebook or Twitter (@Melissa_Tagg). And just FYI for everyone else, Susan has a great blog!
Finally, so, it turns out I’m not immune to stress.
Actually, I am a bit surprised. I used to be the nothing-fazes-me girl. I wore “yes” like Cliff Huxtable wore sweaters. Bring it on. I can do it.
Or maybe not so much anymore. Yep, stress has taken its toll on me in recent weeks and landed me at the doctor’s office a couple times now. Boo. But hey, I’m finding a person can get a lot of work done while sitting in the waiting room. 🙂
Anyway, there’s a verse I always tend to come back to when stress or any of its annoying friends (anxiety, fatigue, “I can’t do this”-itis) creep up on me.
Be still and know that I am God. ~Psalm 46:10
Love that verse. But this week I’ve been asking myself, how does a person “be still” when you can’t exactly, um, be still. I can’t skip work. I can’t shirk commitments. Lovely as it sounds, I can’t spend full days in bed gnawing on Twizzlers and watching back to back episodes of Downton Abbey. So how do I “be still?”
Have you ever wondered that? Ever had a sincere desire to take those words seriously, but lost as to how to live them out? I know as Christians, we often talk about “being” instead of “doing”…
But how do we “be still” while “doing” life?
I’ve got some ideas: Letting my morning quiet time expand into the rest of the day. Turning off the noise, maybe even the music in my car, and letting conversation with God fill that space. Prioritizing. Choosing to let go of a few to-dos, even if it stings.
And I think a big piece of “being still” is that second part of the verse: Knowing God is God. Choosing to believe He’s in control, the ultimate help in all things.
But I’d really like to hear from you! How do you “be still and know He is God” Do you have tips for being still in the midst of “doing” seasons?
Comments 17
First off, YEAH ME! And seriously, this post today is completely on target for me. Um, completely honest here when I say I forgot I had a chance to win…remembered Rachel’s guest blog (beautiful!) yeah, but that’s about it. Gave me whiplash to see my name. Anywho…life has been hectic and crazy here (which is why my brain doesn’t remember details, say, like the fact I could win a book) and I tend to crumple and whine and hide under the covers – the verse you listed is one of my favorites. I agree with stretching my quiet time out and simply talking with God-I find He’s a great listener and He has huge shoulders:) Great post today, Melissa. And thanks for the kind words above – hope you find some rest today!
Thanks, Susan! I have a three-day weekend, so I am definitely getting good rest. 🙂 Thanks for sending me your mailing address too! The book will come to you straight from Amazon. Woohoo!
Sorry life is stressing you out, friend.
For me, being still means remembering the whole “come to me, you who are weary and heavy laden” verse … the one where he promises to give us rest.
So often I look other places for rest: a nap. A quick trip to the mall to shop (yeah, really, so relaxing, right?), even time with friends … all good stuff.
But do I go to God to give me rest … not so much. Or at least, not until I’ve exhausted all the other options.
Here’s praying you find rest … and peace … and refreshing.
Thank you, Beth! I hear you…all those other things are good – naps, shopping, friends and family. But nothing fills us up like God. I’m understanding why monks lived (live? Are there still monks?) they way they did…
Great post. I laugh at the Huxtable sweaters. Bwahahahaha! I give God the first part of my day and I find that helps me through the rest. I need a Jesus-fix before the day begins not at the end when I’m frazzled and stressed to the bone, when I’ve lost all patience and dropped a four-letter word bomb at the mail man for leaving my mailbox open or the cashier that sighs because my cart is too full or the waitress who doesn’t want to get me that ONE extra pack of Splenda for my tea. Whatever. (Ok I think I just vented by accident.)
Praying for you and heading over to the Frasier blog! 🙂 Yay!
Yes, good old Bill Cosby! A little less than a year ago, I switched to having my quiet time in the morning too. But lately, I realize I’m rushing through it…getting on to the next thing. And that’s no good.
Oh, and venting by accident or even on purpose is totally acceptable around here! 🙂
Thanks for the prayers, all. Last night, I slept 9 hours! And I’ve got a three-day weekend. Woohoo!
Ah, stress, that awful companion who likes to sneak a ride on my airplane…a lot! Stupid stowaway.
Like you said, sometimes all you can do is pray. And study the Word. And soak it up. Listening to praise music and getting lost in it (um, I do have a tendency to dance in my room when no one but my cat is watching…I know it isn’t being physically still, but it produces a stillness of spirit that just soaks up God and all he has for my life…though I’m sure it’s a scary sight). Journaling.
I hope you get some rest this weekend and can kick that stress to the curb!
Ooh, you bring up an awesome potential cure, Lindsay: dancing. 🙂 LOL. I’ve actually got my parents’ house all to myself this weekend. Hmmm…
Hey, how’s No TV February going for you? Getting lots of writing done? 🙂
Yes, I am, actually! It’s been awesome. I come home at night, tired from the day, but my only choice is to write or read, both of which are good for my writing! Hoping to step it up and spend lots of time revising/writing tomorrow. I’m planning to send out my MS to beta readers March 1…yikes. And yay.
And heck yes, dance away!
I embarked on a doctor-ordered exercise regimen a few months ago. These days I go to Curves three days a week and walk at least half an hour on the other four. I find that taking my walks gives me that rest I need. Getting away from the house, the chores, and the endless to-do list helps me clear my head, refocus, and re-energize. This former exercise phobe now looks forward to her workouts and walks.
I so hear you there, Keli. I’ve got an elliptical, which I love, but I often have to literally drag myself to it. But once I’m moving, I really do feel my head clearing…and considering I’ve pretty much been sitting all day so far today, it may be about time to put on the tennis shoes… 🙂
I went on a retreat a couple of years ago with no cell phones, no TV, no distractions. God did such a great work in me that weekend, and then I wonder why I can’t get the same “results” when I’m back home in my daily life! Duh!
Note to self: turn off the TV, get off Facebook, and let God speak to me!
OH wow, a retreat like that sounds both amazing and halfway terryfing. It’s crazy how much of a hold the Internet can get on a person. But I can really see how it would be sooo much easier to hear God’s voice without all the distractions. And His presence is so worth it, isn’t it…it’s worth stepping back from FB and Twitter and the million and one to-dos…
Great post.
When I find myself in the midst of chaos, I just think of God standing right next to me – I picture His hand on my shoulder, or Him nudging me in the right direction. Soon I feel that calm and peace take over.
Now that is a wonderful thing to picture, Loree. What you said about him nudging you the right direction makes me think of that verse in Isaiah – the one about whether you turn to the right or the left, you’ll hear a voice saying, “This is the way. Walk in it.” We have an awesome God who doesn’t simply abandon us in busy times but walks with us through them, pointing the right direction…
I find that on the days I make a habit of praying throughout the day I can handle the balls life throws at me. That and starting my day out with Him…but yeah, I know what you mean about rushing through sometimes. I honestly think we have seasons–times our connection to Him feels closer. Thing is, I know He didn’t move.
You’re so right, Pat. He’s never the one to move or pull away. I love what you said about praying throughout the day. I’m atually reading a book on prayer right now and the author talks a lot about talking to God as you go about you day…it’s easy to think, dude, I don’t have two hours each morning to kneel and prayer…BUT my mind is working all day long. So if my mind is focused on Christ, I’ll automatically talk to and with him.