Confession: The “giveaway” piece of that post title is a little bait-and-switch-y. There IS a giveaway going on…but you have to go to another site to enter.
But I promise…you WANT to go to this site.
See, there are these guys who call themselves The Storymen. I met one in person a couple years ago (Clay Morgan), one online last week (JR. Forasteros) and one is still a mystery to me (Matt Mikalatos) but I hear he does exist.
They’ve got a sweet website full of fun stuff, as well as a podcast…on which yours truly recently made a guest appearance.
And we talked about, like, ALL my favorite things:
- Jack Bauer and the return of 24
- C-Hems otherwise known as Chris Hemsworth otherwise known as Thor
- Sound of Music (and for anybody familiar with a little vlog-soon-to-be-podcast called Classic Movie Gush, yes, Clay is still wrong)
- My tepid reaction to 80s movies
- ROM-COMS…the fabulous classics, the opposite-of-fabulous current Hollywood offerings, the difference between rom-com and chick flicks, etc.
- Romance and Christian culture
In other words, it’s 50-minutes of fun chatter. Stop by to check it out and enter the giveaway for a copy of my new book. And I highly recommend poking around their website,…entertaining and interesting stuff galore.
Listen to the podcast & enter the giveaway…right now…you know you wanna. :).
p.s. And be sure to stop back on Wednesday because Clay is guest-posting here. And by guest-posting I mean heroically saving me from writing a post while I’m on deadline.
Comments 3
Oh, I want to listen to that podcast … which I could probably do while I’m tread-desking, right? Right. Absolutely!!
C-Hems…LOL. Love that. It’s like he’s your homey. Melissa, you never cease to crack me up! 🙂
That’s so exciting! Can’t wait to listen to that podcast!