Grabbing the impossible


I saw this quote written on a marker board recently and snapped a photo.

It’s an awesome quote.

It’s an even more awesome quote when considered in the context of where I spotted it…on the board hanging in the classroom of a recovery center for homeless men. It made me smile so much knowing a man who is in the midst of digging into the root causes of his homelessness (addiction, abuse, incarceration, joblessness) scribbled it up on the board. Think of the hope that must’ve been churning inside him as he wrote it out for others to see.

I love it. I love that we serve a God who delights in people who don’t just tiptoe toward potential possibilities…but who jump at opportunities to live boldly, whether it’s finding inspiration in the midst of homelessness or simply embracing the challenges of an everyday life that sometimes feels too full.

And I love that those impossible things we hope and dream and think about…they don’t have to stop with hoping and dreaming and thinking. We can grab.

And once we start grabbing, impossible doesn’t feel as, well, impossible.

Which has me asking…

What’s the impossible I’m grabbing today?

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    Comments 1

    1. Hi Melissa!
      I love the quote! I do find it interesting that I’m reading this post after just sharing a quote on my Facebook about chasing dreams. I “borrowed” (okay, stole) it from Elizabeth Camden’s newest book, Beyond All Dreams.
      “Making mistakes means you’re learning, growing, pushing . . . that you yearn for something amd aren’t afraid to chase after it. You’re being creative and contributing to this world, even if it doesn’t work out as you hoped. Go ahead and make mistakes. . . . Don’t limit yourself, no matter how outlandish. Reach out and strive for something beyond all dreams.”

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