Today one of my faaaavoritest people I’ve ever met in the blogosphere—and then later in person!—is here. Her name is Jessica Patch. Here’s proof that we have, in fact, met:
Not only did Jess recently sign a contract for her debut novel—yay!!—she also just released her second novella, Just the Way You Are. I can’t even tell you how excited I am for her.
Today we’re playing blog swap. She has an awesome devotion here and I’m over on her blog answering the most hilarious batch of “Would You Rather?” questions ever. I hope you’ll check out both!
Fig Leaf Fashionista
A fashionista defined by the Urban Dictionary is: A person devoted to fashion clothing, particularly unique or high fashion.
I don’t know about you but I have been a Fig Leaf Fashionista. Maybe you know one. Maybe you are one.
The Fig Leaf represents “clothing” someone sews on to cover up their shame. To clothe themselves with in order to escape a painful past, hurts, disappointments, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, envy, jealousy…you fill in the blank.
Sometimes fig leaves look like what we might call “big sins” such as: addictions to drugs, alcohol, and pornography. Sometimes it comes in the form of repeated cycles of unhealthy relationships whether romantic or friendships. It could come in the form of isolation, self-degradation, and fornication. It might even seem less “sinful” in the form of racking up debt by buying new things, overeating, over-doing the while fitness thing, hoarding, jumping on every new trend and remaking yourself over and over.
In the book of Genesis, the first thing Adam and Eve did when they sinned was sew fig leaves together and cover themselves because they knew they were naked. Earlier in the chapter, they “were naked and not ashamed.” The point wasn’t really about being physically naked, but about being unashamed…and then ashamed.
They did the best they could to cover themselves. But it wasn’t enough, was it? It’s not enough for you and me either. There is nothing we can “cover” ourselves with to wipe shame away, to fill the God-sized need in our lives. But we try. We try because if we can feel it on our own, then we can bury the pain and actions that led to our shame. Sadly, it only works for so long if at all. We don’t want to ask God to “let there be light” in those dark and empty places. Because when He does…we’re going to feel pain. And who wants to feel pain?
Truth is, the only way to healing is through some pain.
The amazing thing about God is that He never mishandles our hearts. People do. But not God. Yeah, it’s painful. I’ve had to deal with some pain that caused shame. And I’m so glad I was brave enough to ask God to heal me…to let there be light.
And here’s another amazing thing. You don’t have to feel shame. In chapter 3 of Genesis, after Adam and Eve sinned, one of their consequences was they had to leave the garden. The very first sacrifice in the Bible happens here when God kills an animal to clothe His children. Then He dressed them Himself. He didn’t toss a few coats out into the new harsh environment. He actually dressed them.
Because He never stopped loving them. And He hasn’t stopped loving you.
They hid from God over shame. Maybe you have, too.
He asked, “Where are you?” He’s still asking that today. He’s made a way to get you back and to cover that shame properly. When He made another sacrifice. His Son.
“I will sing for joy in God,
explode in praise from deep in my soul!
He dressed me up in a suit of salvation,
he outfitted me in a robe of righteousness,
As a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo
and a bride a jeweled tiara.
For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers,
and as a garden cascades with blossoms,
So the Master, God, brings righteousness into full bloom
and puts praise on display before the nations.” Isaiah 61:10 MSG
In my new novella, Just the Way You Are, my heroine Audrey feels painted in shame for her past. And that shame cripples her from the future she wants but feels she doesn’t deserve. Today, that might be you.
Regardless of your shameful past, God looks at you through His perfect Son, and He says, “Who told you were naked? Who said you should feel shame?”
Don’t let the enemy rob you of the freedom that belongs to you in Christ. Don’t let him convince you that you don’t deserve forgiveness or a good life…or clothes that won’t wear out or go out of style. Because the robe of righteousness that He clothed you with when Christ died to ink out your sins, it’s eternal, loved one.
There is no shame. Not in Christ Jesus. If you’ve asked forgiveness, it’s yours. Forgive yourself and move forward.
Here’s a peek at the new novella. You can purchase it at Amazon for only $2.99. It’s the 2nd novella in the Seasons of Hope series. Also check out the Pinterest page and take a look around Mistletoe and take a peek into some of the fun scenes from the story.
When Pastor Gabe asks Audrey Gilbraith to use her mad florist skills to help him design a prayer garden, she’s all in, especially since it helps take her mind off the fact she’s about to lose her job and her apartment. But working closely with Gabe and not falling for him is complicated. She’s not pastor’s wife material, and she has the past to prove it.
Gabriel Brookson wants out of Audrey’s friend-zone, but when he pursues her romantically, he ruffles more than a few feathers in his congregation. How much is he willing to give up for this wonderful, quirky woman, and will Audrey accept him if he risks it all?
Connect with Jessica on Facebook, Twitter, and sign up for her newsletter to receive the 3rd novella FREE this fall as well as receive notification of new book releases and price deals!
Jessica R. Patch lives in the mid-south where she pens inspirational contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels. When she’s not hunched over her laptop or going on adventurous trips in the name of research with willing friends, you can find her sneaking off to movies with her husband, watching way too much Netflix with her daughter, dominating her son at board games, and collecting recipes to amazing dishes she’ll probably never cook. Her debut novel with Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense will release in early 2016.
Comments 2
Okay, first of all, that picture. Hilarious. 🙂 Jessica, it’s so fun to see you on Melissa’s site. I love seeing your heart come through in the backdrop for this novella. Such an encouraging reminder of grace and acceptance—even when it comes through pain sometimes. We sure know about that, don’t we?? 😉 (hence, the need for cookies!) Thanks for sharing your heart with us. Hugs!
Love this post. Yes, we all wear those fig leaves to cover those sins and think people don’t notice…kinda like the emperor who wore no clothes.