Recently, online quizzes have told me that I’m Leisl in Sound of Music, Tina Fey would play me in a movie of my life, and that I should live in Fantasia from Neverending Story…which is crazy because that movie scared the crap out of me as a kid. My favorite was the quiz that told me the best exotic profession for me would be…professional sleeper. How does a person get that job??
Anyway, I thought it’d be fun to create a quiz for you…because I KNOW you’ve been wondering which character you are from Made to Last or Here to Stay: Matthew or Miranda from MTL, Autumn or Blake from HTS. These eight questions will tell you. (I got the idea from Bethany House fiction publicist Amy Green. Thanks, Amy!)
Quiz away…
Comments 36
Yep, that’s who I thought I was. lol. Just got Here to Stay (the PO lost it for a while) and I’m reading and loving it!! And Made to Last was Gr–eeaat! How did Tony the Tiger say that?
Yay, I hope you enjoy Here to Stay, Pat. 🙂 Nice Tony the Tiger impression!
I got Autumn! Haven’t read the book yet (maybe it will be delivered today!), but I think the results do mostly match up with my personality. Except for the heart of gold part…but being around people who make me laugh? Definitely!!!
Fun. Thanks for this.
Hope you get the book soon, Courtney. I love being around people who make me laugh, too. I got Autumn when I took the quiz as well…it’s interesting because I know there are definite pieces of me in each character, but I have a feeling Autumn is the closest to me…
I took it 3 times b/c some of the questions I could pick a couple answers so I just was curious if it would change who I got. I got Autumn, Autumn and Matthew. (the matthew surprised me a little). At first I was sad I didn’t get Blake and then remembered Autumn dates Blake which is better than being Blake 🙂
Haha, you make a good point about Autumn dating Blake. I sort of wanted to get Blake, too, just because I think he might be the coolest of the four. I mean, seriously, the guy is just cool. And yet, I love Matthew too…so basically I would be happy in either Autumn or Miranda’s shoes.
How fun, Melissa! Neat idea.
Apparently I’m Autumn. I’d agree. I really loved her when I read Here to Stay. Must agree with Laura… dating Blake would be awesome. 🙂
Autumn is the result of the day, it seems. 🙂 And I can’t really take credit for the idea…Amy Green from Bethany House did a quiz for the heroines of the BHP May releases and she gave us authors a preview last week. Her and I got to emailing after I previewed it and I asked if she’d mind if I partially stole the idea for my own blog. LOL. So she gets all the credit! 🙂
I got Autumn. I haven’t read the book yet, so I don’t know how similar we are. But the description sounded pretty accurate, except for the fact that while I would to travel (to England, specifically!), I also love my hometown and can’t imagine living anywhere else. =)
I hear you on the wanting to travel and yet loving your hometown. I don’t actually live in my hometown, but I do tend to love “home” wherever it is…and I’m always happy to return after traveling. I think that’s probably why I relate so much to Autumn and Blake’s story in general, because they’re a contrasting pair–one who is desperate to escape town and travel, the other who is sick of running away and just wants to settle down. They collectively represent my own warring desires. Haha!
I got Miranda! Fun! I loved the description of her and think it’s fairly accurate of me. Not sure it takes just the right person to draw me out (I generally am fairly open), but other than that, I can see the other stuff being true!
Great quiz, Mel!
I really do think you have a lot in common with Miranda. She’s strong and determined with a soft side, too…and I see all that in you. Although I agree, you seem very open, so maybe that part isn’t as accurate. But yeah, I can definitely see a lot of you in her…or her in you…:)
Also, Miranda is an amazing friend…and you are that FOR SURE!
So I just took it once, and I could probably take it again, because some of the answers I could probably change, and maybe I will, but I just have to say that I got Autumn, and the description it like spot on. Wow!!! Super impressed!
Woohoo, yay for accurate results! This is the first time I’ve created a quiz, so I wondered if the questions I used and the accompanying answers would be at all accurate for people. Glad yours was spot-on. 🙂
I got Autumn on this one and the one from Bethany House yesterday. 🙂 I guess we’re kindred spirits. Fun quiz!!
Aww, yay for being kindred spirits with Autumn. I really like Autumn. Thus, it makes sense that we’re friends. Haha! 🙂
I got Autumn Kingsley, which is what I thought I would get 🙂 I really connected with her!
I’m glad you connected with Autumn! That’s so good to hear as a writer… 🙂
I got Matthew. Because apparently, I think like a man 🙂
Haha, well, I actually debated whether to even put Matthew and Blake in the quiz since I knew probably mostly girls would be taking it. And yet, girls could have some of their qualities. After all, Matthew is super sweet and adores his family. Blake has a sensitive side. So, you know, it works. Haha!
(Ditto Kristin! :D)
Yep, I got Autumn. Must read the novel now to see if that’s true and what’s funny is in the BH quiz, I got a different character. 😉
Hope you enjoy the novel…it’ll be fun to see if you really do notice similarities between you and Autumn. 🙂
What a cool idea, but kept looking for the “none of the above option”. 🙂 I got Autumn, but thought I’d get Miranda. Where were the power tool questions?! I guess I should’ve picked Thor…that’s where I messed up! Maybe I do like to please, cause I picked Superman since my hubby’s always saying “Don’t you think he’d be cool to be able to fly?” LOL And really, what was I thinking picking him? I don’t even like watching Superman?!
LOL well I was trying to make it so the answers weren’t super obvious as to which character they fit with, know what I mean? Like when you take a quiz and get to a question and think, “Well, obviously is I pick answer A that means I’m so-and-so.” Thus, there was only one tool-related answer for Miranda. Haha!
Experienced some technical difficulties. Took it three times and ended up (finally!) with a result : Miranda Woodsruff. Hmmm. Interesting 🙂 Not sure about always being sassy and feisty, though. Oh and the ”professional sleeper” result you got out of one of your quizzes amused me. Neat idea!
Sorry about the technical difficulties! This was my first time making a quiz so I wasn’t exactly sur ehow it’d turn out. Glad it eventually worked.
And yes the professional sleeper thing made me laugh so much. I didn’t even realize that was a job possibility. I wonder what someone interested in that career path is supposed to major in during college…hmm…
Call me Matthew.
Matthew Luedeke. That sounds pretty good. 🙂
This was great fun! I got Autumn which was who I thought I’d get! When I was reading Here to Stay I kept thinking how similar we were!
Oh fun! I’m glad you felt similarities with Autumn as you read Here to Stay. I find myself wondering sometimes as I write, “Will anyone else even resonate with this character and what’s happening in her life?” So I’m super happy you did. 🙂
I am Matthew, I know I am a good listener because I have a 6 year old girl that won’t stop talking so I became a good listener for self preservation.
LOL! I bet a six-year-old would turn you into a good listener. 🙂
I got Blake! Actually, I think it’s closer to the truth than not. I can’t wait to read the new book!
Aw yay, someone got Blake! I think you should feel very good about yourself. Because BLake is great…although, I AM incredible biased.
Oh! I got Autumn. Yea me! 🙂
I think there must be an “every woman” quality to Autumn because she was by far the most popular result. I’m definitely Autumn in many, many ways. Which makes sense. 🙂