Some writers, when approaching the release of their sophomore novel, are calm, cool, and collected. They’re all, “I’ve done this before. No biggie.”
Those writers are not me.
Along with nervous and giddy and jumpy and sleep-deprived.
(Although the jumpiness really has nothing to do with upcoming book release and everything to do with watching too much 24. And the sleep-deprivation is currently the fault of my third book, not my second. But whatevs.)
Anyhow, as the May release date for Here to Stay approaches, it’s time to get focused. I really love this story. Mind you, there was a time when I didn’t. When I was neck-deep in the first draft—and then second draft…and then third draft…and, well, you get the point—I had quite a few Moody Melissa days. At one point I decided my heroine, Autumn, was the most annoying woman on the planet and my hero, Blake, was one huge mystery. (A funny, good-looking one, but dude, mysteries are only fun when there’s at least a faint hope of solving them and for awhile, Blake was completely unsolvable.)
But I recently had the chance to review the final galleys for Here to Stay and as I read, I remembered what I loved about this story. I love Blake’s humor and spontaneity and how he uses both to cover up his wounds. I love Autumn’s conflicting hopes—to preserve her family’s legacy while desperately wishing to live her own adventure.
And I especially love the questions at the heart of Here to Stay:
What happens when two awesome dreams conflict with each other? How do we know which one is the right one to follow? What if we stumble upon a new dream right when the door to a different, long-awaited one is finally open?
I hope readers love this story…but before they love it, it has to get into their hands. So here’s where you come in!
Join the Tagg Team
Just like we did for my debut novel’s release last September, we’re going to form a Tagg Team (yeah, my name is handy). If you join the launch team, my awesome publisher will send you a free book! BUT it comes with a solid commitment on your part to:
1) Write an honest review of Here to Stay and post it on at least one major online retailer/site (Amazon, Goodreads, CBD, etc). This is hugely important. I won’t go into all the reasons why reviews matter so much to authors and book sales and all that, but they do. It can be as simple as a few lines.
2) Help spread the word about Here to Stay both online and off. I’ll be posting some practical ideas for how you can do just that in coming weeks. But as far as the online part, if you’ve got a website or blog, I’d love to visit. I’m hoping to do some new things this time around—video interviews, book extras, unique giveaways—in addition to the usual Q&As and guest posts.
When I was forming the team for my first book, Made to Last, I included the list below for how to know if you’d be a good team member. It’s still relevant, so here it is again:
- You like to read.
- You will commit to write a review.
- You have a blog or website at which you’d be willing to feature an interview or guest post with yours truly.
- You have a presence on Facebook and/or Twitter and would be willing to promote HtS there.
- You have reading friends or belong to a book club who might read HtS.
- You have other fun ideas for spreading the word about Hts.
- [Optional but preferred] You’re good at making “Tagg, you’re it” and other in-no-way-overused puns and quips off my last name. (Joking. But still.)
- You like perks!
Perks like:
-A FREE book!
-Access to me in a super secret Facebook group. Now, I’m not exactly sure access to me counts as a perk per se, but I’m generally at least good for conversations involving favorite movies, embarrassing moments and the perils of uncooperative hair. So…there’s that. But actually, our Facebook group had fun last year and I think some new friendships were formed all around.
-Giveaways exclusive to team members only. More info to come.
I have a limited number of spots open on the Here to Stay Tagg Team, so if you’re interested, just let me know in the comments OR message me through the Contact Me form on this site by March 10. I’ll let you know if there are still open spots and will get your mailing address at that time. When you note your interest in being on the team, please include:
-Facebook/Twitter/Website URLS, if applicable
-A line or two about how you plan to help promote Here to Stay
Note to those who were on the MtL Tagg Team last fall: a) You are all AMAZING and I love you!! b) If you’d like to be on the Here to Stay team, too, cool. Just let me know in the comments. No need to provide your info all over again unless any of it has changed.
Comments 61
I love your writing, Melissa and it would be no hardship at all to read your new book! I’ve already reviewed the last two on my blog (and amazon and good reads). I would be thrilled to help you again!
Thanks, Susan. Got you on the list. 🙂
Yes, I want to stay on for book number two. I was
‘made to stay’ 🙂
Ha! Meant to write ‘here to stay’ 🙂 Am reading
‘Made to Crave’ and combined the two. So excited for you, my friend!!
Haha, Made to Stay…maybe if I need another book title down the road… 🙂
Oh and I’ve got you on the list.
I also want to stay. I’m not much on Twitter yet, but I can do the other things and will try to be more active in promoting, not less, and can truly endorse your excellent work. Besides, I pray for open doors and forward motion, & other requests as you make them known.
Thanks, Dee. And you sent me your newer address recently, right? So we should be good to go.
Sign me up! 🙂 The first time around was fun! 🙂
Thanks, Jeanne. Oh, don’t know if you saw it but your Frasier vid went up on the MBT FB page today. I’m guessing it’ll go out in an eblast sometime too. Thanks so much for doing that!!
Yes, if you still have spots open, I’d love to be part of this one! It was so much fun being part of the first one.
Forgot to say that I have FB, Twitter, and will happily post reviews on my blog, goodreads, Amazon. I’ll also use pintrest to pin it.
Thanks, Dawn. I was just talking to my sister about how I’ve got to get in gear on Pinterest. My sister is basically the only reason I have a Pinterest account right now and she’s done most of my pinning for me. LOL …
I would love to be a part of the Tagg Team. I love to read. I do not have a blog. But I do promote books through facebook. I have 9 online sites where I post reviews of the books I read.
Thanks, Wilani. Can you give me your email address, so I can add you to the list? Thanks!
Like, duh. I’m so in. 😉
So excited to read this story again! Although I gather it’s much different than when I read it! hehe.
Haha, yes, it has changed. You, probably more than anyone, know how many versions of this story have existed. Haha…I don’t even know how many times I emailed you and said, “UM, changing my whole plot AGAIN!” I’m so thankful you put up with my plot schizophrenia.
Melissa, I was on your Tagg Team for Made to Last and would love to be a part of your team for Here to stay. It was alot of fun. Look forward to reading your new book. I have Facebook, Twitter and a blog. Thank you for the opportunity.
Would love to have you on the team again, Katrina! 🙂
Hey Melissa, I would love to be on the Tagg Team. I don’t have a blog site but I would love to write a review for you on Amazon and Goodreads. Praying for you. God Bless, Caroline
Thanks, Caroline! Can I get your email address?? Thanks!
Hi, Melissa! I loved being part of your Tagg Team for Made to Last and would love to continue for Here to Stay! I share my reviews on various retail sites, my blog, FB and twitter, as well as with my friends and book club! Can’t wait to read and share Here to Stay!! 🙂
Thanks, Britney. You’re on the list. Woot!
Hey Melsssa! I was on the team for Made to Last and definitely want to be on The team for Blaze’s story! I think I’ll need to update my mailing address though…should I shoot you an email or what? Thanks Melissa! Can’t wait!!
Ps I can totally relate to the 24 jumpiness-I’ve watched 5 seasons of Castle in about 4 weeks and it’s made me have some really funky dreams! Lol
Yay, glad you’re going to be on the team again. Yeah, you can just email me your new mailing address. melissa[@]melissatagg.[dot]com
I have some friends who are super in to Castle!
I would love to participate! Not sure if I signed up prior! Rather be safe than sorry. I would love to help promote through social media and my blog. As well as dropping gongs off y local retailers if needed.
My twitter is organicelle
My Facebook is under my name.
Thanks, Dani! Adding you to the team… 🙂
I signed up via the online form – looking forward to it if I can get a spot again 🙂
I got your form, Beth. Thanks!! You’re on the team.
Melissa! I would love to stay on the Tagg Team!!!!!!! I CANNOT wait to read this book! This is probably the new release that I am most excited about for this year!!
Aww, thank you! Seriously, I’m beaming about excitement for the book. I so hope you enjoy it. Keeping you on the team, for sure. 🙂
Hey, Melissa! Sign me up again! 🙂
Will do, Annette!
Uh, yes plz. I’m reviewing and doing a give-away either way again:)
Yay, thanks, Susan! You’re in for sure.
I’m in again if you’ll have me 🙂
Of course! 🙂
Hey Melissa! I’m so excited, I think I’ll join your happy dance! Go ahead and sign me up for this one. I’m so eager to see what happens to Blake!
Will do, Andrea!
Melissa, you know I’m eager and GLAD to stick with Team Tagg (it’s awesome)… you’ve NO idea how excited I am about this next book of yours. Love the cover and of course the chance to read more about Blake. 🙂
PS: I am going to email you about one thing!
Yay, thanks, Rissi. I’m so excited that you’re excited. 🙂 Got your email and I’ll respond soon. Thanks a bunch!!
I’m in Melissa! 🙂 Sign me up!
Oh…forgot to mention I was a part of the MTL Tagg Team. And my info hasn’t changed. 🙂
Awesome, thanks, Alyssa!
Melissa, Yes! I’d love to go another round with the awesomeness that is Tagg team. I have a website and would love to host a giveaway, interview with you, etc. I’m happy to post my review of Here To Stay on Amazon and Goodreads. I’m active on FB and have a growing presence on Google+ and Twitter. I thought another commenter’s suggestion to pin and promote on Pinterest was great and I’m happy to do that, as well. What can I say? I’m all in. Very excited to read your second book.
Yay, so glad you’re in, Heidi!! 🙂
Hi Melissa! I also enjoyed being a part of a launch team for Made to Last. Would definitely love to be on the Here to Stay team as well. I loved Made to Last and I’m definitely excited to read more of your novels as they are released. I am willing to help in any way I can.
Awesome, thank you, Casey! I’ll keep you on the list, for sure. 🙂
I want to stay on your launch team! Thanks
Thanks, Mary–gotcha on the list.
I still think the “Tagg Team” is the best launch team name. Ever.
May “Here to Stay” be an even bigger blessing to you, Melissa & I’m sure the Tagg Teamers are in for a real treat!
Haha, thanks, Ian. I got kinda lucky with my last name. 🙂 And thanks so much for the kind words!
I was on your MTL team. Would LOVE to be on the team for Here To Stay! Can’t wait to read it. 😀
Melanie ~ Christian Bookshelf Reviews
So glad you’re going to be on the team again, Melanie! I’ve loved hanging out on your blog. 🙂
Me, me, me!! Pick me!! {waving hand around in the air like crazy}
I can’t wait to read Here to Stay. If you’ve got room, I’d love to be on the Tagg Team–actually, can I just be a lifer? I think it goes without saying that I’ll do whatever I can to get this book into people’s hands! 🙂
And I feel your pain with this story. I’m now on my sixth version of my current WIP–and I’m not a hundred percent sure it’s where it needs to be. But, I’m making progress!
Haha, yes, you’ve always got an automatic in, Gabe. 🙂
Sixth version…oh yes. I know what that’s like…where you’ve rewritten and revised so many times you’re about as lost as your characters. But it always eventually comes together, right? Can’t wait to get to talk stories and characters in person this summer!!
Sorry I’m so late on this, Melissa (migraine has put me out of commission for a few days). If you have any slots left, I’d love to be on your list! If they’re all full, I still want to host you on my blog. I’m starting a new interview series soon, so we can plan it around the release date. 🙂
Oh, sorry about the migraine, Jill. That’s no fun at all. Hoping you’re better today. And yes, I’d love to have you on the team again!
thanks for this opportunity, Melissa, sounds like another wonderful book! sent you an email from your site and would love to join in if you still have spots open, blessings girl 🙂
So looking forward to your new book, Melissa. Would love to stay on the Tagg Team.
Do you have anymore room on the launch team?