All kinds of newsy (and Newsies) stuff!

Today I meant to share a variety of fun news. But then I typed the word “newsy” in the headline to this post. And immediately thought of Newsies.

Which is a ridiculously awesome 1990s musical starring Christian Bale.

Yes, Christian Bale. Here’s proof:

Apparently Christian Bale was super embarrassed of his role in this movie. I don't understand why. He's adorable as Jack Kelly.

Apparently Christian Bale was super embarrassed of his role in this movie. I don’t understand why. He’s adorable as Jack Kelly.

So clearly I had to include a shout-out to the best all-boy musical ever. (Okay, not all boy. There are those random nuns in that one song. And the annoying sister of Davey. But whatever.) Now, on to the actual news;

Here to Stay is here…to stay.

FINAL HeretoStay_mck-web-1Even though my second book has been waddling its way into the world in the past few weeks, yesterday was the official release day for Here to Stay. YAY! It was a fun day of celebrating not only this story, but the fact that God let me tell it. I still have to pinch myself at the doors he’s opened and the dream-come-true-ness of the whole thing.

Thanks so much to everyone who has helped promote the release. I’m beyond thankful.


Made to Last is only $1.99…for today.Made to Last - Melissa Tagg

My first book, Made to Last, is on sale for ereaders through the end of the day today. So if you haven’t had a chance to read it, now’s the time to buy. Woohoo!


Web hangouts galore

I’m hanging out on these lovely ladies’ blogs today:

  • Emilie Hendryx. I’m answering questions about writing, life, and favorites.
  • Jill Kemerer. I’m on Jill’s blog as part of her Writer’s Life series.


Giveaway winners!

I’ve done a couple giveaways here on the blog recently. It’s time to announce winners:

  • Winner of Here to Stay, Becky Wade’s Meant to be Mine and Victoria Bylin’s Until I Found You: Jennifer Stevenson Tipton
  • Winner of Hillary Manton Lodge’s A Table by the Window: Robin Driscoll

Jennifer and Robin, be watching your inboxes for an email from me. 🙂


Becky, Vicki and I are back again!

I teamed up with authors Becky Wade and Victoria Bylin recently to create some fun videos all about contemporary romance. A couple weeks back, we premiered our first video: The top 10 things you WON’T find in contemporary romance.

So it only made sense to follow up with the top 10 things you definitely WILL find. Enjoy!


Now a very important question: Have you seen Newsies??

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    Comments 20

      1. Post

        I’M. SO. JEALOUS.

        Almost as jealous as the time someone told me they saw Some Like it Hot in theatre during its original release. Which I just think would be an awesome experience because it was so out-of-the-box in that time period. What am I saying, it’s still out-of-the-box.

        As is Newsies. Because Christian Bale. Singing.

    1. Still one of my favorite days. I think I might bust out with “Open the Gates and Seize the Day!!” at work this morning. Get things started! 🙂

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          Days. Movies. Actually, I think you had it perfectly right the first time. One of my favorite days would be watching Newsies multiple times in a row, so it works.

          I love the reprise of Seize the Day when they start out a capella and then break into a dance. LOL!

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        JACK KELLY.

        Now, I know a lot of the girls like Spot Conlon aka Brooklyn best. And he’s pretty great too. I mean, who doesn’t love it when he says “I say…what you say…is what I say.”

        But Jack is always my favorite.

    2. Have I seen Newsies?! That’s a silly question! Loved it forever! When I was college we choreographed a dance to King of New York for our dance final (Our entire group was theatre kids, it seemed appropriate.) And I may have just turned on the soundtrack…

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    3. I have not seen this but I will be making a point of tracking it down to watch – I can’t believe I haven’t seen it yet!

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    4. “King of New York” has to be the best song in that whole thing…I am NOT IMPRESSED with how the Broadway version changed the song. 🙂

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        I’ve wondered how the Broadway version compared to the original. I’m convinced it’s impossible for anyone else to get Jack Kelly just right. 🙂 I love Kings of New York…and Carrying the Banner…and Santa Fe…and Seize the Day…so yeah, basically every song in the movie!

    5. I have seen it, but forever ago so I hardly remember it! I even forgot Christian played in it:)

      Love you ladies’ videos! LOL Good laughs. Feels like it should be a Friday. I hereby say it is.

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      1. Post
    6. Congratulations on your release day, Melissa! Very excited for you — and I love Here to Stay!
      And yes, I’m a Newsies fan. Know all the songs and I’ve been known to sing along with my daughters! It’s the only way to enjoy the movie.

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