Welp, self-promotion is a little weird, yeah?
But anybody with even the remotest connection to the publishing industry knows marketing and promotion are regular pieces of an author’s journey. And they’re especially important for authors just starting out…like me.
However, I’m choosing to look at this promotion thing not so much as promoting me as promoting Miranda Woodruff, Matthew Knox and Blake “Blaze” Hunziker…the main characters of my debut novel, Made to Last. I am a typical author in that I truly love my characters and the story they live out on the page. So promoting them feels all sorts of right.
So here’s the thing: I’d love your help! Many authors form teams of “influencers” to help them promote their books. They’re called launch teams or street teams or tribes. I’m going to call my team…the Tagg Team. (Please tell me you saw that coming!)
Interested in helping out? Well, my so-cool-I-could-gush-forever publisher, Bethany House, will be sending up to 100 copies of Made to Last to readers willing to be influencers. Which means I need to hurry up and draft a team!
How to know if you’re a good fit for the MtL Tagg Team:
- You like to read. 🙂
- You’re willing to write an honest review of MtL on any/all of the following: Amazon, Goodreads, Christianbook.com, B&N, etc. and/or your own site.
- You have a blog or website at which you’d be willing to feature an interview or guest post with yours truly.
- You have a presence on Facebook and/or Twitter and would be willing to promote MtL there.
- You have reading friends or belong to a book club who might read MtL.
- You have other fun ideas for spreading the word about MtL.
- [Optional but preferred] You’re good at making “Tagg, you’re it” and other in-no-way-overused puns and quips off my last name.
- You like perks!
- A free copy of MtL as mentioned above.
- Giveaways open to team members only. (More details on this later, but think gift cards. Think Amazon. Think online shopping…yippy!)
- Participation in a super secret Facebook group. (Which might sound more amazing than it is, but hey, it’ll be fun. As all things secret-y tend to be. Like the time a Secret Service agent touched my shoulder and said, “You’re okay, kid.” Sorry, rambling. I just really like reliving that moment.)
- Exclusive MtL content. (More details later)
- Endless virtual hugs from moi. (I’d say kisses, too, but that could get a little weird.)
Sound like something you might be interested in? If so: a) THANK YOU! and b)
Here’s how to be considered for the MtL Tagg Team:*
- Your name
- Email address
- Facebook URL and Twitter handle, if applicable
- Website/blog, if applicable
- A sentence or two about how you would promote MtL
3) Wait in suspense for my reply. But while you do, why not consider sharing this post on Facebook or Twitter? I’d be so, so grateful!
Comments 70
Just sent you an email! So excited for this book!
Email sent, how exciting!!
*waving to Abbi*
*waving back* Hi Kara!
Melissa, on goodreads there are two pages of people who have your book on “to read” status *including myself of course* Wow, how exciting!!
😀 hugs and smiles to you Abbi!
Woohoo, yay about Goodreads!
And waving at both of you, Kara and Abbi!
You know I’m already excited to share about your upcoming debut, Melissa. A tattoo, maybe???
True story: I really wanted to get temporary tattoos made for Made to Last solely because I think it’d be funny to have a temporary tattoo that said Made to Last. It’d be just as ironic for Here to Stay. 🙂
Haha that cracked me up!
Emailed 🙂
Me!Me! Hands waving. I want to be on the team!! I’ll even find you someone to do the tattoo…
Ooh you know a tattoo artist, Pat?? 🙂
a couple of them lol
Umm, that is awesome, Pat. I now know where to go if I ever decide to get a real tattoo. I’ve always sort of wanted one on my arm, but then I’d be pressured to never let my arms get flabby. 🙂
A local pastor published a non-fiction book with Revell a couple of years ago. We talked about marketing and self-promotion. He gave me the best insight about self-promotion. He said as Christian authors, we aren’t promoting ourselves, but God and the work He has done through us. That wisdom stayed with me and helped me realize this wasn’t about me, but it was all about God and the way He used me to spread His word.
I emailed you!
Love it, Lisa!
That’s great, Lisa!
Such a good perspective, Lisa. Melissa, I love your energy! I’ve emailed you. 😉
Hey Melissa! Just sent an email your way, girl. I’m so excited for you!
I’d love to help promote, Melissa!! terism at rgv.rr.com
Um, I better not have to actually email you to make this team. Cuz I’m already one of your biggest fans!! 🙂
Yay! So excited for Sept. 15…
I’ve got my book coming on preorder from Amazon, but I’m still going to help spread the word ALL I can! Starting with that super cute MtL graphic on my blog’s side bar. 😀
GREAT idea, Casey, easy and fun to do the sidebar thingy 🙂
Cool, thanks, Casey! 🙂
Also, thank you soooooo much for preordering, Casey!!
I’ve emailed! Had to try anyway 🙂
Excited to read this one no matter what!
Just sent an email!
I just emailed you!
I sent an email! The more I think of it – the more I’m curious about it. It’d be a pleasure to read your debut, really! Thanks for the post.
I would LOVE to read and review your book! My e-mail addy is themaryreader@yahoo.com and my blog addy is http://www.themarybookreader.blogspot.com. Thank you!
Email sent! 🙂
Beth – I draw the line at tattoo. MAYBE for my own release, but as awesome as Melissa’s is, yeah, notsomuch ;).
Email incoming!
Oh come on, no tattoo?? Hehe… 🙂
Now I would TOTALLY do a temporary tattoo…
i’m with Carol; a temporary tattoo would be fun 🙂
I totally just found a custom temporary tattoo design site…it’s not even that expensive. 🙂
Me! Me! Pick me! The hero in my WIP is named Blake, too. Does that earn any bonus points? Very excited for you and would love to join the Tagg team. -Heidi
You know I’m in!
I’ve already said yes to the Tagg Team! Where do I sign up for my lifetime membership…? 🙂 Cannot wait!!!
I sent you an email! Sounds like loads of fun! 😀
I’m sending an email right now! 🙂 Would love to join the Tagg team. 🙂
Just sent the email!
Sending you an Email ASAP, Melissa – thank you for this opportunity! How fun it sounds. 🙂
I would be delighted to be part of this…
I blog at FoundaChristianbyHisGrace.blogspot.com
I tweet at @FoundaChristian
and I post my reviews at Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, and Christianbook.com!
I love reading!!!!!
My email address is mickeydog@myfairpoint.net
Thanks so much, everybody! My inbox has gone c-r-a-z-y today which has me smiling like c-r-a-z-y. Thanks bunches!!!
Melissa, great to see you doing the Tagg Team (love that!). You’ve got these launch team gig down by the looks of it. Well done.
I’m going to help however I can, but I’m not sure I’m the right fit for the team. But be assured I’ll be cheering you on and doing my little bit to support you.
Ian! Seeing your name here reminded me I need to hurry up and post a review for Angelguard! SO GOOD!!!!
And thank you for the cheers. So appreciated. 🙂
Hi Melissa. I’d still love to be an influencer for Made to Last. We are already friends on Facebook and I messaged you a while back. Looking forward to your debut. Rebecca
Awesome, thanks, Rebecca! I’ve got you on the list. 🙂
Well, well, well…you are doing GREAT at asking for help! What fun you are with your Tagg Team! I love it and would love to be tagged for the team.
Sherrinda Ketchersid
sherrinda (at) gmail (dot) com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sherrinda.ketchersid
Twitter: @sherrinda https://twitter.com/sherrinda
Blog: https://www.sherrindak.blogspot.com
I would definitely READ the book. (snort) And I would post reviews all over the place. I’d review it on my blog and do a giveaway with the copy I receive (You get more traffic with a giveaway!) And I’d request it at my library. And…I’m sure I could think of more taggy things to do. 🙂
Looking forward to seeing how God uses your story!
Automatic team points for saying “taggy things to do.” 🙂 Hehehe…thanks bunches, Sherrinda!
I’m happy to help you, Melissa.
Thanks Mary! I think I accidentally tagged you in a post on FB…in which case you’re probably wondering why in the world I singled you out in that comment. Haha…it was meant for a different Mary. Sorry! 🙂
I. Want.
You cannot even believe how excited I am (and dare I say proud?) for this book to launch!! I’m not sure if I’m allowed to be proud, since I did zero to help you get it written and published…but I would love, love, LOVE to help you promote it! So sign me up. I can write a review (I will probably do that anyway) and I can blab about it on facebook (which I will also probably do anyway) but since my blog is also the blog for several of your biggest supporters, I will support whichever one of us writes about you and your book (wouldn’t it be hilarious if during September, each of us wrote about you on our turn?!?!) What I do have is a ton of friends, a book club (ask Beth!), and a big mouth. So, I would love to spread the word (which I’ve pretty much been doing anyway.) Now I wait…
Just emailed you, Heidi! Hope I still have your most current email addy…I think I do. 🙂
I’ve been out of the loop due to a family illness, but coming back soon. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you, Melissa.
I’m so happy for you! Wishing you many blessings on your debut novel. I can’t wait to read it!
Just messaged you, Loree! 🙂 Yay!
Melissa, I’m so excited for you! Your release day is almost here!
I’d love to be part of your MtL Tagg team. I have a personal FB page (Jeanne Takenaka), Twitter: @JeanneTakenaka; and a blog: http://jeannetakenaka.wordpress.com. I’d love to have you do an interview, or a guest post.
I’ll be happy to write reviews for at least Amazon and Christianbooks. More if I have time. I also talk with friends who read and recommend books. I’d also be happy to tweet your book and mention it on FB.
BTW, I love that you are doing this here on your blog. I’ll have to consider that one day. 🙂
Oh, my email address is: jeannetakenaka@icloud.com
Sooo excited for you!
Jeanne, my friend, of course I want you on the team. YAY! Emailing you right now…
Hi, Melissa!
Even if you don’t pick me, I choose you! I’ll post reviews on Amazon etc., tell all my friends I know you help promote your debut!
Just sent you an email, Roxanne. 🙂
Melissa, Would love to help promote. I have FB, twitter, but no personal blog (just Writer’s Alley). BUT I love writing reviews for Amazon, CBD, goodreads, BN and sharing information.
email: julesreffner@gmail.com
fb: http://www.facebook.com/juliareffner
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/juliareffner
Just sent you an email, Julia. Yay!
Wow, I have to sign up fast unless you already have the Ps on your list. My site is delorestopliff.com, I have over 900 FB followers, usually only blog at Ponderers but also some guest posts, am pres. of MN Chris. Writers Guild, & love your sense of humor–would love to help out. Tag(g) in German also means “day.” New book & new day for bright comet on the horizon and fast-moving, memorably appearing new authoress, Melissa Tagg!
MTagg, I forgot–my (farm) address is 8985 130 St., Milaca, MN 56353. Thanks for considering. Dee
Yay, thank you, Dee! You’re so on the list. 🙂 Hey, I’m coming up to speak to the MN NICE group this fall. Will you be there??
My resume:
Blog – http://getagriponit.blogspot.com
Accounts on Amazon, Nook, and Kobo (I know, right? It’s a leftover from Borders)
And possibly a review or interview in an e-zine. We can talk.
YAY, Cheryl! I’m adding you to the list. And I love that you’ve got an account on Kobo. 🙂
Melissa – What a great idea and an awesome post. Yes, the marketing part of tooting our own horn is definitely the tough part. This is a fantastic way to do it. Can I copy your idea? If I can help you in any way I’d love to. I’d love to be a part of your “Tagg” team. Love that “Tagg” line. You’re lucky to have such a great “marketing” name. Ha!
Debbie Mitchell here…Am I too late to join?
I post reviews to Amazon, CBD, Goodreads and possibly others.(depends if they carry your book)
Facebook: Chaplain Debbie Mitchell
Twitter: @debsbunch5
Email: debsbunch5[at]jesusanswers[dot]com
I am always willing to help get the word out about books that I enjoy! Just let me know! God bless.