Question time!
I had about an hour’s drive over the weekend, and I spent half the drive contemplating the question below. Real deep thinker here, yes. But seriously, I thought long and hard about my own answer…and then got to thinking it might be a fun question to pose on a Monday blog. (Since, after all, anything goes on Mondays at Tag(g)lines.)
Here’s the question:
If you could spend a week either at some point in history OR at some point in the future, which would you choose?
Would you go back to an interesting time period? Or would you check out what the future has to hold?
Either choice has its perks. I mean, one could jump aways forward and get a glimpse of the iPhone 17. Sweet. Or, I could duck back about a hundred years…experience that whole corset thing…and then when I’m back home, probably never again complain about heels.
Anyway, it’s a random question, I know. But as I pondered this while I drove, my mental wandering ended up taking me down a spiritual route. I think we’ll chat about that on Friday. But for now, let’s simply answer for fun.
History or future? When and why? And remember, you get a full week there…ready, set, answer!
Comments 37
Pearl Harbour, December 6th, 1941.
I’d persuade SOMEONE to get the fleet out of the harbour, man the anti-aircraft guns and get the flyboys in the air. All of them. And head east, into the sun.
Ahh, good one, Jennifer. And noble, too.
BTW, GREAT question Melissa!
Okay, so here’s a crazy thought that just popped in…I’d go back to when all those weary travelers got off the boat on Ellis Island. I’d watch and be amazed, grateful for our country.
~ Wendy
Ooh, that would be so interesting. I have a feeling it’d also be a little heart-breaking…knowing that probably so many of the travelers arriving in America had to have experienced something tragic in order to make such a drastic life change. Then again, there’d also be people who are hope-filled, dreamer-types, so excited to start a new life in a new place. It’d be such a mix of emotions, that’s for sure!
Since today is non-spiritual routes, I’ll go with back in time and find out what really happened to Merriweather Lewis. Was it a suicide or was he murdered near the Natchez trace.
Random, but not really. I’ve been researching the Trace for a WIP. And no it’s not a historical.
Ahhh, interesting. Now I need to read this book your working on!
Seems like everyone wants to go backward today.
I would head backward too — and join a wagon train heading west.
Because that time in history has always intrigued me. The pioneers were heroes one and all — heading out into the great unknown (pardon the cliche), saying goodbye to friends and family …
and yeah, I could handle no showers and no real bathrooms for a week, max. Then I’d be so, so thankful to be back home!!
Dude, if I joined a wagon train, as soon as I hit a river, I’d have flashbacks to the Oregon Trail computer game and feel like I should have a choice to ford the river, take a ferry or, um, I forget the other options! 🙂
Yep. Backwards. But I’d like to stop at little moments in my life and breath them in a bit more…you know, just STOP and look around, and inhale like everyone tells you too b/c it all goes too fast but you’re too young to believe them:)
Yeah, true, Susan…life moves fast…there are definitely moments I’d love to relive and take slower, too!
I’d definitely head back into the past. I’d love to visit my hometown (where my books are set) and soak up all that my senses could handle so that I could convey the setting better in my stories.
Part of the reason I wouldn’t want to go into the future is because I think we adjust to what the future holds a little at a time – if we jumped right into the future it would be too much to handle. Just think about your upcoming debut release. Five years ago, if you would have jumped to this day, think about how overwhelming it would be. But, because you’ve taken little steps here and there, it’s more manageable. I don’t know if I could jump to the day my children leave for college or get married, but as I walk it out day by day, I will get used to the changes that come with each advancing age and it will be easier to deal with when they do leave our home. *sniff*
Oh, I love your thoughts, Gabe. And for the record, you’re so right. I was so not ready five years ago. 🙂
The past is the popular option today. 🙂
Agree wth Gabrielle about jumping to the future. Where would I go in the past? I like Jessica’s trip on the Natchez Trace. I’ve traveled it from Nashville to Natchez and it’s so much fun to imagine the travelers on it. I’d love to set a historical there…if I wrote historicals. Who knows, maybe one day….
I’m ashamed to say I’m not even familiar with the Natchez Trace. But sounds like there’s some fascinating history attached.
Whether you write historical or contemporary, Pat, I will read it! 🙂
Okay, I know I’m getting sentimental here…but I really would just go back in time to my sophomore or junior year of high school, before my mom got sick…and I’d just soak that time in with her. Enjoy it. Cherish it forever.
That’s my honest answer. If I was to pick something other than that, I guess I’d go back to Jesus’s time and follow Him around. Just…soak in His presence.
Sorry! I’m not feeling random…feeling contemplative today instead.
Aw. This choked me right up. BIG time.
Bless you, Lindsay.
Tears in my eyes, Linds. You don’t have to apologize for not feeling random. If I’d lost my mom, my answer would be exactly the same. Love you!
I think I’d like to live on the prairie with the Ingalls family as my neighbors for a few years.
Oh, that’d be fun! I wonder if I’d fight Laura for Almonzo? 🙂
I’m with Susan, I’d love to spend more time enjoying/appreciating parents and grandparents and the wonder of childhood.
The wonder of childhood…yes! 🙂
Oh, Lindsay’s answer is precious!
I’d go backward, too. Maybe to the late 1800’s, and dance at a ball at one of those gigantic estates, Jane Austen style.
Yes, totally! I’d even endure a corset in order to experience one of those big dances. 🙂
Except, I wouldn’t want to go to one in the time period when men wore white powdered wigs. That’d freak me out a little too much. 🙂
I’d definitely go to the future!!! You know there will be time travel and then I can go back in the past too. *wink*
Ahh, genius! Brilliant. I want to steal you answer!
I love Lindsay’s answer. So beautiful.
I agree. Her answer made me tear up.
I’d stay right here in my historical Gold Rush town and time warp to 1870. That way I could get a real feel for what life was like then and be able to incorporate more authentic historical tidbits into my stories.
And maybe you’d run into Miles and Elenora and Tildy there! 🙂
I’d go back to the day my parents went on their first date. It would be so cool to see how they interacted, the manners of the day, the turn of conversation, and, of course, the sideways glances and fluttering eyelashes. 🙂
Oh, that would be sweet! 🙂
I’d say history, because it’d make me grateful for where I am currently. I think looking into the future would make me a worrywart, especially if I knew something bad was coming. 🙂
Yeah, same here. I really don’t want to know what challenges or hardships might be around the bend.
Beautiful answer, Lindsay.
History for me. Yeah, probably the Civil War.
Hehe, I never would’ve guessed, Loree. 🙂