
Last week was one of discoveries for this girl. We’re talking Columbus type stuff here. Except, I’m not going to lie—I’m much less directionally-challenged than ol’ Columbus. Though, I did once accidentally drive to Nebraska. Oh, and took a train three-fourths the way to Brighton before realizing I’d unintentionally left London.

Fine, so maybe Christopher and I have more in common than I thought.

Anywhere, here’s what I discovered last week:

-Shopping for iPhone covers is frustrating. My choices are: flimsy plastic, leather that triples the size of my phone or something so blinged-out and bedazzled I feel like Lisa Frank and one of those gold-chain wearing rappers co-designed it. How about I just be careful and try not to drop my phone?

-Speaking of Lisa Frank, could there be anything more meaningful to someone born in the 80s than a Lisa Frank biopic? Hilarious and awesomeespecially the part about trapper keepers. (Frankly—hehe—I can’t really take credit for this discovery. I have a visit to Jenny B. Jones’s blog to thank.)

-Gevalia German chocolate cake coffee with Coffeemate mocha latte creamer is utopia in a cup.

-Facebook is not a fun place to hang out during presidential primary season. Along those lines, um, Iowa, I’m not sure we deserve to host the first-in-the-nation caucuses anymore.

-The people at Lowe’s are incredibly helpful. They’ll discern when you’re lost (although, the blank stare was probably a pretty good clue), point you the right direction, wave like mad when you totally butcher their directions…all without laughing at you. To your face, anyway. And darn, I still couldn’t find those curtain thingies.

-Speaking of blank stares, people who don’t watch Downton Abbey will not understand when you quip, “What is a weekend?” in your best British accent. Best show on television, folks. Here’s proof:

Have you discovered anything cool lately? Share, share!

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    Comments 15

    1. Melissa, once again, you’ve made me laugh on a Monday morning. This does not happen easily, let me tell you!

      I’ve discovered that Starbucks is not just a place to go when one is a student. No, its guests are quite eclectic, including hippie peeps in their 20s who chain smoke, groups of Romanian men who sit 5 inches from the door and smoke (lots of smoking going on), very loud self-righteous theater & film majors who brag about their latest movie, and writers (me!) who really wish they had brought a pair of headphones along. 😛 I guess the artsy vibe should be good for writing, though…we’ll see.

      1. Oh, hilarious! Romanian mafia men…they should definitely go in a book someday. Wait, are the people smoking inside? They can’t do that in Iowa anymore…

        As for making you laugh on a Monday, I’m glad! There’s a reason I decided to do random posts on Mondays…I need laughter to start out the work week too! 🙂

    2. Bwahahahaha! I still call them trapper keepers. Drives my daughter nuts, especially when I had to explain what one was!

      I am hearing much about Downtown Abbey, but I have yet to watch. I shall get to that, love! LOL

      So funny! I’m going to have to find that coffee. Where did you get it? If I don’t pop back over, tweet it to me!

      1. Hehe, I wanted a Lisa Frank trapper keeper so badly when I was a kid…finally got one in fifth grade. Oh, and Downton Abbey is sooooo good! I love it. There were a couple things in the first season that threw me a bit, but I got over it and was totally sucked in.

        I actually got the coffee as a birthday present from my aunt and uncle but I bet you could order it online from Gevalia…

    3. Downtown Abbey … everybody’s talking about it. Watching it. I usually am a good season or two behind everyone else!
      I recently discovered Lie to Me (I know, I know, the show’s canceled!) but, oh, how I love it! Thanks to Netflix, I’m enjoying hilarious episodes all dealing with body language and lies and murder and deception. Good stuff, eh?

      1. Oh, Beth, it is so, so good! I gobbled up the first season last year sometime when I was going through a mega period drama phase. And then I had to wait impatiently for the second season. Also discovered BBC’s North and South (not the US mini-series) and Wives and Daughters. Oh, and there’s a newer Upstairs & Downstairs, too. Downton in my fave, but the others are a blast too.

        I’ve never watched Lie to Me. Sounds like a good show for character study!

    4. Yeah. I’ve discovered turn-about’s fair play. For Christmas I let my daughters pick out a phone case for my sister, knowing full well they like all things glittery, sparkly, and bright. What did I have to worry about? I didn’t own an iPhone. Until last week. Yep. That’s right. You should see the case I have on it now. See, I feel your phone case pain, only I’ve been blinged.

      Thanks for my Monday laugh:)

      1. Ahhh, hilarious! Well, I bet it’s beautifully blinged. I finally gave up shopping…actually, when I was shopping, the guy at Target must’ve sensed I wasn’t all that impressed with their options because he said, “You know, you could go home and shop on Amazon. You’ll find betters ones there. Just don’t tell anyone I told you.” I love helpful customer service people!

      1. Pat, you are way cool! But yes, I hope you enjoy Downton if you check it out. Most people I know who’ve watched it get addicted immediately. There’s something about it…I love how quickly it moves, I love the music, the scenery, the characters…

    5. I definitely agree about the Lowes thing. I just bat my girly eyes at them and they know I have no clue and lead me to exactly what I need. Yeah, for being a female! :O)

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