I watched a zombie movie.

We’re sooo talking about one of my favorite topics today…movies!
Photo credit: stock.xchng 

Turns out, I owe Hollywood an apology.

For years I’ve been complaining about how there are no good rom-coms anymore. Sometimes kind of loudly. And probably annoyingly. 

It’s not like I’m a movie snob. I own Nacho Libre.* Enough said.

But seriously, I miss rom-coms in which I actually feel invested in the characters. Maybe I am fussier than I’d like to admit or I’ve simply been spoiled by the awesomeness of Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant, but the fact remains that I haven’t truly fallen for a rom-com since Dan in Real Life.**

That is, until a couple weeks ago. And a little movie called Warm Bodies. 

Oh my goodness, this movie is so good. I mean, like, halfway through the movie I realized I hadn’t stopped smiling since the opening.

Oh and yes, it’s a zombie movie. A zom-rom-com. Or a rom-zom-com. I’m not really a zombie genre expert, so I don’t have my labels down. But I do know I would rather see Nicholas Hoult as a zombie any day over Matthew McConaughey as…anyone.***

Here’s a quick blurb about the movie courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes:

A funny new twist on a classic love story, WARM BODIES is a poignant tale about the power of human connection. After a zombie epidemic, R (a highly unusual zombie) encounters Julie (a human survivor), and rescues her from a zombie attack. Julie sees that R is different from the other zombies, and as the two form a special relationship in their struggle for survival, R becomes increasingly more human – setting off an exciting, romantic, and often comical chain of events that begins to transform the other zombies and maybe even the whole lifeless world.

Reasons why this movie rocks:

  • The humor. It’s So. Funny. R’s internal monologue in the beginning is alone worth the price of a movie ticket. For instance, this:

I don’t want to be this way. I am lonely, I am lost. I mean I am literally lost, I have never been in this part of the airport before.

You can actually watch the first few minutes of Warm Bodies here

  • The zombie. I had no idea zombies made such awesome and sympathetic POV characters. And for once, Hollywood didn’t ask me to fall for a main character just because of his abs. R is incredibly funny, but also sensitive, reflective and as all heroes should be, plenty flawed. I mean, the guy eats brains, so…well, and there’s the dead thing…
  • The romance. Some people are picky about special effects or acting chops. Me? I just want to see the kind of romance Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert gave us in It Happened One NightWarm Bodies delivered with a romance that’s so well developed and a tension that holds through the entire movie.
  • The story. Simply put, the story is charming.
And yet…it’s more than charming. Because even days after seeing Warm Bodies, I was thinking about the metaphor of it all. There was this undercurrent of longing through the whole story, a sense of “It doesn’t have to be this way.” 

And when I think about humanity and the daily “death” all around us, well, I feel like there’s that same whisper of truth coursing through creation: It doesn’t have to be this way. There’s more. There’s life. 

But now I’m getting serious, and I usually save that for Fridays. 🙂 So stay tuned for more Warm Bodies chatter on Friday. 

In the meantime, what’s the best movie you’ve seen lately? How do you feel about zombies? 

p.s. Warm Bodies also transported me back to high school Spanish class when we learned this song: Me Novio Es Un Zombie (My Boyfriend is a Zombie). And yeah…it’s been in my head ever since. In case you’d like to torture yourself too, have a listen here. The zombie chorus starts about two minutes in.

p.p.s. Okay, for anyone concerned about the gross factor. I only had to cover my eyes once during the movie. 🙂 Yeah, there’s a little brain-eating in the beginning. But if you can watch the orcs in Lord of the Rings, this won’t bother you. And interestingly, later on when we see R again eating brains (mostly non-grossly), it’s actually one of the most emotional moments of the whole movie. 

*And can quote it liberally. “These are the Lord’s chips.”
**Which is fabulous, by the way. And which I also love to quote. “This corn is an angel.”
***I’m sorry, I’m just not a fan.

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    Comments 34

    1. Zom-Rom-Com…oh my:) ANd yet, you’ve totally sold it. I’m totally picky on movies and have a hard time sitting for them, and I never would have picked this one to watch. Now you hooked me!

      1. It really is such a good one, Susan. And this is coming from the girl who is generally content to stick to my black and white movies on dvd. Hehehe, I’m ultra picky on rom-com, so this one was such a fun surprise!

    2. Okay, I have to admit, I saw the trailer a while back and thought “Wow, someone actually pitched that idea & somebody actually bought it.” :)But if there’s a thought-provoking metaphor, I’ll probably see it. My favorite part about stories (movies or books) is that we can all see the same story line, but each draw different takeaways from it. I think that’s what makes fiction so unique.

      1. Oh yes, fiction has this uncanny ability to morph itself to the viewer/reader. I love it. And yeah, the premise is quirky, but it’s just such an endearing film. And the metaphor…here’s part of what I loved about it: there’s nothing pretentious about it. I think sometimes films take themselves way too seriously which, for whatever reason, makes it hard for me to take them seriously. Ha! But Warm Bodies is so full of symbolism…even the way “R” prefers vinyl over an ipod…there’s symbolism in that…but it’s completely non-distracting from the story. And that’s metaphor done well, IMHO. And the movie as a whole is one big metaphor just waiting for discovery and discussion. 🙂

    3. When I first heard about this movie, my mind immediately harkened back to the only other zombie movie I’ve ever seen. 28 Days Later. HORRID!!!

      But then I watched the trailer and it looked pretty cute. Well. You know what I mean.

      Honestly, the movies haven’t seemed that great lately. I think I’ll curl up with Anne of Avonlea soon and proceed to miss you lots!

      1. Hehe, I’ve never seen 28 Days Later…or any other zombie flick for that matter.

        I finished Anne of Avonlea over the weekend!! I watched it in between writing scenes. Cried my eyes out at the end, as always. And also, as always, gasped at the bigness of Anne’s hair at the end. LOL. But it made me miss you like crazy!

    4. Okay, you’ve sealed my decision. I’m going to watch it! Thanks for letting me know cuz I thought the premise had promise but I’m not really into zombie stuff (I like paranormals but not zombies, ewww). LOL

    5. Huh. I never would have guessed Warm Bodies to be AT ALL good. However, many people whom I trust have praised it. I’m not at all a zombie/vampire fan so this never appealed but maybe…

      Thanks for the thoughts, Melissa. 🙂

      Matthew M is stereo casted. A lot. However, did you see him in Lincoln Lawyer? The movie and acting was actually REALLY good. (And sans the language.)

      Last movie I saw was Safe Haven and golly, it was good! Actually, it was the BEST Sparks adaptation yet. 🙂

      1. I’m not usually into paranormal movies, Rissi, and could not stand the three-fourths of the one Twilight movie I stayed awake for. Didn’t watch any of the rest of them. I honestly don’t get the appeal of Edward Cullen (sparkling skin? really ladies, this is what we want in a man?) and think the heroine is a horrible example for women everywhere. (Granted, again, I only saw 75% of the first movie and haven’t read any of the books. So I’m not entirely fair in my bias.)

        Anyway, all that said, I’m not generally a paranormal movie girl, but Warm Bodies was fabulous. Just absolutely loved it.

        Yeah, Matthew M…a lot of people have told me I should watch him in some of his more serious roles, and I know they’ve mentioned Lincoln Lawyer. I should try it! I don’t know why, but in rom-coms, I just never buy him as a hero!

    6. I admit it looked goofy and I passed. But my hubs took my daughter for their Valentine date. He said there were some funny moments. Bailey loved it. Maybe, just maybe I’ll watch it.

      Nacho Libre, enough said. Bwahahahahahaha!

      1. Ahh, but it was so much more than goofy. It was charming, too. You should totally watch it. And then if you hate it, you can blame me. 🙂

        I have to admit, though, I’m always a little scared to recommend movies to people…take Nacho Libre for instance. I laughed my head off through the whole thing. I just adored the quirkiness. But I’d say 90% of the people I recommended it to didn’t like it. Hehe…I, on the other hand, have never understood the appeal of Napolean Dynamite, and most people I know love it. 🙂

    7. Wow. You’re the third person who recommended this movie! So I’m gonna confess, I didn’t read the whole blog, b/c I have a huge fear of spoilers. Even though, you might no have any, but I can’t risk reading it, yet, and finding out accidentally. So, I promise to revisit this one after I watch it! Thanks for the movie tip… can’t wait to see it now! -Raj

      1. Totally understandable, Raj, and you’re forgiven for not reading the whole post. hehe…although, I don’t think I gave away any spoilers, but you’re probably better safe than sorry. 🙂

    8. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a zombie movie, but if I were to pick one, your review helps. But I’m such a big chicken. I don’t watch horror movies because I leave believing everything that happens in the movie is waiting in my house in the dark when I get home. Nope, zombie movies – and anything else that could be lurking in my house (mentally speaking) – are out. 🙂

      1. Haha, understandable, Donna. I had a little trepidation when I saw this–my first and only zombie movie so far. And yeah, the closest I’ve gotten to the horror genre is old Alfred Hitchcock movies which aren’t really that horror-y. 🙂

    9. I NEVER would have considered a zombie movie, but your recommendation (and those first few minutes) have me considering it! The last movie I watched was “The Iron Lady” over the weekend (it’s been out for a couple of years, I’m behind, I know) and it was pretty good. The last one I saw in the theater was “The Hobbit,” and I loved it!

      1. Ooh, I watched the Iron Lady awhile back. I waffled between feeling badly for Margaret Thatcher (the ending, especially, just made me sad) but also amazed at all she accomplished. Meryl Streep was in fine form in that movie, for sure.

        I loved The Hobbit too! It didn’t quite live up to LoTR for me…but I think part of that is just the nature of the stories. LoTR has a running love story through it (not just the love between Aragorn and what’s-her-face the elf, but also the friendship between Frodo and Sam) and a little bit more heart in general because, hey, they’re trying to save the Middle-earth. The Hobbit’s story just isn’t as deep…but I still totally enjoyed the movie!

    10. #1- SUPER glad I got to see you this weekend! #2- Sounds like it would’ve been really fun to see this movie with you. #3- Love Dan in Real Life (and also Nacho Libre)! Love you!

      1. #4- Love you, too. So fun seeing you. I think you’d probably like Warm Bodies. I mean, you like funny movies, you like rom-coms…and you’re an ER doctor so the brain-eating thing totally shouldn’t faze you. 🙂

    11. You’re so funny! You are definitely getting a name for yourself concerning Zombies. 🙂 The men’s summer retreat for our church is titled something like: “Taking the Zombies out of Christianity” and when I saw it, I thought of you! 🙂 Thank you for a fun read and a glimpse into a movie I’ll probably never watch! Ha. 🙂 Should Bethany House be surprised when you pitch a rom-zom-com???

      1. So which is better/worse: being known for a few zombie posts or a few Tim Tebow posts? Oh dear, I’m not sure what kind of name I’m making for myself… 🙂

        Haha, no plans for a rom-zom-com yet…but I’m hoping to work on a football story…which considering me and my wee knowledge of the sport, is just about as surprising!

        Speaking of movies, can’t wait til we get to watch Seven Brides together…like in person…hanging out in the same place!! Yay for June.

      1. Oh yeah, I’m totally proof of that theory. 🙂 Actually, I should’ve given you and your dressed-up-as-a-zombie vlog credit for convincing me to see WB in the first place. Will rectify that glaring omission on Friday. 🙂

    12. I love Rom-Coms, too, but if I’m going to give this one a try, I think I’ll have to do it when the rest of my family is away or I’ll never hear the end of it! 🙂

    13. I saw the previews for Warm Bodies and thought, “Umm . . . no.” I don’t like gross or gory or scary movies, and I don’t like “dumb” spoofy movies. But now you’ve sold me. I don’t think I’d go to a theater for it, but I’ll definitely watch it if I get a chance to do so from my couch. With the lights on. And non-slimy-looking food.

      By the way, Dan in Real Life is a favorite here. My husband and I saw it when it first came out, right around the time we were enduring some drama with our young teen-aged daughter. Favorite scene/line in the movie? “You’re a murder . . . a murderer of love!” My husband took that as his motto. 🙂


      1. Haha about the non-slimy looking food. 🙂 Yeah, I really wasn’t at all freaked out by Undead, so hopefully it won’t creep you out either.

        That’s one of my favorite quotes from Dan in Real Life, too!! I adore that movie. It’s what a rom-com should be. And I just love the portrayal of family life. Made me think of my extended family when we all get together. Plus, Steve Carell totally surprised me…the part where he’s singing with his brother and then finishes the song alone…ah, heart-tug. 🙂

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