Sometimes Jessica Patch talks about book club meetings on her blog. I always fight a slice of jealousy when I read those posts…because I’m not in a book club. [pouty face]
But I read books like others drink water. (If only I drank water like I read books.) And once in awhile I just want someone to gush to. Or to get all grammar-ified, someone to whom to gush.
So I thought maybe we could play pretend book club today! I’ll tell you what books I’ve read in the past four weeks…and then hopefully you’ll do the same in the comments. This is also halfway selfish, becasue I’m going on a trip later this week and need a good airplane read. So, yes, I’m fishing for prospects. 🙂
Spoiler alert: I have loved every single one of these books!
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Baroness by Susan May Warren I literally tried to come up with a reason to call in to work the other day so I could keep reading Baroness. I think I’ve learned my lesson never to pick up a Susan May Warren book if I’ve got a commitment to keep, because I’m setting myself up for the pain of separation when it’s time to put the book down. 🙂 This story had me mesmerized from the outset. It’s the second in her “Daughters of Fortune” series and takes place post-WWI…moving from Paris to New York out West. |
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Promise Me This by Cathy Gohlke This book stretches from the Titanic through WWII. The author’s voice is enchanting, the characters endearing. I was completely enthralled in the story. The scene where the Titanic goes down…so beautifully written! |
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The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck I’ve loved Rachel Hauck’s books for a long time, but her latest is by far my new favorite of hers! I loved the different voices, getting to travel through history, the hint of mystery surrounding the wedding dress. Most of all, I loved the spiritual theme so cleverly woven throughout. |
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Wish You Were Here by Beth K. Vogt It’s possible I had tears in my eyes when I tore open the package from Howard Books to find an influencer copy of Beth Vogt’s debut novel. Beth is a friend, yes, but even if I’d never met her, I’d gush over this novel. It’s got a brilliant hook right in the first chapter that propels you into a story you won’t want to put down. |
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Wildflowers from Winter by Katie Ganshert Oh, how I loved this book. First of all, me being an Iowa girl and all, the setting tugged at me…along with each character! The other day, Casey Herringshaw reviewed Katie Ganshert’s book on her own blog and noted that it doesn’t at all feel like a debut novel…she took the words out of my mouth. Loved the emotion, loved the plot movement. I was actually most endeared to Robin, a side character in this story. I’m so excited Robin gets her own book next year! |
All right, those are the books I’ve read in the past four weeks. How about you? Any good recommendations for me? Have you read any of the above books?
Comments 29
Start a book club! At your church! 🙂 If you lived closer I’d love you to come to mine.
I read Wish You Were Here and WWFW. Both wonderful. Lately, I’ve read, She Walks in Beauty–it was our book club read and amazing. I read a Francis Chan book about the Holy Spirit and really enjoyed it. Scream by Mike Dellaso was a goodie, I loved Erica Vetsch’s Bride’s Portrait and Lasting Impression by Tamera Alexander. And of course you can NEVER go wrong with a Deeanne Gist book. Maid to Match, Bride Most Begrudging, Love on the Line. I could go on and on and on! 🙂
Have a great trip! I love trips!
Ooh, I loooove She Walks in Beauty. Can’t wait to hear your book club’s take. 🙂 And oh yes, Deeanne Gist is sooo on my favorites list. I love her heroines!
Wow! You must read really fast! I used too be able to devour books, but since I’ve gone to work full time and with my advanced age, I cannot stay awake that long! lol
Recently I’ve read In Too Deep by Mary Conneally, which was a fun read…hers always are. I just finished The Messenger by Siri Mitchell. Very good!! And I just started Wildflowers from Winter. I’m so excited about this one. 🙂
Hehe, I do read pretty fast, actually. I’ve slowed down just a little lately in that sometimes I will force myself to put a book down after reading an amazingly awesome scene and ask myself, “Why do I love this so much?” Because I want to do the same thing in my own writing. In fact, this is going to make me sound so dorky, I actually made a list of why I loved Baroness so much. 🙂
I just started reading In Too Deep yesterday! Ooh, I should read The Messenger, too. Big fan of Siri Mitchell, especially her historical books.
Love this post, Melissa! I’m reading Wish You Were Here right now and it’s very good! I love Beth’s voice.
I just finished Submerged by Dani Pettrey, which was hard to put down. I fell in love with the main character and love how she set up an excellent romance for book 2.
I’m also listening to The Book Thief on audio and it’s AH-MA-ZING!
Thanks for including my book in this post, Melissa! Super encouraging!
This list would not have been complete without your book. It’s so good! 🙂
Ooh, I should check out Submerged.
I love Beth’s voice, too!
I wish I was in a book club too! That would be so fun.
I loved Katie and Beth’s books. Both brilliant reads. And I’ve got Rachel’s book in my TBR pile, as well as Into the Free and Cathy’s book. So we’re totally on the same page. 🙂
Right now I’m reading Deeanne Gist’s A Bride Most Begrudging. It’s good so far, and I enjoyed A Bride in the Bargain too.
Yay for your upcoming trip!
Maybe we should form a long-distance book club. We could have monthly Skype meetings…hehehe…
Ooh, Into the Free is waiting for me on my Kindle!
Yeah, like Jess said above, you just can’t go wrong with Deeanne Gist. I love her strong female characters, the funny scrapes they get into and the history of it all!
I’m in for the Skype sessions. 😉 Organize it and I’m there!
I just finished Julie Klassen’s Christy Award nominated the Maid of Fairbourne Hall and I loved it. I used to be able to devour a book or two a week, but since starting to write and with my four kiddos, I don’t find the time!
The other recent book (I read it in February!) was Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz. Her book inspired me to get back to my love for writing and she’s been an amazing encouragement on my writing journey. Her blog is beautiful, too.
Have fun on your trip – and I wished we lived closer – I’d love to be in a book club with other writers, that would be AMAZING!
Ooh, I read Maid of Fairbourne Hall awhile back! I loved it!!
Yes, four kids would definitely make reading time a challenge. 🙂
I get stabbed with the same jealous stick every time I read her book club posts too. I think I”m gonna have to start me a book club at my church:) Nearly every book you listed is on my TBR pile, so great to read your reviews. Right now I’m in the middle of Spirit Rising, a book on the Holy Spirit…it’s been great. Fiction wise, out of my recent reads, I liked Saved the Date by Jenny Jones, Smoke Rising by Lynn Easton, and Walks Alone by Sandi Rog. Have a wonderful vacation!!!
Oh, Jenny B Jones, one of my favorite authors ever. 🙂 I’m pretty sure I’ve got a Lynnette Eason book on my Kindle waiting to be read!
In the last 4 weeks I’ve read and loved Susan Warren’s The Shadow of Your Smile, Rachel Hauck’s The Wedding Dress (read it twice, studying style), and the influencer copy of Beth Vogt’s great Wish You Were Here. What a neat privilege to know these authors and cheer them on–and soon others we know, including you, will be in their midst.
I agree – it’s extra special to read a book written by someone you actually know. I really did have tears in my eyes when I opened the package with Beth’s book. Speaking of which, I need to write a review… 🙂
I’m trying to start a book club in my hometown. Slow start, but hope to get SOMETHING going here for Christian fiction.
I’m so jealous! You’ve already read Beth’s book. I think my copy got waylaid in the mail. Some twisted attempt to teach me patience. Humph. 😉
Love Susie’s book too!
Let’s see…what I read and loved so far…Sweethaven Summer by Courtney Walsh (awesome!) Protection for Hire by Camy Tang (Cute!) Trauma Plan by Candace Calvert (Great drama!) The Messenger by Siri Mitchell (gripping historical)A more serious one was Into the Free by Julie Cantrell. I tend to lean toward the more serious story themes. 😉
Good for you, getting something started in your town. I hope you get your copy of Beth’s book soon. It will be worth the wait, I promise. 🙂
I think you’re the second person to mention The Messenger. I’m thinking maybe that will be my airplane read. 🙂
What a thrill to see my book mentioned on your post, Melissa. (And sorry about that near-fall off your elliptical.)
Susie’s book is in my TBR pile — but I need to go track down a copy of Promise Me This.
Hehe, oh yes, the elliptical incident. Thankfully, I’m rather experienced at stopping falls off my elliptical. 🙂 But that scene…oh my goodness…how I loved it!!
Promise Me This is so, so good. It was a different sort of read for me – it felt so…lyrical or something. More POVs than many books, too. And lots of history in one book…I adored it.
Every book you posted is on my TBR list. I read Shadowed in Silk by Christine Lindsay a couple months ago and loved it! A great book by a debut author.
Ooh, I haven’t heard of that book, Melissa. Sounds good!!
I have several of those books on my personal TBR list. I can’t wait to read them! I wish I had more eyes ~ heheh…
Congrats again on going to the semi-finals! I’m so happy for you!
Thanks for the congrats. I was happy about semi-finaling, for sure, but even more overjoyed at the outpouring of congratulations. I love the writing community!
Read Wish You Were Here earlier in the month, The Wedding Dress last week. Both kept me up past midnight! I read on the recumbent bicycle…not much chance of falling off of it.
Oh yeah, both were late-night-worthy reads! 🙂 Haha, maybe I should invest in a recumbent bicycle…much safer for me. 🙂
I’ve never been in or invited to a book club either. I’ve thought of starting one but have never got around to it. They do sound like fun. 🙂
I just started ‘Promise me this’ and I can’t wait to read ‘The wedding dress’
I just finished ‘The maid of Fairbourne Hall’ and LOVED it! And also just finished a book called ‘Mr Darcy’s Diary’ which was better then I thought it would be, I really enjoyed reading from Darcy’s point of view.
Enjoy your vacation! 🙂
You’re in for such a treat with both Promise Me This and The Wedding Dress. It’s wonderful how many awesome books there are out there.
Ooh, Mr. Darcy’s Diary sounds fun…who doesn’t love Mr. Darcy, right? Flawed and yet admirable. 🙂
Beth’s book is next on my list, and I can’t wait to start! Right now I’m reading Dani Pettrey’s debut, Submerged, and it is EXCELLENT!
Ooh, I’ve heard awesome things about that book! Must check it out!!