Let’s take a vote…

… should dogs wear Christmas sweaters or no? This is my sister’s dog, Rocky, by the way. I’ve never seen a dog pose so patiently (or so seriously) for a photo. 

Aren’t Rocky’s ears huge? My coworker Lyndsay saw this photo and said: “Do you hear what I hear?”

p.s. I thought all weekend about writing a post about the school shooting tragedy in Connecticut. But I don’t have words…or the perfect verse or word of encouragement or wisdom. So I’m praying instead, knowing God hears.

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    Comments 24

    1. With no offense to your sister, or dear Rocky, I’m always a little weirded out when I see a dog in a sweater…isn’t their fur supposed to be their clothing?!?! 🙂

      I know how you feel about CT. I thought about it, too, but I’m still so heart sore I can’t think past the saddness, especially as I had to send my own girls back to school today. There must be hundreds of thousands of parents praying extra protection over their kiddos this morning.

      1. Haha, well, Rocky had to get a haircut last week, I believe. When it gets a little too shaggy, he gets a shave…and thus, needs the warmth. Hehe…

        Yeah, about CT, yeah…it’s too much to try to think about much less write a post about. For me, anyway. I think some people process something like this by writing…but man, I just can’t imagine what those parents, teachers, emergency responders, etc, are feeling…

    2. You know, I always wondered that if we had our dogs always wear these little sweater things if eventually they will become less accustomed to cold….LOL! I truly don’t have an opinion on this, but it is fun to follow the conversation.

    3. Ha! That IS patient. I haven’t tried it on my dogs, fearful I’d be wasting my money because they’d rip them off.

      And I know what you mean about the shootings. Sigh. What a broken, broken world. Thank goodness for a Savior.

    4. Um, no on the doggie sweaters.
      But then, my daughter has a puppy who almost “had” to wear them — as decided by the vet based on the puppy’s size. So, I realize it’s not all a fashion statement or owner-indulgence.

      And, yes … no words for the tragedy last Friday.

      1. Oh yeah, I would draw the line at purses. Also, I was watching a cheesy Christmas movie the other night and the “villain” in the show always had her dog in her purse. And I was like, dude, why do the villains always have cute dogs stuffed in purses? I think cats are much more villainous…give the bad guy a cat, stick the cat in the purse. I’m okay with that.

    5. I have a niece that has a Chihuahua and I always thought it was ridiculous that she dressed him up. But then I noticed that he actually liked it and shivered and shook if he was undressed. So, I suppose since we seem to have bread out the ability to produce heat out of these small creatures, it is only kind to dress them to keep them warm. That being said – I am not sure I would own a dog I have to dress.
      I understand the loss of words of the tragedy. So hard to understand and speak to. I think all our hearts are still joined in prayer regularly and really, that is the only response.

    6. No. No doggie sweaters. please. Unless it’s a joke. Or unless they’re so small and you live in Alaska and they’ll freeze if they go outside w/o it.

      And I don’t think there are any words that can be said about CT…this is one of those moments where we pray w/o words and yet God still hears us.

      1. Well…Iowa can get almost as cold as Alaska, I’m sure. Haha!!

        Yes, I think the tragedy in CT is definitely a time when there are no words…possibly even in our prayers…but God hears the cries of our hearts. I really believe that.

    7. And those Build-a-dog folks thought think they’re marketing geniuses…well, they are. 🙂

      If I had a dog, Melissa, it would be a boy dog to make up for the extra dose of estrogen we have in our all female household (besides the hubs, of course) and no boy dog is getting away with a sweater in our future home with our make-belief manly dog of a dog! Just sayin!

      Shhhh. Don’t want the princesses to think somehow Santa’s bringing them a live one. B/c he ain’t. At least not this year! 🙂

    8. Wow! His ears do look huge! I would say that some dogs look good in sweaters and some do not. Sugar will not even come close to wearing one. Her bows work though. 🙂

    9. I can deal with a friend of mine switching out seasonal kerchiefs for her dog, but can’t really say I’m a fan of sweaters. But I am seriously impressed how patiently the dog waited to have its picture taken. Mine? You have to use a lightning-fast camera or else perpetually get the side of his face…or less flattering side.

      Though if you look at my Facebook page, you’ll see my sister-in-law did get a shot of him with his head in a gift bag on Christmas. He got stuck. 🙂

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