Woke up this morning convinced it’s Saturday. Two cups of coffee later, I’ve got my days right, but the writing-a-coherent-sentence thing isn’t in full swing just yet. Proof: in that last sentence the first time I typed “right” it came out “write.”
Which is why today’s post is a compilation of the past week’s best reads, complete with zany categories. I may not be capable of creating fun this morning, but at least I’m sharing it. 🙂
In the “I don’t think Jesus meant to be funny, but may I still laugh?” category:
“You are my friends if you do what I command.” ~John 15:14
In the “Oblivious Emails” category:
“There is no restriction on open flame in the hotel.”
This from a hotel which will be hosting a special writer’s event in September. If they knew my history with fire, uh, yeah, they probably would’ve chosen different wording. And would have the local fire department on standby.
In the “Sigh of Relief” category:
Believe it or not, productivity is overrated. It is not the secret sauce that leads to success. You do not have to get a lot done in a short amount of time…Instead of shouting and splashing, slow down and be unproductive. Focus on just one thing and do it right. You will be spinning circles around your competition.
This is from a guest post on Michael Hyatt’s blog, consistently one of my best reads each week. Read the full post here.
Taking gold in both the “I’m not the only one!” and “Best References Ever” categories:
It’s forever out of reach. As is the correct pronunciation of the Bible chapter “Habakkuk.”
Have ever said that word correctly? What was it like? Do you remember where you were? I would. That’d be a “dear diary” moment and probably make me feel as happy as Kristy from the Babysitter Club book series. (I have daughters. Quit judging me.)
From pretty much the best blogger on the block, Jon Acuff, in a hilarious (and true) post on the pronunciation of Habakkuk.
In the “Whoa” category:
“What if the very reason we have breath is because we have been saved for a global mission? And what if anything less than passionate involvement in global mission is actually selling God short by frustrating the very purpose for which he created us?”
Page 75 of Radical by David Platt. An A-MA-ZING book. Definitely going to be writing more on that another day.
In true Monday Funday fashion, that was quite the random list, granted. Any good reads of your own to add? (You know, just in case next Monday I’m still feeling incapable and in need of borrowed material!)
Comments 4
:In the “I don’t think Jesus meant to be funny, but may I still laugh?” category:
“You are my friends if you do what I command.” ~John 15:14″
Ok, in the “Whatchyou talkin bout, Willis” category: “…go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you.” Matthew 17:27
Ahh, LOL-ing as I type. There is so much FUN in the Bible.
I just read another “good read” on a blog fave, bryanallain.com, and he quoted Jon Acuff, author of one of the best books I’ve read this year (Quitter):
“Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.”
You are always a good read. I am rushing out the door. Literally. Appointment to get to. Realize–I missed M-Tagg’s blog post yesterday. What was I thinking?
So, here I am. Gonna be late. And, uh-oh. I need gas in my tank.
Gotta go . . . and oh, one more thing, I ordered “Quitter” because you recommended it over on my blog this morning . . . thank you.
Oh, sweet, Beth! It’s such a good book – especially for people in that “striving for a dream, but also working a day job” season…if I was going to give it a sub-sub-title, it’d be this: Wisdom for Dreamers. Silly as it sounds, reading it made me feel…understood. And also crazy well-advised. Absolutely loved it, and I hope you do too!