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Looking for a photo of a suitcase… but found this photo. Cool or what? |
But seriously, whether we’re talking vacation or a getaway of a different kind—like my recent trip to the oh-so-fantastic ACFW conference—there’s always an adjustment period on the back end…somewhat of a let-down feeling once all the excitement is over. And frankly, I often feel squished and ensnared by my forced return to “real life” – sorta like Shaquille O’Neal in a smart car.
And so to help us—or maybe just me—make it through the withdrawal, I’ve come up with a 12-step Recovery Program sure, or at least possibly-maybe-somewhat likely, to ease the journey back to everyday life…
1) Refuse to unpack…because as long as the suitcase is still standing in the middle of the living room floor, the trip doesn’t feel entirely over.
2) Post a gazillion photos on Facebook with nostalgic captions.
3) Read up on the grossness of hotel beds, carpets and bathtubs. You can be happy at least you escaped the germs.
4) Check your bank account balance. Um, yep, probably Dave Ramsey isn’t your best friend just about now.
5) Re-wear one of your vacation outfits. Okay so maybe the black dress is a bit much for the grocery run, but in your head, you’re re-living an elegant banquet. (Complete with spinning elephant!! Yes, inside joke for the ACFW-ers.)
6) Talk everyone’s heads off about your awesome experiences. After all, what are friends for?
7) Spend ridiculous amounts of time sleeping. Because no matter how amazing the food, entertainment, people, you-name-it were on your getaway, no hotel/cabin/cruise ship bed compares to your own.
8) Repeat after me (and Dorothy): “There’s no place like home.” Wear ruby slippers and click your heels together if it’ll help.
9) Step on the scale. To borrow a few words from Austen, “It is a truth universally acknowledged” that a vacation—or writing conference—means crazy amounts of food. Fun and yummy while it lasts, slightly less pleasant when it takes Billy Blanks muscles to button your jeans.
10) Play the board game LIFE. The monotony of this game will make your real life feel like an episode of The Amazing Race—which I’ve never watched but hear is good. (I’m sorry, I just can’t commit to board games that last longer than Gone with the Wind.)
11) Finally unpack. Because it’s probably good to get past the denial…at some point.
12) Hang out for a weekend with your awesome family. To be honest, and speaking from experience, it’s really the only one of these twelve steps that does the trick. 🙂
For the record, most days I like normal, everyday life. But I can’t be the only one who struggles to come down from mountain-top experiences. How about you? How do you adjust—any good tips for me?
Also for the record, the above list is quite the un-spiritual recovery program. Prayer is also an awfully good thing for blooming contentment in everyday life!
Comments 4
I love your list, Melissa!
I actually did some of your steps, including posting nostalgic photos on FB and taking naps.
However, one thing I do differently when I come home from a trip: I unpack right away. It makes me feel a little more settled, even when I look at the laundry piles waiting to be dealt with. At least the suitcases are stored away, out of sight.
Great list! I’m with Beth, I unpack pretty quick, and I may pass on reading up about hotel sheets and carpet as just your small mention made me vomit in my mouth a little! LOL
Fabulous list, Melissa! What I love most is hearing your voice as I read. I felt like I was being narrated to. 🙂
I loved ACFW–the friendships, the worship, the industry buzz, late nights in my room with the girls, some of the food. You’re so right, though, about there’s no place like home. I loved sleeping in my own bed. On the flight home, my heart ached to be closer to hubby. I was tired and so ready to chill out with him.
Am I a terrible person if I admit I have not completely unpacked? I’ve gotten as far as getting my dirty laundry in the hamper, but that’s about it.
I absolutely LOVE the photo you used for this post. I have old suitcases in my attic. I’m going to repurpose them and make a chair for my someday writing room.
Beth, I’m so happy you put up the facebook photos! I’ve clicked through them so many times. 🙂
Jessica, haha!! Okay, so, I’m sorry I instigated the throwing-up-in-mouth symptom… 🙂
Exactly, Lisa…even as I cringed at the thought of ACFW being over for the year, there was a degree of anticipation to be back in my own place. And no, you are so not a terrible person for not unpacking yet!!