Whenever a drink looks this good, it’s a sure sign I’ll probably spill it. Ask my family. |
I’m on the final leg of an epic writing weekend which is stretching into Monday. (No, I’m so not crying about getting to wear pajama pants a third day in a row.)
If this writing sprint had a theme song, I’m pretty sure it’d be Whip It by Devo. Because that’s what I did. Whip this WIP into shape.*
And if I were to write acknowledgements for this writing weekend, top billing would go to my mom and sister who cleaned and Christmas-ized my place while I was at work the other day just because that’s how sweet they are, providing me the perfect writing atmosphere, and my too-cool crit partner Lindsay Harrel, for all the encouraging texts.
And the snow. I actually hoped for snow this weekend. I like to pretend there’s something magical about the first snow. Makes up for all the windshield scraping and icy roads I know will come later.
Now that we’ve had our first snow in central Iowa, my mind has turned to all things wintry…which leads to the all-important question I must ask today.
Which do you call it? Is there a difference? Do you think this issue is important enough to warrant a full blog post? Does today’s post even count as a blog? Have I just lost any and all credibility as a blogger? Should I stop asking questions and go back to writing?
*Yes, I really enjoyed writing “whip this WIP.”
**Ho-cho is not an acceptable answer.
Comments 31
Uhhh, in the south, Cocoa is that bitter stuff you put in Hot Chocolate along with lots and lots of sugar and marshmallows. :0)
Love this post. Jealous of your snow. And Get Back To Writing!
Sadly, the snow didn’t last long. But it was pretty while we had it. And it’s silly, but mostly I was excited about it because I’d been hoping for it…felt like it snowed just for me…I know, silly. 🙂
LOL, you’re sounding a little sleep deprived. I live in Ontario Canada, and my answer’s the same as Pat’s, although my British grandma made hot cocoa. 🙂 We had rainy, foggy weather over the weekend–great mood weather for writing suspense, not so much for Christmas decorating. 🙂
Haha, a little sleep-deprived, yes…but it was oh so worth it. Oh, I looove a rainy day for writing.
Whoa, your sister and mom rock!!!
I call it hot chocolate. Cocoa is what you use to make hot chocolate. 😉
I know they do! Their cleaning/Christmas decorating surprise came on the heels of my mom and dad driving an hour to deliver homemade breakfast to my coworkers and me a few days earlier. I really have the coolest family. 🙂
Way to power through. Encouragement rocks!
Hot chocolate and I like it hot.
Oh yes. Unhot hot chocolate just isn’t right.
I’m not a fan. Too sweet. BUT, [and when you visit NYC, you HAVE to try this] once a season, Shake Shack puts out this Peanut Butter Custard based Hot Chocolate and it is to die for. Or at least enduring the elbow-bumping lines that always exist at SS. Anyway, my pet peeve about most Ho-cho (can I borrow that for a sec!) is that it’s usually watery and you often burn your tongue because you’re so cold when you make the decision to get it, you somehow convince yourself that THIS TIME you won’t burn your tongue. Anyway, the cocktail [better than any holiday drink I think!] they’ve come up with at SS is no kinda watery and all kinds of yummy. Will send you some for Christmas! Maybe. If FEDEX comes up with spill-proof packaging! 🙂
And I think it qualifies as a LEGIT blog topic. I mean, have you read the other topics out there? Happy Monday Melissa and fun to hear you had a Whippin writing weekend! 🙂 -Raj
Oh. My. Word. Peanut butter is one of my favorite things in the entire world. I have been known to eat it by the spoonful. So a peanut butter custard based hot chocolate…that’s like…unfathomably awesome. I must now go to New York. Soon.
Thanks for the writing well wishes. My brain is mush tonight, but I got to write “the end,” which is a very, very happy thing.
because I’m married to a tree nerd, here is this wee tidbit: “Theobroma cacao also cacao tree and cocoa tree, is a small (4–8 m (13–26 ft) tall) evergreen tree in the family Malvaceae,[1] native to the deep tropical region of America. Its seeds are used to make cocoa powder and chocolate.”
Cocoa is the base ingrediant of hot chocolate.
Hot chocolate is what I put in the IV!!!
Ahh…good to know. I will store that information somewhere in my brain… 🙂
Now, get back to whippin’ it!! 😉
Get back to work!!!
Haha. I enjoyed saying that.
But seriously. Us having a fancy dinner depends on you finishing today. And me want a fancy dinner. 😉
And it’s hot chocolate. Cocoa is the powder I use in no-bake chocolate cookies.
And of course it’s important enough to warrant a blog post. Sheesh. What do you think we are, blog tyrants? No judgment here, my friend.
Again…back to work!
Hahahaha!! “What do you think we are, blog tyrants?”
Very funny.
Okay. Let’s take a few moments to talk about the awesomeness of Lindsay Harrel. She texted me all weekend long. She encouraged me. She gave me incentives. She sent me a pep talk video when I was on the home stretch earlier this evening. AND she did not judge me for my blog topic.
Yes, I have the coolest CP ever.
Lindsay Harrel is a rock star and you are VERY blessed indeed!!!!
I do like hot chocolate with marshmallow cream and, of course, chocolate shavings. I’m also a big fan (BIG fan) of coffee. Lately, it’s been the pumpkin pie spice flavor. But I digress…
How sweet of your mom and sister to decorate your place.
Keep on keepin’ on!
Pumpkin spice lattes are beautiful, beautiful things. The guy at the ACFW coffeeshop got to know me by name this year (he kept calling me Miss Tagg, I loved it, yes) and memorized my order…which, with the exception of one caramel apple cider, was always a pumpkin spice latte. 🙂
Yes, my mom and sister are definitely sweet. They knew I was hibernating and writing this weekend and also knew I was drowning in poor housekeeping…and came to the rescue. I’m so grateful. 🙂
Hot chocolate. I do not know anyone who calls it “cocoa” — or why they do.
And for it to be real hot chocolate you have to put marshmallows on top — so much so that you can’t get to the hot chocolate underneath. And a candy cane never hurts, either!
Would love to see a photo of your Christma-tized place!
You know me! I call it cocoa sometimes…I waffle between both. Maybe that’s an Iowa thing, though, because the consensus around here seems to be hot chocolate. (ALthough, I just checked the box of packets in my cupboard and it totally says ‘hot cocoa.’ Hehehe…)
Ooh, good call on the candy cane. And marshmallows too. Mmm.
We call it Hot Cocoa – how do you like that, see how I smush them both together?
Now get back to writing–and ENJOY your PJ’s:)
I like that, Susan…way to be all inclusive with your beverage title. 🙂
Oh, and I have been enjoying my pajamas. The thought of putting on real clothes tomorrow makes me a little sad. However, for the sake of my coworkers, I suppose it’s a must…
Hot chocolate. Yum. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you, too, Julie. 🙂
Hot chocolate with marshmallows!
I don’t know why, but after reading your comment, Loree, I suddenly started thinking about colored marshmallows…and how they freak me out. I prefer my marshmallows plain white. I know, the topic of conversation today is so very important…
Congrats on surviving your weekend, Melissa! I love your deep question today. 😉 I call it hot chocolate….I think. Or maybe I call it hot cocoa? Oh dear, now I feel like Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride when she doesn’t know how she likes her eggs cooked.
Oh yes, deep and life-changing stuff here! I love that scene in Runaway Bride…second time that movie has come up around here in a week. Now I need to watch it.
You’re welcome for the snow….yes, I know I didn’t make it snow per se, but I’m not as awesome as your mom and sister so I feel the need to take credit for something. 🙂
LOL! But Mel, remember the year when you gave me “the gift of time” which included cleaning my place…and then I promptly moved away (wah!), but still…I always remember that as one of the coolest gifts ever! And you, as one of the coolest people ever. 🙂