I had a great post planned for today. Full of wit and wisdom (i.e. quirk and nonsense). And then I remembered: today’s a holiday.
And we should all be celebrating with parades and waterfights and fireworks. Oh, and sparklers…’cause it just ain’t Fourth of July without pyrotechnics in the hands of children.
So instead of today’s regularly scheduled post, I’m going to keep things short and leave you with a celebratory video sure to boost your patriotism. Or scare you. It’s a toss-up.
Happy Independence Day!
p.s. I sincerely hope you caught that link at the end of the video so you can purchase the full song from iTunes!
Comments 4
Abe Lincoln is scary enough without being turned into a puppet! Shiver!
Sad thing…
Watched the whole video. I’m not sure what’s scarier. The video or that I watched and admitted I did!!
Have a great holiday! 🙂
LOL! What would be even sadder – and scarier – would be if you actually purchased the song from iTunes. Seriously, though, ever since I first saw that vid, I’ve had the song in my head…”Fireworks!”…freaky! Happy Fourth!
Hehe, I think it’s cute. When I saw the video title, I really hoped puppets wouldn’t be singing Katy Perry’s Fireworks…now that would be scary.
Ahhh, yes, that would be incredibly scary, LJ. And probably hilarious. Hope you had a Happy Fourth!