Special Guest: Author Edie Melson

So, I’m not stone-hearted, but I don’t always break into tears all that easily. Except during Old Yeller. Can you say tearjerker? But last week, when everybody and their brother blogged about Google+, I just may have had to wipe my eyes. Because…

Another social media platform to keep up with? Nooo….

Dramatics aside, I happen to love Facebook, finally boarded the blogging ship and might even succumb to the grip of Twitter soon. Yep, I tend to be late to the game—still don’t wear skinny jeans, FYI—but even a late online bloomer like me has to admit serious-minded authors can’t ignore the social media boom.

Which is why when I heard about author Edie Melson‘s new eBook, Social Media Marketing for Writers, I did a little mental jig. (Or maybe not so mental…) 

I met Edie at last year’s ACFW conference, and I’m very excited she’s joining us today. She’s going to tell us a little about her book and herself, and I encourage everyone—especially serious writers—to get a copy! We’re doing our interview Five W’s-Style (plus the sixth, How) since the journalist in me is still very much alive and well. 

WHO…Welcome, Edie! First of all, tell us about you. What’s your background?
I’m a freelance writer and editor with over 16 years experience in the publishing industry. I love to tell people that if it’s not immoral or illegal, I’ll write about it. I actually published over 700 articles in 2010. 

I have a popular writing blog, The Write Conversation, and I’m a frequent contributor to many others. I try to keep up with all things digital and that is what led to my bestselling eBook, Social Media Marketing for Writers. 

I’m the Co-Director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference and Southwest Christian Writers Studio and a frequent instructor at many others around the country. I’m also Assistant Acquisitions Editor for www.ChristianDevotions.us. 
Fighting Fear, Winning the War at Home, is my latest project. This devotional book is for those with family members in the military and will come out later this year with Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. This subject is very dear to my heart, our oldest son went straight from high school graduation to boot camp to Iraq as a front-line infantry Marine.
I’m a member of numerous professional writing organizations, including The Christian Pen, The Christian Writer’s View I and ACFW. I’m also an assistant copy editor for the Voices E-zine, a publication of My Book Therapy and a part of the My Book Therapy Special Teams Blog. (Yay, I love My Book Therapy!)
I’ve been married 30 years to my husband, Kirk, and we’ve raised three sons.
WHAT…Can you tell us a little about your book? What prompted you to put it together and what are your hopes as far as helping writers grapple with the whole social media thing?
It was a sink or swim situation. I got a job as managing editor at a christian magazine for college-age guys. Everyone I worked with was young enough to be my son—and social media is the only way to reach that audience. I had to become an expert or quit my job.
With my success came a huge sense of accomplishment. It’s become one of my passions to show others that social networking is NOTHING to be afraid of. Believe me, if I can do it, ANYONE can!
WHERE…Where do writers need to be present social-media wise? 
I think the answer varies slightly for each writer, but I believe in today’s market we all need to have an online presence. Here is the order that I recommend writers get into social media:
I encourage writers to begin with Facebook, because it’s a little less intimidating. Then I recommend a Twitter account (and using Tweetdeck immediately) and finally a blog. Doing it this way means the writer is familiar with the tools to get the word out about a blog.
WHEN…Balance! It’s HARD! I know your book is chock-full with tips for writers using social media to build their platform and connect with their audience, but when are we supposed to fit it all in? Do you have any tips on balancing it all?
I developed my schedule because I was totally overwhelmed. I felt like I was spending all this time on social media and not getting any writing done—which was the reason for starting the social marketing. I found the minimum I could do and still get results.
I’m very ADD and without a schedule I don’t get anything done! Here’s an overview of my schedule on days when I’m home:
Most important, I only check email/phone messages 3 times a day. That makes a huge difference in my ability to concentrate. (I need to do this!)

I’ve found my best creative time, mid-morning, so I reserve that for writing.
First hour of my day is spent on email and social networking. Then I write until lunch.
After lunch, I check email, return calls and do about 20 min of social networking.
Then I work on editing assignments, rewriting, marketing, whatever is next on my list.Then the last 30 minutes of the day is spent on email, phone calls and social networking.
That’s a rough estimation of my days—some work better than others. But this is the schedule that made it possible for me to publish over 700 articles in 2010.
WHY…I know many of us probably understand the basic advantages of using social media to promote our books, etc, but what are some other benefits. In other words, why social network? 🙂
One of the bloggers who is hosting me on my blog tour later this week is Stacy Jensen. Our relationship is a perfect example of why.
She left a comment on my blog and since I didn’t recognize her I clicked on her profile and then visited her blog. I was impressed with what I saw so I signed up for email notification and left her a comment. The rest, as they say, is history.
I love it when things work like they should! She’s a huge blessing and encouragement to me and I’m so glad we’ve been able to get to know each other. Here friendship is just one out of hundreds that have happened because of online connections.
HOW…do we get your book?
My book is available on Kindle and Nook. (FYI, I checked both eBook stores and Edie’s book is $.99 today!) I’d also like to invite everyone to visit my book’s Facebook Fan Page and LIKE it. 
Thanks so much, Edie! And thanks for taking the stress out of social marketing for us writers. Readers, what social media circles do you run in? How’s it working for you? Is balance a challenge or, like Edie, have you found your groove? And be sure to check out Edie’s book!
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    Comments 13

    1. Blogger is eating my comments! Edie, nice to learn more about you. I agree that facebook is less intimidating. In fact, I didn’t like twitter when I started, but now that I have the hang of it and Tweetdeck, I probably do it more.

      Melissa, you should twitter then we can have online coffee and shoot sarcastic quips back and forth. 😉 In the meantime, I’ll just keep twittering your blogs!

      Great guest interview/post!

    2. Blogger is mean that way!

      Ooh, that’s the best incentive I’ve heard yet to join Twitter, Jessica. I keep telling myself that I will join Twitter when I buy an iPhone (since I am currently still stuck in the days of non-smartphone-ness). I’m using one to justify the other…hehe… 🙂

    3. Do it Melissa…give in and join Twitter. (peer pressure). But actualy I think it’d help you get followers for your blog. Ahh! Did you decide on iPhone over droid? I sent you an article about them.

      When we both have iPhones and Twitter we can tweet back and forth:)

    4. Edie’s book sounds like a godsend. Thank you, Melissa, for featuring her on your blog. And thanks, Edie, for tackling a topic writers need to know about.

      Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go purchase your ebook!


    5. Jessica and Nicole make great points Melissa – Twitter really is easy to use. I was totally unimpressed when I first started with it because it seemed like just gibberish with that long line of unrelated comments. But now with Tweetdeck, I love it way more than Facebook. Also, it’s huge for writers wanting to attract readers to their blogs. Give it a try – I bet you like it!
      Jolene, thanks for chiming in and for buying my book!
      Also, feel free to contact me with future questions and comments on my blog. I use a lot of comments and questions as blog posts.
      Blessings – E

    6. I read the article, Nicole! I still don’t know which I want!! I might just go to the Verizon store and ask the employee which I should pick and completely take his word for it. Trust. It’s a good thing. 🙂

      The 10% of me still holding out on Twitter is the piece of me that doesn’t think I can come up with something witty to say on a continual basis. 🙂 But I’m almost there, almost ready to take the plunge…

      Enjoy the book, Jolene!!

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