First of all, congratulations Melissa Isaksen! You won the drawing for a copy of Katie Ganshert‘s debut novel, Wildflowers from Winter. If you could shoot me an email at melissatagg[at]yahoo[dot]com with your mailing address, I’ll get your copy ordered right away.
Second, yay for awesome people like Jessica Patch who give me blog topics! On Mondays in particular, my mind moves about as fast as an armadillo…which I assume is rather slow. My apologies to armadillos everywhere if ya’ll happen to be fast movers. So I appreciate it when people do my thinking for me.
Anyhow, Jess tagged me in a question game and I’m now supposed to answer the following 11 question. Here goes:
1. Chocolate or Vanilla and why?
Chocolate. Because I’m pretty sure it’s God’s favorite flavor.
2. Have you ever shoplifted? Ever thought about it?
No. And uh, honestly, no, I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it. Not that I remember anyway. (Although, I did want that white Popple pretty badly as a kid. Maybe I’ve blocked out childhood temptation.)
3. Colored polish or French manicure?
Neither! Seriously, I can’t handle nail polish of any kind because I chip it within minutes of it drying. And then it just bugs me.
4. Where’s the last place on earth you’d want to visit and why? Anywhere they don’t have Diet Coke with Lime. J/K…mostly. But for real, the only answer I keep coming back to is the dentist’s office. As is evidenced by my appointment-making procrastination skills.
5. What’s your least favorite food?
Beets. Excuse me while I gag.
6. How many licks do you think it really does take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
Umm…can I research this and get back to you?
7. Hotels or camping?
I like both! But if I’m going to camp, I prefer a nice camper with a decent bed. Which I suppose in some people’s eyes isn’t true camping. So as to not offend any of the diehards, I’m probably better off saying hotels.
8. Which celebrity that is alive (there is no Jesus loop-hole here, people) would you like to meet and why?
Chris Hemsworth…solely because I watched Thor last night. If you ask me the same question tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll have a much more intelligent answer…like Condoleeza Rice.
9. Do you have a smart phone? Can you live without it? Be honest…okay you can. Would you want to? Be honest.
Yes! And yes I could live without it, but I’d so miss my Bible App. Okay, fine, and Angry Birds.
10. If you could be any animal which one would you be and why?
A kangaroo! Because a) they get to hang out in Australia and b) they don’t have to worry about losing their purse. It’s attached.
11. Home cooked or 5 star meal?
Home cooked because that probably means someone I love made it. 🙂
Okay, now it’s my turn to ask you a question. I want to know what living celebrity you all would like to meet! Or, have you actually met a celebrity? If so, tell all, please!
Comments 20
LOL The Kangaroo answer was hilarious! I expect nothing less than funny when it comes to you, though!
Celebrity? Let me get back to you. I’ve got gets to prod awake!
Thank you for tagging me and giving me something to write about today. I’ve been having blogging-block lately. 🙂
So I totally answered these questions on my blog today too! 🙂 It was kind of fun seeing how our answers differed and were similar. Like, you think you could live without your smart phone, but I’m pretty sure I’d die. 😛
As always, loved getting to know you better.
Once I met Walter Cronkite…I don’t know if he’s considered a celebrity, per se, but he WAS famous!
I had a blast reading your answers, too! You met Walter Cronkite? That’s awesome. He’s definitely a celeb in the journalism world, at least. 🙂
Loved #10…my mother placed in me a fear that everyone stranger out there wants my purse so I carry it like one of my children…as for beets – YUM! Roasted w/ goat cheese. Yeah. I’m crazy like that:)
As usual, thanks for the laugh this morning! Have a great Monday!
Maybe I would like beats the way you make them. It’s all I can do to take a bite without puckering. I think it’s the texture that does me in. 🙂
Hilarious about carrying your purse like a kid. I was like that for the first few weeks in London!
“Chocolate. Because I’m pretty sure it’s God’s favorite flavor.” ~ LOL! Fun learning more about you, Melissa.
Hehe, it’s possible I’m making assumptions about God that aren’t entirely Biblical. I guess I can ask him for sure one day…
Ok this is REALLY weird. As I’m reading about the least favorite place you would like to go, your sister is at the dentist with severe wisdom teeth pain. As I read about your least favorite food, beets, I am looking forward to the beets that I pulled out of the freezer last night for today’s lunch! I mean, how odd is that?!? Then, I get to the part about Thor and think like oh, that’s the town past Eagle Grove. And I have no clue who Chris Hemsworth is. Now lets see Condoleeza Rice…are we back on the subject of food?
Then oh yeah…this is good…the part about losing your purse…this seriously happened yesterday. A friend and I went to take food and visit/help a hurting friend and when we went to leave her house found out I had left the car running all while we were there visiting, then my friend couldn’t find her purse which she thought she had left in the car. (she at least has the excuse she’s over 50, I won’t have that one until after July)The thought did cross my mind, why would they take the purse and not the car? We found the purse under the kitchen table back in the house and had a great time laughing and deciding we were perfect friends for eachother. Also, I do feel the need to point out that lawnmowers and tractors were going past when we parked therefore I could not hear the car still running and I was driving a vehicle I don’t usually drive and I did confess to my husband why so much of his gas for driving to work this week is gone!
So Melissa, is this the longest response you have ever gotten? I haven’t even answered your questions which explains all the run on sentences and needless chatter and all the words “and” because to tell you the truth, I don’t keep up too much with celebrities, because well, I don’t even know them, and I have such cool friends to spend time with that make me feel better when they lose their purses and kids that do funny things like wiping BQ sauce on their sweaters instead of napkins and I do not have a smart phone because I would have to figure it out and pay for it. Have a great day Melissa…thanks for the smiles..hope this gives you a couple too!
Love ya! MOM
Hey wait…I would LOVE to meet Joyce Meyer.
Ha, I must be signed in on your computer at home, Mom, because as you can see, it looks like I wrote a comment to myself…
I’m pretty sure this is the best (and longest) comment anyone has every left on Tag(g)lines. Seriously…I can’t stop laughing… “Why would they take the purse and not the car?” Also, I think I need you to tell me which friend this is so I can further appreciate the story!
Also, that is a lot of random coincidences related to my post today. Poor Nicole. You aren’t going to make her eat beets after her dentist ordeal, are you?! 🙂
Love your mom’s comment. Now I know who you take after. lol. I had my picture taken in front of Elvis’ house before he bought Graceland. Does that count? And thanks for a neat blog idea!
Yep, my mom is pretty awesome! 🙂
Yes, I think standing in front of Graceland counts. My sister would be happy. She’s obsessed with Elvis!
No, not Graceland…Before he got so famous and bought Graceland…
Ohhhh, I need to learn to read, apparently. Ooh, that’s cool!
What fun answers, Melissa! Can’t wait to meet you in person one day. I’ll come prepared to laugh. =)
I got to meet Joshua Bell, world-famous violinist, when he performed at my daughter’s university. I even have a picture with him. =)
Hehe, I’m looking forward to meeting you in person, too, Keli.
Ahh, cool and classy celebrity story!!
I would like to meet … Lady Antebellum, one of my favorite country groups. Yeah, all 3 of them because it wouldn’t be the same without them. Maybe they could come and perform at my book launch?
(And I’m certain I could come up with a more impressive answer if it weren’t the end of the day … and if I hadn’t been staying up to 1 a.m. for the last week …)
I just watched Lady A on the country awards–aren’t they fantastic? But the lead singer guy’s pants are way too tight. You know it’s true!
Melissa–loved your answers! I think Chris will appear in your life soon. Just a feelin’… (I’m having trouble with comments today, so sorry I didn’t put this in a “real” comment!
Oh wow, Beth, 1 a.m. nights…er, mornings. That’s intense. Hope you’re getting lots done!
Jill, your comment about the lead singer’s pants made me LOL. Hehehe…I’m always slightly uncomfortable when men wear skin-tight pants. 🙂