Tagg’s been tagged…

Can we all agree this is what I should be doing on a springy Monday
morning instead of getting ready for a day at the office?

It’s Iowa. It’s March. It’s morning…and my windows are open! How lovely is that? Except for that one squawking bird…it’s like he’s worried my alarm clock broke. I’ve already told him, “It’s okay, buddy. I’m awake.” 

Guess he wants to be extra sure.

Fun blogging friend Loree Huebner tagged me in a post last week and thus, graciously provided today’s blog topic. 🙂 Thanks bunches, Loree. The rules of being tagged are simple: answer the questions provided and then tag 11 others. 

1. Book or movie and why?

Can I call a tie? Because while I’m as bookwormish as they come, I also have a slight obsession with classic movies. The generally black and white ones, I mean.

2. Real book or e-book?

As much as I love my Kindle and the fact that it has saved my bookshelves from certain calamity, I still love reading a real book. I buy books from my favorite authors in hard/softcover.

3. Funniest thing you’ve done in the past 5 years?

Five years? Shucks, can’t talk about the time I fell into a dumpster while trying to climb onto the roof of a college classroom building during a game of sardines. Okay, I’m going to go with starting the microwave on fire at work. Which I talk about here.

4. How would your best friend describe you?

Beautiful and intelligent. HA! No, seriously, probably as slightly neurotic about my writing and addicted to Diet Coke with Lime. But hopefully also as someone loyal and loving.

5. How do you put yourself into the books you read/write or the movies you watch?

I think there can’t help but be a little of me in every character I write. Usually the spiritual theme running through the book ends up being something I’m working through myself, whether intentional or not! I also tend to talk a lot of my dialogue out loud, so that helps put me in the scene.

6. Favorite kind of car and why?

Whatever kind I’m sure is going to show up out of the blue in my driveway. Because I need a new car, but dread the thought of shopping. But I’ve always sort of liked Jeeps…probably because MacGuyver drove one.

7. Would your choice party be a catered meal or a BBQ out back?

BBQ out back. Especially if there’s a bonfire.

8. What’s your favorite season and why?

Autumn…because I love the crisp cool after a hot and humid Iowa summer, the leaves changing…and my birthday. 🙂

9. What specific lesson have you learned – Spiritual, educational, occupational?

Spiritual: That life is seriously so much better when I surrender my plans and trust God.
Educational: Always, always…bring coffee to class.
Occupational: Once a reporter, always a reporter. I may have moved on from the newspaper, but my brain still thinks in stories and leads.

10. Besides writing, what’s your favorite thing to do when you get some extra time?

Hanging out with my family, for sure. Also, traveling, painting…and cleaning out closets. Totally not joking.

11. What’s one place you can be found at least one time every week?

The ice cream aisle in the grocery store. Usually I’m only drooling, but this past week I actually gave in and bought peanut butter cup ice cream. Perfection.

All right, now I’m supposed to tag 11 other bloggers. I randomly picked from the people who stop by Tag(g)lines (often or now and then) or who I know happen to blog and who weren’t already tagged on Loree’s blog. But no pressure, ladies. And if you were already tagged elsewhere OR you consider this the online version of chain letters, forgive me. 🙂

Everybody, let’s all play. Feel free to answer any of the above questions down in the comments, but I’m most interested in the funniest thing you’ve done in the past five years! 🙂 

p.s. I’m over at the MBT Ponderers blog today asking the all important question: Why fiction? I hope you’ll stop by!
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    Comments 29

    1. Okay, I absolutely loved reading these answers. Maybe because I’m slightly neurotic too. And my windows are open too! In Iowa too! Isn’t it the BEST? Leaves are budding on the trees already. It’s the crazies thing.

    2. You really should stay away from BBQ! LOL And you stole my picture! I used the same one for my Spring Break blog.

      Funniest thing I’ve done in 5 years…holy crow, I have no idea where to begin.

      1. Are you serious? Same photo?! That’s hilarious. Darn Google, serving up the same photos… hehehe…

        Did the whole “accidentally cheating on your husband in church” thing happen within the past five years?! LOL!

    3. Yay for getting to know you better. And I love fall too! My birthday is right on the edge of fall and winter, so that’s another reason to love it too! 😛

      Hmmm…I can’t think of something I accidentally did in the last 5 years that was funny…but I did dress up like a hick at a costume party we attended. I was in overalls and had a pillow baby…and I think I was barefoot too. I kept referring to my husband as my baby daddy all night. It was fun. 😀 And yes, there are pictures on facebook.

    4. Oh Melissa…you fell in a dumpster and have held that story out on us?? Tisk, tisk.

      Thanks for the tag, Tagg! I’ll have to play, these are always fun. 😉

    5. Yes. These are comparable to chain letters, but oh so much more fun:) Love your answers. Your book answer=my book answer. Okay, funniest thing in the last 5 years? Well, I recently accidentally downloaded some rather…shall we say…indecent videos from the internet to my parents’ computer I had borrowed. I have no idea how–apparently they were piggybacked on the pictures I was downloading; ones that had to do with praise and worship, so yeah, completely understandable-NOT!. I had no idea they were there. Have I said before how technology hates me? Try splaining that one to mom and dad!

    6. I’m just going with the funniest thing I ever did. Which was missing my turn in Jackson, MS on my way to the coast and not noticing for 2 hours. Not until I notice ALL the cars have Louisiana tags and moss is hanging from the trees. Oh and that sign that popped up: New Orleans, 50 miles. And then missing the turn at Slidell…and then noticing the gas gauge registered on the other side of E just as I started across the Lake Pontchartrain bridge… prayer and fumes got me across.

    7. So fun to get to know you better, Melissa! I want to hear the dumpster story! haha…

      Loved the lessons you’ve learned, especially under educational – always, always…bring coffee to class. Classic!

      Thanks for playing!

      1. Somehow I will find a way and a reason to tell the full dumpster story one of these days on Tag(g)lines! Stay tuned… 🙂

        Oh yes, coffee in college classes. It was a must-have. Especially in linguistics. Agh! Thanks for tagging me and giving the opportunity to join the fun!

    8. Ooooo, I got tagged! How fun is that? I’ll post my meme on my Wednesday post.

      Okay, I absolutely love fall too. I would have my windows open, but the winds today are insane…20-30 mph…a storm is going to blow in soon.

      I’ll have to think on the funny thing and post it Wednesday. For the life of me, I can’t think of a single thing!

    9. Okay, clearly we are on the same wavelength. I just bought peanut butter cup ice cream too! And I enjoyed a nice small [big] bowl of it tonight. 🙂

      Fun to get to know you better, Melissa!

      1. Hehe, it was all I could do to stay away from the ice cream last night…I’d already had cake earlier in the day at work…today, however, I see no reason why I shouldn’t indulge. 🙂

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