The Next Big Thing Blog Hop…and rebellion!

A few different people have invited me to participate in the Next Big Thing blog hop over the past weeks. My issue: They always told me I needed to post on a Wednesday. Well, we do guests here on Wednesdays, so it was always a no-go with me.

But then super sweet friend Gabrielle Meyer asked me to join and I told her about my Wednesday issue and she gave me special permission to post on a different day and so here I go, breaking the rules! (Including that oldie about run-on sentences…)

Thanks bunches, Gabe, for inviting me to participate in this event. Click here to learn about Gabe and her writing.

That said, welcome to the NEXT BIG THING Blog Hop.

What is a blog hop? Basically, it’s a way for readers to discover authors new to them. On this stop on the blog hop, you’ll find a bit of information on me and one of my books.

Note: As long as I’m rebelling on the Wednesday thing, I might as well break another rule. I’m supposed to tag five more authors. Thing is, many people have already participated and I wasn’t sure who had or hadn’t. SO, if you haven’t participated yet and you’d like to, just leave a note in the comment including your URL AND what date you plan to post your entry…and I’ll be sure to tweet out your post on the day it goes live. (You know, to make up for being such a maverick with the rules!)

1. What is the working title of your book?
The title of my debut novel is Made to Last.

2. Where did the idea come from for the book?

I was watching an old movie with Barbara Stanwyck, Christmas in ConnecticutI merged its fake marriage and reporter aspect with This Old House and Made to Last was born.

3. What genre does your book come under?

Inspirational romantic comedy

4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Okay, I used to have answers for this question…but then I saw my book cover. And now all I can picture when I talk about my main characters are the cover models! They’re so perfect.

But I used to say Lauren Graham as my heroine and Jason Ritter as my hero. (Any Parenthood fans? 🙂 )

5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Miranda Woodruff is a homebuilding TV show host out to save her career while juggling a fake husband, former fiance and nosy reporter…all under the roof of the one house she can’t bring herself to finish building.

6. Is your book self-published, published by an independent publisher, or represented by an agency?

My agent is the fabulous Amanda Luedeke of MacGregor Literary and my publisher is Bethany House.

7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Hmm, um, probably 6-8 months-ish. I’m honestly not sure because I have this bad habit of writing half a book, tearing it apart and/or starting over! 

8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Ooh, fun question. Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones and Dining with Joy by Rachel Hauck are the first two that come to mind.

9. Who or what inspired you to write this book?

Um, honestly, it was originally that movie I mentioned above. But as I got deeper into the story, my own experiences of basing my worth and identity in the wrong things are really what got me passionate about the story. I love it when we discover a theme in the middle of writing…and realize we’re writing a story as much for ourselves as for our readers!

10. What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
You’ll totally learn to build a house if you read this book. Hehe…just kidding. But you might learn how to install crown molding. And strip wood. And hopefully…you’ll laugh. 🙂 

Again, instead of tagging other folks, I’m throwing the door open. Leave a comment and let me know if/when you plan to participate…and I’ll make sure to tweet it out. Blessings! 

Except wait, my waaay fun friend Rajdeep Paulus has participated in this blog hop in the past, so you should probably check out her blog and by probably I mean definitely! You can read about her YA book coming out in June here.

And a question for everyone…this blog tour is meant to introduce readers to up-and-coming writers, so it has me wondering, how do you find new books/authors to read?
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    Comments 23

    1. Yay!! Love your book and love your cover. Cannot WAIT to see it on shelves. People in the bookstore may look at me funny, cuz I’m sure I’ll squeal!!!

      I usually find books off suggestions from friends. I have way, way too many books in my TBR pile. It’s a bit ridiculous. I just wish I had more time to read!

      1. Ahhh, thank you, Linz. You are an amazing cheerleader!

        Yeah, I’m thankful the bulk of my TBR pile is on my kindle. Otherwise my shelves would seriously topple. Actually one set of shelves is in danger of doing that already…sooo, if you ever go more than a day or two without hearing from me, um, just assume I’m burried.

      1. Thanks, Susan. We all have to play rebel sometimes. Besides, I sorta love it when people give me blog topics and I don’t have to think of something. Ha, yes, I suffer from blog laziness at times… 🙂

      1. Haaa, I love that line. And I love the whole movie. This is the thing that gets me every time I watch it, though: How they just leave Barbra Stanwyck’s supposed baby alone so often!

    2. Can’t wait to read Made to Last! And I love to read about your process.
      I generally find new authors by word of mouth. Someone will tell me about a book and I’ll check it out. If I like the first few pages, I buy it.

      1. Aww, thanks, Raj. Um, let’s just say that if you really want to learn to build a house, I’m not the person to learn from. But I did learn an awful lot writing this book…like, I’ll never be good enough at math to be an architect. 🙂

    3. Okay, you had me at “homebuilding TV show host.” I LOVE interior design and decorating. I’m so very excited for you! When … yes WHEN … I see it on the shelves down South here, I’ll tag you on Facebook with the pic. SuhWEEEEET!!!

      1. Thanks, Donna…and ohh, it’ll be fun when you take that photo. It’s kind of funny how I came up with the homebuilding aspect…I have no idea why, but one time I was reading on wikipedia about the various actors/actresses in Anne of Green Gables. So random! But I found out one of the actresses had this Canadian TV show in which she gave home repair and DIY type tips…she was like a female Bob Vila. Somehow how that worked its way into this book. 🙂

    4. First, let me say sorry I didn’t get to your blog on Monday!! What a crazy week we’re having here. 🙂 I won’t bore you with details, but suffice it to say, I’m scrambling to get things ready before my two BIG trips in the next two weeks!!

      LOVED your answers today and I love Barbara Stanwyck. Christmas in Connecticut is one of my favorites of hers. Can’t wait to read Made to Last – I’m sure it will be one of my favorites of yours!! Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop.

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