Things I wish I’d taken a picture of…

…in this past week or so, but couldn’t because a) I didn’t have my camera, b) I was laughing too hard and/or c) I was driving. (Not good to try taking photos while driving. They’ll turn out blurry. You’ll turn out in the ditch.)

-Driving north on I-35 I see a car with a personalized license plate: GODSGRL. I think, Oh, that’s cute. Followed by, But gee, GODSGRL, think you could drive a little faster? I go to pass and get a glimpse of the driver: a 65-ish-year-old man, hunched over, glasses. Hmm.

-Road construction. Never a fun thing. Unless…what should be an intense-looking piece of machinery is painted bubblegum pink! Even better, in the seat of said tutu-tinted crane is a macho man who could’ve starred in Rocky, complete with sleeveless shirt and moptop hair.

-Beaver. Crossing the road. Enough said.

-I’m on a walk with one of the coolest people I know! We’re chatting about the big stuff – you know, life and our futures and whether we should make popcorn when we get home. I’m having an emotional moment – uh, not about the popcorn, though hey, I do get really nostalgic for my childhood when I put M&Ms in my popcorn. But I’m waxing (whining) eloquent about whether I’m really doing the right thing with my life when we pass a church. My friend comes to a stop in the middle of the road, points…and on the marquee outside the church we read: “May you rest in the knowledge that you are exactly where God wants you.”

We smile. We laugh. We are amazed at the timeliness.

We scurry to the side of the road as a car zooms by.

Hmm, so, maybe standing in the middle of the road wasn’t exactly where God wanted us in that moment.

-Top sighting! (And really, much better than a photo would’ve been a video of this moment.) I’m sitting with my sister in Applebees. We’re giggling. ‘Cause that’s what we do. And at a booth right beside us, a waiter is wiping off the table when in my periphery I glimpse a head crash into a hanging lamp. Yes, the waiter has just head-butted the now-swinging overhead light fixture.

I try not to laugh.

I fail.

I think, Well, we were already laughing. Maybe he won’t know we’re laughing at him.

No, my sister tells me. He definitely knows.

We’re awful.

But at least we didn’t catch it on film. Sadly.

Things I did manage to photograph…

Okay, so my sister Nicole and I may have laughed hysterically at this handicap sign. Two funny things about the sign: a) the hugeness and thus, in Nicole’s words, meant for not only the handicapped but also the visually impaired, and b) the fact that it’s inside the door. I figure that can only be for one reason: to act as a blaring prompter of guilt to any non-handicapped who might frequent the stall.
Fact: Watermelon is one of my favorite foods in the world. Another fact: My sister’s culinary creativity rocks.
Cutest baby in the entire world – aka Oliver Reece – turns one year old tomorrow! Woohoo!! If you don’t know Ollie’s story, he’s a miracle baby and because I’m probably the proudest aunt this side of anywhere, I’ve written about him numerous times… including here and here and here, too. Ollie will have a cardiac cath in early July in preparation for hopefully his last open heart surgery later this summer.
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    Comments 3

    1. M-Tagg, I sure wish you’d had your camera to take a photo of that church sign. I hope it’s forever imprinted in your brain. If you ever need a reminder, call me. I’ll remind you.
      And I love that watermelon creature.
      Happy Birthday to Ollie!

    2. Haha, Jessica…yeah, really, I shouldn’t feel bad for laughing at the waiter ’cause I pretty much do stuff like that all the time. So, I’ve earned the right to laugh, haven’t I?

      Beth, you rock. I will definitely call you next time I need a reminder. And yeah, isn’t the watermelon monster cool?

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