True Love Internet Style.

I’m going to guess this couple did not meet on, ’cause if they did they’d be walking through a cornfield instead of along a beach. Photo credit: stock.xchng.

A few weeks ago, a coworker told me about a commercial his sons get a kick out of…which has pretty much convinced me I need to watch more TV. Because it’s killing me that I haven’t seen this commercial. What’s the commercial for?

A dating website specifically for farmers. Oh. My.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m an Iowa girl, so I have a natural love for farmers. I also have absolutely nothing against online dating. Aren’t Jane Austen’s romantic couples always writing letters to each other? Isn’t online dating just the modern version of that?

I’d just never stopped to think that farmers might need their own online dating platform. 

But now that I’m thinking about it, the mercenary side of me is pondering how much money there is to be made off other niche dating websites! Any matchmaking techies out there looking to make a buck? Well, here are a few ideas (complete with taglines) to get you started building dating websites for…

D.I.P–Date in Peace
A dating website for those who enjoy walks along the beach through the cemetery while conversing about embalming procedures and coffin trends. 

Beam me up, Cupid. (Please tell me you saw that one coming a mile away.)
Are you concerned with the welfare of the starship Enterprise crew? Can you interpret Klingon, and do you like tight-fitting uniforms? Then you’re sure to encounter love here. And possibly a space villain or two.

P90X Enthusiasts
Exercise your heart.
She thinks doing push-ups and planks and moves that use muscles most people don’t even know they have is actually…fun? So does he! Why not get strong together?

Write your own happy ending.
Move over, Mr. Darcy. This is a dating website for people who’d like a little real life romance to go along with their fictional ones. First date suggestions: the library, a peaceful park bench, or 

Tea drinkers
For the proper among us.
The modern world may cater to the coffee-obsessed, but lovers of oolong, pekoe or your regular Earl Grey, rest assured…there’s someone for you. And he’s probably British.

Flannel lovers
Warm more than your heart.
A dating website for those who keep flannel sheets on their bed in the summer…and lumberjacks.

What group do you think needs their own niche dating site? 

*Actually, I’m considering becoming a Trekkie. I’ve never seen a single Star Trek episode or movie but I’m a recent Benedict Cumberbatch fan. (Sherlock, anyone?) So I reeeally want to see him in the new Star Trek movie. But I fear I have a LOT of catching up to do first…

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    Comments 32

    1. “A dating website for those who keep flannel sheets on their bed in the summer…and lumberjacks.”

      If you’re gonna keep a lumberjack on your bed, why use the flannel sheets?


      NO ONE else thought of this???

    2. Love your creativity! Have to share something my son heard on Christian radio last week while talking about Christian dating sites. A caller was so upset that someone using the site had lied about themselves. The commentator, tongue in cheek, gasped in disbelief to think that someone would LIE on the internet. 🙂

      1. Bookworms might need more help than anybody considering they probably spend more time with books than people. So a dating site just for them is sorta perfect, don’t you think?

    3. Melissa, thanks for the Monday morning levity!

      Better copyright these ideas because you’ve raised the bar where creativity is concerned. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see some of these sites pop up now–there seems to be a niche for everything nowadays, no matter how odd, crazy, or ridiculous.

      1. Yes, of course I included flannel! There are certain items sure to make regular appearances here at Tag(g)lines regardless of the post’s actual topic: flannel, Coldplay, Diet Coke with Lime, Tim Tebow…

    4. You’ve done it again. I like the farmers-only ad, made me consider. How about Librarians only–those who inhale the heady aroma of old book pages and disappear into book caves together. I do have flannel sheet on my bed & am so glad–it’s -10 here right now.

    5. Bahaha!!! You are awesome. What about a site for those who like World of Warcraft or some other such obsessive game. In fact, all they’d have to do is arrange to meet within the game. They may never meet in person, but they’d fall in love with each other’s avatars…

      Wait, too creepy?

      (But then again, I’m sure it actually happens…)

    6. Seriously, you crack me up. I cannot wait to read your book b/c I have a sneaking suspicion it will be full of your humor!

      And I woulda totally said Bookies – but you’ve got it covered:)

    7. I had to read this one to my hubby when he asked me why I was laughing. 🙂 And I can totally see a farmer’s only dating site in Iowa – in Minnesota, too, for that matter! I can see some former FFA members logging on now. 🙂

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