Twenty-five Things.

Do you visit author Beth Vogt’s blog? If not, you should. 🙂 I bring it up because Beth gave me a great idea for today’s blog post. 

In Beth’s Friday post last week, she participated in the “25 Things” challenge I’ve seen around here and there, in which bloggers reveal 25 facts about themselves. She invited others to participate. She coupled it with a letter meme in which you’re assigned a letter…in her case, the letter T.

So, I’m going to take the challenge, only I’m putting a twist on it. Since I’ve participated in past memes and written about moi, I decided to switch things. So I’m going to list 25 Things I love…that start with the letter T. I know, such the rebellious rule-breaker am I. Here goes:

The Taggs! And a few Reeces. 🙂

1. Taggs. Yes, I love my family. And I love that our last name begins with “T” and thus, fits in this post.

2. Twizzlers. Mm.

3. Talking. When I feel like it, that is.

4. Tunes. Which is another way of saying music.

5. Theos. Which is the greek word for God. But I’m talking the God here, not any of the greek guys.

6. Travel. Oh yeah.

7. Tales. As in, stories. As in, yeah, I’m a writer.

8. To-do lists. I thrive on them.

One of my favoritest travel spots.

9. Turner classic movies…and other old movies. 🙂

10. Tablets. Both the old-fashioned kind (paper) and today’s (iPad).

11. Thank you. Two words I love to hear and want to get better at saying myself.

12. Tea. This is my lame attempt at getting caffeine on this list. But let’s face it, if not bound by the “T” restriction, coffee, Diet Coke with Lime and other caffeinated variations would make up a good chunk of this list.

13. Tic-tacs. Especially the white ones.

14. The Thunder. As in the NBA’s Oklahoma City Thunder. Okay, fine, I didn’t even realize they existed until this year. But their mascot is Rumble the Bison, so they’re automatically cool in my book.

15. Tuna. Smells like cat food, yes, but I love it anyway.

16. Trees. Christmas trees, that is.

17. Tomfoolery. Yeah, I just like the word.

Yes, I really do appreciate a
a good to-do list!
Source: stock.xchang

18. Tennis. Both the real thing and on the Wii. Plus, who doesn’t love Rafael Nadal’s hair?

19. Tacos. Mm.

20. Tact. It’s a good thing to possess.

21. Truth. With a capital “T.”

22. Taffy. Of the Laffy-sort.

23. Trails. ‘Cause I love to talk walks.

24. Tulips. After all, I lived up in Dutch country for a good seven years.

25. Tim Tebow. Please tell me you saw that one coming.

Your turn! What do you love that starts with the letter “T”?

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    Comments 31

      1. Hehe…brought to you by the Letter T and the number, um, I don’t know… 🙂 One of my best book buys ever was from the $1 table at B&N–all about the making of Sesame Street. It’s absolutely fascinating. There’s so much psychology behind it all–down to the clothes the puppets wear!

      1. Haha…I got to 25 and needed just one more item to list and then was like, DUH! How could I almost forget Tim?

        The Bible…now that’s a good one. And this thing would’ve been so much easier if I’d thought to start with “the”…

    1. Bahaha, it wouldn’t have been one of your posts without number 25! (Do you realize that if you guys got married, you wouldn’t have to change your initials? But I digress…)

      One thing I really, really love…telecommuting. Wish I could do it full time. 😉

      Love you!

      1. Yes, I have realized that. It’s one of the many perks. Haha!

        I wish I could telecommute!!!! Of course, I only live two miles from my office…but still…the idea of not having to deal with interruptions like phone calls is blissful. 🙂

        Love ya too.

        And…three and a half weeks from today we’ll be hanging out in person!!!!!

    2. Love learning little odds and ends about people! 🙂 I’m also a big fan of tea, taffy & thank you. This last one is especially important to me and even my two year olds are really good at saying it – except one says “cookey,” instead of thank you and we can’t figure out why… 🙂

      1. Hehe, yes, I was running out of T words. I don’t know why it was so hard. Yesterday I saw T words everywhere AFTER writing the post.

        I, also, love you in a non-threatning and stalkerish way. Hooray for getting to hang out at ACFW…soon!!!!

      1. Oh yes, me too. Can you imagine living in a time when traveling by horse and wagon was basically it…? We’d miss out on seeing so much!

        But then, I guess there is always lots to see wherever we are, if we open up our eyes to see it. Still…I don’t think I’ll ever be entirely cured of the travel bug. 🙂

    3. Oh, I love me my “Tagg,” too — and yes, I knew you loved Tim Tebow too! But Tic-Tacs — that was a new one. Turner Classic movies –right there with you. Can’t eat Twizzlers anymore, they are not gluten-free. So you can have all mine.
      And tomfoolery — looking forward to lots of that with you at ACFW!

      Thank you for that shout-out, by the way!

      1. You’re welcome for the shout-out and thank YOU for today’s blog topic. And thank you for choosing the letter T. Otherwise, Tim wouldn’t have made the list.

        Yay for ACFW tomfoolery!!!

    4. Nope. NEVER saw the Tim Tebow coming…really, you love him??;)

      I love Twizzlers, but Red Vines are better…oh, and Tuttles – not to be confused with Turtles or Puddles as we often are – and Toffee.

      1. Ahh, red vines! I looove Red Vines. Haven’t had them forever, but mmm…they’re so good in all their coat-my-teeth-ness. 🙂 Ooh, toffee, that would’ve been a good one. 🙂

    5. What fun – I wondered who was going to pick up the ball next. Great list, Melissa!

      T – Um, I love TALL people – because I’m short and always need someone to reach things for me. I also love truffles – of the layered and dipped chocolate variety, not the fungi.


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