Weekend Highlights

I spent the weekend in Wichita playing with my adorable nephew Ollie! He’s the coolest kid on the planet. Sooo…since Ollie is so much more amazing than anything I could possibly write, here are some of my favorite weekend moments! (Don’t know Ollie’s story? I wrote about him here and here and here. Oh, and here, too.)

What was the best part of your weekend?

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    Comments 25

    1. Ah, tooo cute, Mel! I love my nieces and nephews too. I have five and they are all stinkin’ adorable.

      My weekend was kind of crazy…not as relaxing as I thought it would be. But Friday night was a great time hanging out with a good friend whom I hadn’t seen in awhile. We tucked her kids into bed and then sat on the couch drinking Jamba Juice and chatting until her husband came home late. It was great. 🙂

      1. You know, I have to say, the Firestone people were pretty sweet. Turns out I had some wires that were burning through. It was just over the amount of mileage to not qualify for the warranty anymore, but they did the warranty anyway. I love nice people!

    2. I do love your new blog look, Mtagg–perfect.
      Favorite part of my weekend was having my 15-yr.-old granddtr. get on board in so many ways w/ 40 acre farm & home I’ll finish buying Fri. She’ll help choose perfect cat & dog, do some woodworking, gardening, prepare frozen dinners for me when I’m old–I was amazed and blessed at the list. I know you are a warm shining sun in Ollie’s sky.

    3. Ahhh! He made me smile this morning…what a precious nephew! I don’t know his whole story, so I’m going to have to check out those links. So sorry you’re stuck, BUT a good excuse for another hug and squeeze for Ollie! (and he is the cutest Ollie I’ve ever seen. ;-))

    4. You’ll never believe the best part of my weekend…getting my pottery room cleaned out and organized!! I wanted to sleep there Saturday night. lol. Now I just go out and visit it.

      But stretching my weekend ’til today, and your video would be the best part! I love Ollie! And really, you should’ve given him a balloon! He looked so disappointed when the bubbles burst.

    5. Thank you for more glimpses of precious, adorable Ollie.
      Brought a smile to my face.
      Best part of my weekend: Celebrating my son-in-love’s birthday. Getting together with family for any reason — always the best of times.

    6. Ollie is adorable!! You look like the proud Auntie!

      I actually worked all weekend. It was good, and I got a lot accomplished.

      Melissa, just wanted you to know that I tagged you on my blog today. No pressure.

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