What did we do before YouTube?

It’s Monday, which means all sorts of random around here. I briefly considered doing a recap of Saturday’s Republican debate, but considering I saw all of twelve minutes of the thing, I’m probably not your best pundit. I did have some pretty important thoughts after those twelve minutes, though:

-Kudos to Jon Huntsman for the pink tie.
-Mitt Romney deserves some kind of award for his ability to remain pleasant-faced through others’ comments.
-At least you can laugh at yourself, Rick Perry. The “I’m glad you remembered it” comment was well played.
-Newt, sometimes it’s okay just to answer the question without going into a lecture about how “this issue is so much bigger and more complicated than this.” It’s called a sound bite. Everybody’s doing it. (Again, I only watched twelve minutes. Perhaps he actually answered a question in other segments.)
-I know, Michele, I’m uncomfortable in heels, too.
-Rick Santorum looked ready to explode through most of the debate. Ron Paul, surprised. Something about the eyebrows.
-And Herman Cain…sorry buddy, hard to take anything you said seriously after seeing your commercial. When I can brush my teeth quicker than your smile at the end, um, it’s just…funny:

Note: The inclusion of the Herman Cain commercial is not an endorsement of anything other than the joy of YouTube.

Along those lines, here are my other video faves of the week:

-I told my kids I ate all their Halloween candy:

I would absolutely adopt those two boys at the end. Two plus two equals…five!

-Coldplay UK Tour ad:

Waaaahhh, why don’t I live in England?

-Dramatic lemur:

Did my sister, bro-in-law and I stay up til the wee hours of the morning watching dramatic animal videos this weekend? Oh yes. 
-And lastly but definitely not leastly, the cutest baby ever…Oliver!
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    Comments 6

    1. Isn’t it amazing how kids can turn on the tears so quickly??

      Adored Wheels on the Bus. My Little Darlings sang along with Amy, who has a beautiful voice, by the way. Ollie is precious.

    2. Oh, Lisa, that’s so cute that your kiddos sang along with Amy. Yes, Amy is an incredible singer. I have a feeling once Ollie can talk, he’ll be a singer too. He loves music so much!

    3. I was going to watch the rest of the debate, Jess, and actually try to have something intelligent to say about it, but I was pulled away by the cuteness of Ollie. Hehehe…from what little I was able to see, though, I was seriously the most impressed with Mitt Romney’s ability to keep a straight face! 🙂 And Huntsman’s pink tie…hehe…but I probably shouldn’t vote based on that, huh…

    4. OK … so yeah, I watched the whole “I ate your Halloween candy” shtick. And the ColdPlay tour. Waaay cool. And the Dramatic lemur? Laughed out loud.
      But Ollie . . . the best of the best of the best.

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