There’s been a fun trend in past years, especially around the blogosphere, of shirking New Year’s Resolutions in favor of “One Word” to focus on in the coming year. That’s cool. Many people pick a Bible verse to go along with their word and make special effort to grow in that area in their life. That kind of thing. I like it.
(Although, I was thinking about making “flannel” my word this year because I love it and because if I really did focus on it ALL year long I’d never stop being happy…but I can’t find any Bible verses to match it.)
I like the “One Word” thing, but I have to admit, as a writer, I still think there’s something to be said for resolutions—especially writing-related ones. Or, fine, maybe this just felt like an easy blog topic. So for my writing friends (or my non-writing friends who are nice enough to read this anyway), here are my…
Top 10 Writing Related Resolutions for 2014
1) When in the midst of a writing binge, I resolve to only allow myself extra cups of coffee/cans of pop for every 1,000 words. This will either greatly decrease my caffeine intake OR greatly increase my word count. Either of which is probably a good thing.
2) I will quit using the word “Synopsis” as a swear word.
3) When on deadline I WILL do my laundry rather than just buying new pairs of socks and other undergarments in an effort to avoid the laundry pile.
4) I will not read Amazon reviews. Okay, fine, I will only read Amazon reviews sparingly. Okay, fine, I will read Amazon reviews but I will make sure to have a supply of chocolate or other self-medicating sweetness within reach.
5) I will finally get my hair trimmed. Yeah, yeah, that has nothing to do with writing…but I had to include it here since I’m not making any other resolution lists. My split ends demanded it.
6) I will stop pretending ALL the time I spend on social media is “work.”
7) I will stop pretending ALL the time I spend watching movies, BBC shows and funny YouTube videos is “research.”
8) I will stop pretending ALL the time I spend staring out the window and thinking about things like naps and ice cream is “brainstorming.”
9) But in general, I will keep pretending. After all, writing fiction is kinda all about pretending. And I love it.
10) I will write. A lot. (A lot, a lot, a lot. More info on that front coming up!) And as I write, I will work hard to stay grateful even when it’s hard, to stay peaceful when deadlines creep up, to dive deep when I’m tempted to stay in shallow water.
Actually, that last part of that last one probably isn’t such a bad “in general” sort of resolution. Because to get a little Saran wrappy for a moment (i.e. transparent–not sure why I didn’t just say that in the first place), I tend to be pretty comfortable in shallow water.* I mean, I’m pretty happy giggling and talking books and movies and why it’s good that Anne didn’t say yes to Gilbert right away.
Spiritually, sometimes it’s a little too easy avoid the hard questions and a little too hard to actually trust God with the details.
Writing-wise…well, any writer knows surface level scribbling is tempting. But digging deeper takes a willingness to get emotionally tangled…with our characters and especially ourselves. And it means getting comfortable–or at least okay with–vulnerability.
Deeper. Yeah, I think if I was going to pick a word for 2014, that’d be it.
Funny thing is, as I’m typing this, I’m so tempted to go make a plan. A list. Resolutions, if you will, about how I’m going to go deeper. In relationships. In faith. In writing.
But last week I hung out with a friend from college**. I usually only see her about once a year.*** And sometimes I feel guilty when we do hang out because I rarely have a plan (other than pizza). I wouldn’t blame her for labeling me world’s worst hostess.
But we always, always end up going deep. We talk. For hours. There’s never a plan or a specific thing we meet to chat about. But it’s just natural to sort of verbally skate our way past easy catch-up small talk and into conversation that’s patterned with the grooves and nicks of life. The real stuff.
We never need a plan. We just need time.
And maybe that’s how going deeper happens. Not with lists or goals or plans.
But with simple willingness and a little time.
Do you make resolutions or pick a word for the year?
*Metaphorically speaking, that is. If I’m actually in water, I’d rather go all in and hide my pasty skin.
**Among other college adventures, this friend and I took a class together called something like Politics & Society of Sub-Saharan Africa. Honestly one of my favorite class experiences ever–partially ’cause the subject matter was actually super interesting and partially because of our prof and his sweaters and his obsession with the band Rush.
***If you’re reading this, Amanda Ytzen, let’s not wait a whole year this time. Also what do you think ever happened to Professor Young?
Comments 26
Love your resolutions. Going deeper is hard isn’t it? Both in writing and in person. But it usually yields good things when we do. BTW–I love the word Saran wrappy. (Ok, two words, but who’s counting?) And I’m so happy I’m not the only one who doesn’t have a word for my year! 🙂
Happy 2014, my friend! Praying good things for you in the coming days.
Haha, thanks for liking “Saran wrappy.” I feel like sometimes I say things in a more confusing way than I’d need to, but that one worked. 🙂
Happy 2014 to you, too. Hope it’s off to a fabulous start.
This made me laugh. Truth to it all. I love your word: Deeper. And speaking of pasty, when my light bulb went out in my lamp, I thought seriously about just putting on a pair of shorts to power up the dark living room.
I have done a one word for the last three years. Before that, I didn’t do anything really. lol But I do like to make goals/resolutions whatever you want to call them. I think they’ll revolve around that one word. Does that make sense? If we simply focus on one word but don’t plan anything for the new year, we’re just…thinkers. Right? I don’t know. My heat’s out, my kid’s sick and the coffee pot is low. It’s that kind of morning. LOL Here’s to a promising new year, though!! I need my flannel today!
HA to the shorts and lighting up a room with your legs. Go pasty girls.
And I like your thoughts. It’s true…the past couple years I picked out a word because that’s what everybody else did but I didn’t often think all that hard about it or do all that much with it. (Although, I have to say, in both cases, the word actually did end up being incredibly relevant to the year even if I didn’t put much planning into it on my part.)
And yes, I need flannel too. What I really want is to be tucked underneath flannel sheets right now. I’m tired. And cold. And sleepy. 🙂
You have the best sense of humor 🙂 I can’t wait to see all the good things God has in store for you this year. I love deeper… perfect.
Thanks, Lisa…hope there are wonderful things in store for you this year, as well.
Thanks for my good morning giggles, Melissa! 🙂
No, I don’t do resolutions. No, I don’t do “word” of the year. BUT I do make goals. And plans. 😉 Difference in semantics? Maybe.
What works for one might not for another. I love your mirth. Your sweet heart. Your tender, compassionate spirit. Thank you!
Looking forward to seeing where God takes you this year, friend!
You’re so right, Cynthia. Goals and plans work for one, resolutions for others, one word for others. I tend to dabble in all of them from time to time. 🙂
Thank you for so many kind words. You are such an encourager…hugs, friend!
Oh, you make me laugh. And by the way, how are you so brilliant?! 🙂
This year, my word is LEAN. My goal is to LEAN more on HIs understanding, not my own, and to LEAN into God when things get tough. I tend to (as you know) try to take everything on my shoulders and worry. Instead, I want my instinct to become leaning into Him.
Haha, I am not brilliant. Just silly. But oy, did I miss blogging. Seriously…I forgot how much I enjoyed this space.
Love your word, Linz. It’s a good one. I’m beyond thrilled about how amazingly your 2013 ended and can’t wait to see what happens in 2014.
Love your list, Melissa! And I love your word too. I went through a long period of time where I barely got my hair trimmed. So now I make the appointment when I pay–or I would be Chewbacca. (I’m sure I didn’t spell that correctly.)
I’m picturing you as Chewbacca now and laughing. I hope that’s okay. 🙂
I honestly don’t even remember for sure when my hair was last trimmed. It’s that bad. Or apparently I’m just that lazy. It just feels like one more thing to get done and I can’t bring myself to care enough…
I think I should read your blog because laughter is good medicine. Thank you for my laugh of the morning. I haven’t been able to distill down my goals into one word, but between you and Beth Vogt — I’m headed that way. My verse for this year is pretty clear, just because 2013 I became so busy I couldn’t focus. So here’s my verse — Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right, persevering and steadfast spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of my salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit. (Psalm 51:10 & 12). Hugs!
Glad the post gave you a much-needed laugh, Alena. Oh your 2013 got so rocky at the end, didn’t it. I hope your 2014 is off to a refreshing, renewing start. Hugs back… 🙂
Synopsis IS a swear word! No one is allowed to say that nasty word in this house! 🙂 I only use is sparingly, when absolutely necessary. Your post made me laugh and miss you all the more. I haven’t taken much time to think of resolutions, or words, but the very first thing that pops into my mind is “abide.” God has been teaching me how to abide in Jesus. He’s grafted us into the True Vine and He prunes us to bear much fruit for His kingdom. But in order to be healthy and bear much fruit, we must abide in Him, and He in us. I want that more than anything else.
Haha, glad I’m not the only one who considers “synopsis” a naughty word. I saw something on FB the other day that said something like “Seriously, writing a synopsis is harder than writing the whole book.” I have to agree.
Abide. That’s a great word.
Miss you too. Can’t wait for this summer!
So agree with you and Gabrielle about the swear word Synopsis. And thanks for lifting my heart, too. I do One Word – this year it’s strength, as in His strength and my verse is “As the day is so shall be your strength.” And for the life of me I can’t give you its address.
I also do goals. As in getting my 3rd book finished by May. Bhahaha At least by June 1st. Great post!
Strength…another good word. Your 2014 is going to rock, Pat. So excited to see your book hitting shelves. And I’m right there with on the book-finishing goal-setting. I have a May deadline too. And a July deadline. And a November deadline. EEK! 🙂
Your list had me chuckling, Melissa. You’re so witty!
I neither make a list nor choose a word. Resolutions often don’t last but a couple months (unless you’re super devoted to them), and the one word thing might limit what God can do in my life. What I do instead is try to live every day the way God calls me to. Sure, I fail at times. But those moments bring me closer to God and serve as learning curves. The main thing is I try to serve God in the ways He provides (like tutoring children or writing stories that will hopefully inspire a few people some day). If I had to make a resolution, I suppose it would be that I would purposefully choose to deepen my faith life. God is so vast and amazing that “deep” never seems deep enough. Well, this year I’m trying to go deeper, in the crazy I-can’t-do-this-without-God moments and the good I’m-feeling-confident ones. So, I guess my resolution and your one word are about the same. 🙂
Love your comments, Andrea. And you make a very good point…it’s easy to focus on words or goals or whatever at the start of the year. It’s a natural impulse to step back at this time of year, think about the past year and the year to come…but it’s in the everyday living that our resolve proves itself or not. And I love that you’re looking to go deeper, too.
Great resolutions and ideas, Melissa – and of course, you share it all with humor. 🙂
Love your idea of limiting treats (more motivation to read your goal, right!?) and your mentality for reading Amazon reviews. Ignore those “bad” reviews, girl. They don’t know what they’re saying. 😉
Thanks, Rissi! It’s amazing how one negative review can threaten to mentally outweigh thirty positive ones. But thankfully, I’m learning to shake it off.
Now why didn’t this show up in my inbox?
But see … I went looking for you, Melissa!
And I’m so glad I did! I smiled as I read this blog … because, my friend, I love your writing, whether you’re talking about how the word “synopsis” is a bad word or needing to get haircuts or writing. Or all of the above. And I love how you unify all of these things (and so much more) into a beautiful blog post about going deeper.
And I do words, not resolutions. 😉
Hmm, sorry it didn’t show up in your inbox. Don’t know what’s up with that. Silly website.
Thanks for coming looking, though, and for the nice comments. You know, you’re the first person I knew who told me about the “one word” thing. I love your words and how you put such thought and effort into them…all the quotes you share on FB throughout the year related to your word…such great stuff.
I never made resolutions, but really like sitting with God and asking where my focus for the year should be…then my One Word comes from there. I make some plans around it to help keep me focused, but otherwise just flow with it:)
Just flow with it. I like that. 🙂