Welcome Mat Wednesday: Casey Herringshaw

Happy Welcome Mat Wednesday! Today’s guest post is someone I’ve only met once…but who I feel like I totally know: Casey Herringshaw! 

Casey is not only a truly gifted writer (MBT Frasier Contest finalist!), but also a talented blogger…which is why I asked to her to write a guest post on New Year’s resolutions for bloggers. I highly recommend taking her tips to heart! So check out the video intro, enjoy Casey’s post and leave us a comment!

Tips to jump start a new year of blogging

With the new year upon us, it seems that time to make “resolutions” to do “better than last year”, but just how often do we actually stick to those resolutions? Only a few months—at the most. 

And when it comes to blogging, whether you are a writer/author trying to build a platform or just enjoy the act of sharing your thoughts on the web, I have a few hints at what can help you stick to a blogging “resolution”.

~Be realistic 

One of the best ways to build a blog audience is consistent posting. Be that every day, three days a week or three times a month, find a schedule that works and stick to it. Like anything you do, don’t go into it hard and fast. You’ll find burnt out an eager alternative. I have learned that I really enjoy blogging and I make the time to do that at least 5 days a week.

You might not have that kind of time or willingness. Try two to three times a week, but always be consistent on your posting. The reason? Readers will learn your patterns and start watching for your posts to arrive.

~Be who you are

What sets you apart from every other blog on the web is who you are—your “voice” on the screen. This isn’t hard. This is you! What do you love? For me, I love books, I love God and I love life. That’s my blog in a nutshell. Giveaways on Monday, Book reviews on Tuesday, Devotions on Wednesday, (usually) a break on Thursday, Life on Friday, Books again on Saturday! 😉

Play around, find out what you really love and share that with others. All blogs start slow, don’t be discouraged, word of mouth will spread. If what you are giving away (i.e. your time) is something people really connect with, you’re a blazing fire!

~Developing content

So how do you know if your content is drawing a crowd? First, don’t obsess. Be aware, yes, don’t be consumed. Be open to where God is directing you. Even if you only reach 25 people with the message God has placed on your heart, wouldn’t that be better than worthless content and reaching thousands?

When it comes down to blogging, it doesn’t take near the time or energy so often thought. What it DOES take and what it gives is what you put into it. In this New Year, with the resolution for a new blogging future, consider what YOU want to put into your pages, your posts. Then ENJOY!

In closing, I leave you with the Blogger’s Ten Commandments

1.      You shall hold no other blogs less or more important than your own.

2.      You shall not make blogging an idol to hold above your families’ needs.

3.      You shall not misuse the name of other bloggers.

4.      You shall allow yourself at least one blogging break a week.

5.      Honor those who have helped you on the blogging journey in the past and be ready to share in return.

6.      You shall not commit blog murder and allow your content to quickly (or slowly) cheapen.

7.      You shall not take for granted the time, energy and abilities God has given you in blogging.

8.      You shall not steal other blogger ideas without giving them proper credit or asking permission.

9.      You shall not lie against another of your bloggers. We are a strong and close knit community.

10. You shall not covet another blog’s: design, stats, follower or comment count, posting status or their ability to make blogging look effortless.

ENJOY your new year of blogging. It’s a journey fraught with the occasional challenges, but always filled with joy and passion and happiness and meeting the best of people. One word of warning: don’t become too addicted. 😉

Thanks so much, Casey! Readers, your turn to chime in! Are you a blogger? If so, which of Casey’s tips resonated with you? Any of your own “commandments” to add?

Casey Herringshaw is a homeschool graduate and has been writing since high school. She lives in rural Eastern Oregon in a town more densely populated with cows than people. Taking the words and stories God has placed on her heart and putting them on paper is one of her passions. Casey is a member of ACFW. You can connect with her through her personal blog, Writing for Christ and her writing related group blog, The Writer’s Alley

Follow her on Twitter: @C_Herringshaw
And on Facebook: Facebook.com/caseyherringshaw

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    Comments 31

    1. Tagg, another great intro. Hope you feel better soon, but I didn’t notice any crazy voice control. 🙂

      Casey, had I been at ACFW, I would have joined you on the chair…well not your chair but mine. LOL

      A great and wise post. I loved your 10 commandments for bloggers and I agree that our blogs should shine our voices and be all about the things we love. You and I love a lot of the same things!

      Happy Wednesday, ladies!

    2. Casey – I’ve seen you over at The Writer’s Alley, great to get to know you a little better. Love the 10 commandments, #2 is my biggest struggle in all things writing related. Working on that one this year!

      Melissa – feel better soon!

    3. Jess, are you going to be at ACFW this coming year? Because I’m pretty sure during the MBT Pizza Party there may possibly be additional opportunity to dance on your chair! 🙂 And I’m glad my voice didn’t sound too wacky – earlier in the week I sounded like a 12-year-old boy.

    4. Thanks, Susan, I’m feeling so much better today than I have! Aren’t Casey’s tips great?! I realized #7 was one I needed to take to heart. Quite often I bemoan my lack of time, but instead I should be grateful and excited for the time I do have!

    5. LOL, oh dear, Melissa what an intro! I agree with Jessica, you sounded great, hopefully feeling better to! Thank you for that kind video, it made my entire day right there. So wish we could have gotten to visit more with you!! Hopefully this year, right?? 😉

    6. JESSICA, hahaha! Wouldn’t that have been a sight. 😉 I’m short and I didn’t know the song, what else could I do?!?!

      When we blog about what we love and we do it in a way that is attractive online (way it’s written, etc) you’re going to find other bloggers/readers who feel the same. At least that’s the way it’s been for me. 🙂 Thanks for commenting today!!

    7. Melissa, that was supposed to be *I* not *we*. Need to learn to edit more and type slower. 😉

      SUSAN, thanks for stopping by from the Alley, good to know you a bit better too. Finding time to juggle writing, family, responsibilities and blogging IS hard, which is why it should always come last and learning your priorities and how often you can post will be a huge help. 🙂

    8. I like your 10 commandments–good stuff. I grew up in Vancouver, WA, did payroll at some forest fires in E. WA/Oregon, and the rest of my family all lives in greater Portland area. (I’m in Minnesota now.)
      Keep up the great work and we’ll see you among top Frasier and ACFW finakists and then all over the place in print!

    9. Dee, you have lived and traveled to so many places! And I believe you’re right that we’ll see Casey’s work finaling again and in print…I seriously LOVED her Frasier entry. Of course, at the time I didn’t know it was hers, but yeah, it was so, so good.

    10. Thanks, Pat! If you start a blog, I will most definitely be a regular reader. You’re so much fun in person, so I know you’d I’d love reading your blog too. Ooh, maybe you should test the waters by being a guest post-er here! Hmmm…. 🙂

    11. DEE, I have family in the Portland/Candy area as well as friends. It’s been a good place to grow up, Oregon. 😉 Oh thank you. We’ll see where the Lord leads, but until then I’ll just keep plugging away. :-))

    12. PAT, Melissa does do a great blog and I LOVE her videos. She had me hooked after the one at ACFW. 😉 She is so very warm and welcoming and being a Frasier winner?? My HERO! (no, I’m not kidding!)

      My fellow Alley Cat Sarah had some really, really awesome blogging tips today at the Alley. Here’s the link if you’re interested: http://thewritersalleys.blogspot.com/2012/01/how-to-be-better-blogger-part-1.html

      (don’t know how to hyperlink them in comments…)

      Blogging isn’t daunting, just make it fun and I bet you love it. 😉

    13. Melissa & Casey,
      How fun to learn more about Casey today — and I especially enjoyed her 10 commandments for bloggers!
      One I would add: Thou shalt not post a blog over 500 words. (300-500 words is the best length for a blog post.)

      And meeting you at ACFW, Casey, was one of the highlights of the conference!

    14. BETH, that is an excellent commandment and I agree. I don’t always stick to it, but I try my hardest! And truthfully the more you can say with the least amount of words is even better. 🙂

      I can whole-heartedly say the same thing, Beth! And it’s only made me more and more eager for the next time our paths cross. 🙂

    15. STACY, thanks for stopping by today! I have realized over and over again that when we touch a life for Christ, it just doesn’t change them, it changes us.

    16. Loved the 10 Commandment tips. Have to admit, I’m scared to really go for it and start blogging regularly (besides the MBTPonderers group blog!)

      Thanks for sharing, Casey.

      MTagg, you might have made me sick. I’ve had the sniffles all day!

    17. Casey, I’m going to have to check out that post at the Writer’s Alley! Thanks for liking the videos. 🙂 I have fun with them. The one for ACFW, oh dear, it sounded fun when we brainstormed it, but once it was actually playing, I felt sooo ridiculous. Glad it made people laugh! 🙂

    18. Stacy, so true – touching lives is a great reason to blog, whether it’s one life or thousands!

      Amy, I’m so sorry you’re feeling icky…praying those sniffles scram. Baby Lindberg needs a healthy mama. Like I told Pat, if you start a blog, I’ll be your first and frequent follower!

    19. Melissa, you are a hoot! Love your stuff.

      Casey, thanks for the blogging tips, most especially the “10 commandments”. I have to say, its one of the things I know I should do. After today, I’m one step closer!

      Alena T.

    20. ALENA, yes ma’am you are! Blogging is an incrediable journey and while we have “tips” and “rules” they are just that–RULES. And they can be broken. We only speak of what we have learned and hope you can avoid some of our mistakes. 😉

    21. Hi Melissa! I’m new here but thoroughly enjoyed this post and getting to know you and Casey better. I just started blogging last November and have enjoyed getting to know people even with as small a following as I have. All of these ideas were encouraging and made complete sense! Thanks for a good read.

      1. Yeah, thanks for stopping by, G! Ummm, this is the first time I’ve ever realized I can reply directly to someone’s comment. Did something change? Or have I just been that oblivious?! 🙂

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