Yay, I’m so excited to welcome novelist Katie Ganshert! I think I was first introduced to Katie through the blogosphere. The more I read her blog, the more I couldn’t wait to read her debut novel, Wildflowers from Winter. It’s. so. good!
So much so that I have a firm need to spread the book love. Which means…it’s contest time! Everybody who leaves a comment below will be entered into a drawing to win Katie’s book. I’ll preorder it on Amazon and have it sent to the winner when it releases next month.
But first, check out the slightly-gushing video intro and then enjoy Katie’s post on marketing. We’ve been chatting about marketing each Wednesday this month, and I feel like I’ve learned so much. I hope you have, too!
Marketing from a debut novelist’s perspective…
I’m not going to lie. Marketing scares me. Because a marketer, I am not (she says in her best impersonation of Yoda). But love it or hate it, it comes with the territory, especially if we want to get people buzzing about our books.
So, what have I been doing to get the word out about my debut novel?
Before I expound on the what’s, I think it’s important to address the how. As in, how do I get marketing ideas in the first place?
1. Brainstorm. It’s a powerful thing. I’ve been doing a lot of it ever since I signed my contract over a year ago.
2. Observe. Watch what other authors do and ask, “How can I adapt that to fit my book?” There’s no point in reinventing the wheel.
3. Team up. I joined forces with three authors who are also debuting in the month of May (Hi Beth, Dani, and Olivia!) and we’re always looking for ways to share the promotional load. One of the things we decided to do is a joint launch party on May 15th (more details to come). It’s going to be epic.
To pin down some specific what’s, I think it’s good to start with two questions:
- How can I connect with my readers in a more personal way?
This is what led me to the idea for welcome packets. A little packet of goodies I could send, along with a handwritten note, to every person who signs up. I have to tell you, I love putting these together! It feels personal. Like I’m making a real connection with someone. And I’ve received several heart-felt thank you’s.
If you’d like to sign up, you can go to my website, scroll down, and look left. I’d be happy to send you one!
- How can I use the theme of my book to pique interest?
Novels might not have clear-cut topics—like weight loss or parenting—but they do have themes. Can you use the theme to generate buzz?
The title of my book is intimately tied to its theme. It’s the whole idea that God can bring beautiful things from the barren seasons in our lives.
I came up with an idea that will (hopefully) get people talking about this theme, generate interest in my book, and bless readers. Triple score! I’m excited to share the idea on my blog next week. I’m hoping it will be a time of celebration for all of us!
Two departing tips:
- Don’t be afraid to get out there.
Try new things. Work hard. Don’t sweat it if some ideas flop. At least you tried!
- Work with your publisher.
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Katie’s book comes out next month. It’s a must-read! |
My in-house marketer and publicist are a dream come true. Seriously. They are doing things for my book that I couldn’t even hope to accomplish on my own. But that doesn’t mean I should twiddle my thumbs while they do all the work.
It’s important that we figure out what our publishing house is doing and then ask how we can add to the efforts.
My book hits shelves in a month and a half. (Holy cow, that makes me nervous!)
Will my efforts pay off? Will my book be a success?
I have no idea. But I do know that if it isn’t, it wasn’t for lack of trying.
Katie Ganshert was born and raised in the Midwest, where she writes stories about finding faith and falling in love. When she’s not busy plotting her next novel, she enjoys watching movies with her husband, playing make-believe with her wild-child of a son, and chatting with her girlfriends over bagels and coffee. She could talk books all day and is often spotted around town walking her dog, pushing a stroller, and reading—all at the same time. She and her husband are adopting from the Congo and her debut novel, Wildflowers from Winter, releases this May through Waterbrook Press. You can find her online at katieganshert.com. She blogs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Hey Readers, what say you? Will Katie’s efforts pay off? Will her book be a success? (I’m guessing we’ll all be in agreement on that!) Does it surprise you that authors also need to be marketers? What do you think of Katie’s ideas? Any fun marketing ideas of your own?
Don’t forget to leave a comment to enter the drawing for Katie’s novel! The contest closes next Tuesday at 5 p.m.
Comments 47
I think anything Katie does will be successful because she’s a praying, godly woman. She works hard, diligently, and she’s the kind of woman you just want to know. I’m also excited about her book and can’t wait for our book club to read it. Great ideas, Katie.
Tagg, I love your welcome mat intros. But you know this! Also, I love your new furniture. How many nights have you slept on that thing? 🙂
Ooh, I’ll look forward to reading your book club recap, Jess. I always enjoy those.
Hehe, I haven’t actually slept a full night on the new furniture, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t fallen asleep on it…multiple times…once over my lunch break… 🙂
I love Katie!!!! And I just KNOW that her novel will be a hit! The thing about Katie is she is smart, funny, personable, and soooo pretty! Readers will be drawn to her, just as they will be drawn to her writing. SHE is marketable. 😉
I loved that she said about marketing ideas flopping. If they do, then that is okay. Try something else. What a great attitude to have.
I’d love to get my hands on her book!
sherrinda (at) gmail (dot) com
I agree. Just by reading Katie’s blog and following her on FB/Twitter, it makes me feel like I know her. And I think that’s such a key to not just good marketing, but relationship-building with readers.
You’re in the drawing! Such a good book!!
Oh my goodness, Melissa! That is hilarious!!! We share the same mind. We must. Either that, or girls in Iowa have a penchant for writing about battled over farms with hot guys. 🙂
I love that intro. I’m so blessed to have so many amazing people like YOU who are helping me spread the word about my book. I’ve been incredibly humbled and wish there was a bigger way to say thank you, then just thank you. But alas, that is all I have. So thank you.
I know, I couldn’t stop giggling when I first started reading your book! Chicago…Iowa…farms…the property split…
But our stories are actually quite different and our spiritual journeys are different, too. I just absolutely love the way you SHOW emotions in the story. I’m often scared of writing emotion because I’m worried I either under- or overdo it.
And, thank you is good enough. 🙂 Oh, I’m going to do a review for Amazon, etc, soon…
Go Katie!! The book will be a hit, the launch party amazing and your efforts rewarded 🙂
Don’t include me in the draw, Melissa, I already have a copy of my own.
All right, Rel, you’re officially excluded. 🙂
And I so agree – her efforts absolutely will pay off!
Love, love, love! Both you and Katie. Your intro is so cute. 🙂
I’m so glad to see what others are doing so that if/when I get there, I have some sort of idea of what it takes to be a successful marketer of myself/my book.
And I already have a copy too, so you don’t need to include me. 🙂
Okey-dokey, you too are officially out of the drawing. 🙂 More chances for others!
I know…I think it’s awesome when people who have made great strides forward take the time to look “behind” them for those in different stages and offer tips and encouragement.
Okay,twist my arm, I’ll add the book to my TBR list…Hubby loves my book budget:) It’s all marketing research, right? Reading others’ books…and this one does sound great.
Nice to meet you Katie. Thanks for sharing your ideas, it’s so helpful to hear what other people do. And Melissa, as usual, you crack me up. Nice intro:)
Exactly – research! Hmm, does that mean I can deduct every novel I buy from my taxes?!
Glad you found Katie’s post helpful, Susan!
Nice to meet you too, Susan!
Katie rocks my world!
~ Wendy
Agree, Wendy! 🙂
Oh yeah, I definitely think this stuff is going to pay off for her!! I’m so impressed with her creativity: I’ve never even thought of doing packets or a joint launch party.
GO, Katie!!!
I have a feeling that will be one fun launch party!
I LOVED Katie’s book! Like seriously love. She might have written a story like Melissa’s, but she has written a story like I want to write. So Melissa, I think we’re both good to go there. 😉
Ooooh, an epic party! I want to join and help spread the buzz! Absolutely, get me in on the ground floor! I’m known to throw a pretty mean party. Online of course. 😉
LOL, love the intro, love the post! Just like I do the authors here. 🙂
Aww, thanks, Casey. Yes, I only know two of the authors involved in the party but if the other two are even half as fun, I;m guessing it’s going to be a total blast. 🙂
Filled with confetti. A good party has to have confetti. 😉
Great ideas – all of them! Thanks for sharing these, Katie.
Aren’t they, though? I feel like I’m learning so much!
Great post. Thanks for sharing the ideas. I’m marking this one for reference.
Me too, Loree!
I’m loving all these encouraging comments! You are a most gracious host, Melissa. 🙂
It’s so fun having you here, Katie!
Awesome post, ladies! And I loved your intro too, Melissa. How funny about the book idea. When I read Katie’s book, I thought maybe mine was similar because my heroine starts out in Chicago too, but the similarities end there. I say there’s always room for another hot farmer! 🙂
Oh, and I already have Katie’s book too, but if you want to include me in the drawing, maybe I’ll surprise a friend or family member with it if I win. Your choice, Melissa. I don’t want to take someone else’s spot either.
Oh hilarious, that you’ve got a Chicago girl, too!! And oh, I so agree…always room for more farmers.
I’d love to still include you in the drawing…giving it away is a great idea! You’re in!
Great post and Kate’s blog is a wonderful source of information and inspiration!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Donna!
YEAH Katie!!!! YOU are one of the ones *I* am watching closely in prep for my own debut release in the fall!! So… if I copy-cat… just think of it as you paved the way, HA HA!:-)
Can’t wait to read it! And Melissa… thanks for hosting! Enjoyed it! 🙂
Krista, I’ve read about your upcoming release at the Writer’s Alley, I think. Congrats!!
It’s been so much fun to watch Katie’s journey. She draws people like a magnet, and I have no doubt her readers are going to love her, every bit as much as they love her book. (So agree with the comment that you can’t have too many Hot Farmers!!)
Thanks, Melissa! The video is great. Good luck with your own story!!
(I’m 98% sure I’ve got this book on pre-order. I’ll go check and let you know if it’s not so you can add my name to the drawing. Thanks for that!!)
Sounds good, Patti. Like Sarah above, you could always still enter and then if you win, give the book away to a friend… 🙂
Hi, Katie:
You and Melissa, together! How fun is this. I love Melissa and I love you and now you’re hanging out at her blog . . . can you say love-this-idea?!
And, yeah, I think “epic” is a great word to describe our joint launch party. I’m thrilled to be a part of it.
And I love you, Beth. I’m soooo ridiculously excited for Wish You Were Here to come out. I think I’m going to tell everyone I know, I sat by her at the Storycrafters Retreat when she read a rough draft of her first scene. Maybe I’ll skip the part about being scared to death to read mine after hearing yours. I’m so going to your launch party.
Katie’s book is on my wishlist, I can’t wait to read it. I have no doubt your book will be successful. Our God is so faithful!
Amen – God IS faithful, Melissa!
I had the distinct HONOR of teaching with Katie in her previous life – I mean, profession. 🙂 She is an intelligent, kind, and amazing person. I cannot WAIT to read her novel; it will no doubt lead others to self-reflection and discovery in some way, with an appreciation for all of her hard work.
As for marketing, I am not a professional writer, so I have no idea what advice I could offer. Katie, I think you are doing a wonderful job of taking advantage of social media to remind people of your upcoming novel! (not to mention how fun it is to “follow” you!) I wish you all the best!
Oh cool, yes, I almost forgot Katie used to teach. How fun! Are you worried any real life teacher’s lounge incidents will make it into the book? (Okay, I have no idea what happens in teacher’s lounges…)
Thanks for stopping by, Darcie!
Darcie!! So much fun to see your name on here!! If you don’t win this one, I’m going to be doing LOTS of giveaways on my Facebook Page and my blog. I have 48 ARCs to give away, plus 50 final books coming my way in May! Holy buckets! It’s raining books. 🙂
I would LOVE to see you at my book signing at BAM in May!! Bring all the 5th grade teachers!
I would love, love, love to have a final copy of WILDFLOWERS FROM WINTER!!!
Melissa, I agree! I believe faith, laughter, and love are the perfect mix for a fabulous… LIFE!!
Here you go, for those who are itchin’ for a little more hint of this wonderful novel, Wildflowers from Winter by KATIE GANSHERT, http://www.lanehillhouse.blogspot.com/2012/03/best-of-2012-wildflowers-from-winter-by.html
The very best marketing so far? Those yummy eye-appealing, delightful finish on them, colorful informative bookmarks sent with the ARC! Wait until you see them! They are the best with Katie’s photo and bio, and… contact info; so great!!
So please count me in for the FINAL copy please!!! Double please!!
Yes, those bookmarks are so pretty!! You’re in the contest. 🙂
Katie’s book sounds great, please enter me in the drawing! Melissa, I’m also a Melissa 🙂 and I will hopefully meet you at some point, I was at MBT Deep Thinker’s this year and I’ve seen you on some of the MBT video chats. Is Katie an MBT writer also? Hope to meet you both at some point. I don’t have any advice, since I’m really new to this, but I appreciate the info shared in the blogpost. Thanks guys 🙂
All righty, you’re in the drawing, Melissa.
Oh, I sooo wanted to be at the MBT Deep Thinkers Retreat. It just didn’t work out this year, but I’ve got my fingers cross for next year. I LOVE MBT. I actually don’t know if Katie has done any MBT stuff, but I can tell you this, she’s a fabulous writer!
Hope to get to meet you sometime. Any chance you’ll be at the ACFW conference?
I loved Katie’s book. Her characters captivated me from the start, and I raced through the read. I have a hunch readers are going to devour this book and be eager for her second.
Please don’t enter me in the drawing. I’ve already won TWO copies of Wildflowers from Winter and want to share the wealth. =)
Okay, Keli, I’ll leave you out of the contest. 🙂 I loved the characters, too. Can’t wait to read more about Robin in the next one!